Due to the Overwhelming Student Demand
Strengthen the Legal Diversity Pipeline
by Sponsoring a PALS Mentee
The PALS Mentoring Program
Matches diverse law students with practicing attorneys,
who serve as professional development resources,
and has done so for more than 25 years.
Attorney Mentors Make an Impact
● Join a community of diversity champion attorneys mentoring the next wave of leaders of color in the legal profession.
● Be rewarded with your gift of sharing your time and talents with unparalleled networking opportunities.
● Positively guide a mentee’s career path, course selection and the road to success!
Become a Mentor Today!
Commit 2-4 hours per month
to a designated PALS Mentee.
Signup today at: www.palsprogram.org/mentor
Attorneys Who Have Previously Created a Profile on the PALS Website:
1. Email [email protected] to indicate that you would like to be considered for participation in the mentoring program as a “mentor”.
2. Utilize Email Subject: “PALS 2011-2012 Mentor”
3. PALS will respond to your email within 7 business days, indicating a completed mentor profile status.
4. Please log-in Here to update your profile today!
Attorneys who have NOT Created an Attorney Profile on the PALS Website:
1. Visit www.palsprogram.org/mentor and fill in all requested information on the online form.
2. PALS will respond to your email within 7 business days, indicating a completed mentor profile status.
Current Mentors:
We thank you for your willingness to volunteer as a mentor in the past. If you would like an additional PALS Mentee, or if you have lost touch with your PALS Mentee and are interested in being assigned a new PALS Mentee, please update your profile and let us know via email at [email protected].
PALS Mentoring Manual and sign a Participation Agreement with their mentor.