inspired by the true story of first generation Japanese-American Gordon Hirabayashi, a college student during WWII. Agonizing over the forcible removal of all people of Japanese ancestry on the West Coast. Gordon journeys toward a greater understanding of America’s triumphs—and a confrontation with its failures. In May of 2012, Gordon Hirabayashi was awarded the Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian honor, posthumously by President Obama.
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inspired by the true story of first generation Japanese-American Gordon Hirabayashi, a college student during WWII. Agonizing over the forcible removal of all people of Japanese ancestry on the West Coast. Gordon journeys toward a greater understanding of America’s triumphs—and a confrontation with its failures. In May of 2012, Gordon Hirabayashi was awarded the Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian honor, posthumously by President Obama.