AABANY’s Membership Committee Hosts a Lobster Boat Cruise at Sunset

On Thursday, June 27th, the Asian American Bar Association of New York’s Membership Committee hosted a Lobster Boat Night.

Attendees exchanged their legal briefs for lobster bibs as the cruise set sail with a perfect blend of cool breezes and clear skies. As the Manhattan skyline stretched out before everyone, the Statue of Liberty came into view and provided a majestic scene for the attendees to snap tons of photos.

With the sun setting and the city lights twinkling in the distance, everyone enjoyed cool summer drinks and indulged in delicious lobster rolls. Attendees shared stories, cracked jokes, had a blast, and made memories that will outlast the lobster season!

To find out more about the Membership Committee, please click here.

AABANY Corporate Law Committee Hosts Meet & Greet

On Thursday, June 13, 2024, the Corporate Law Committee (CLC) hosted a Meet & Greet via Zoom. The Meet and Greet was led by Co-Chairs Tracy Feng, Alice Hsu, Keli Huang, and John Hwang, and was an opportunity for committee members to meet the leadership team.

After the Co-Chairs introduced themselves, they completed a brief recap of various events CLC had hosted in the past year, including a Winter Soiree and a Happy Hour at Maru. Attendees were then asked to introduce themselves as well as share any suggestions for events they would like to see CLC host this year. Many attendees expressed their interest in networking events, especially with senior associates. Other ideas included professional and personal development programs, collaborations with other committees where corporate law may intersect, as well as events about artificial intelligence and what it means to be a good corporate lawyer.

The CLC Co-Chairs wrapped up the meet and greet by giving attendees a sneak peek of some potential upcoming events, including the Fall Conference, a spa day, and career development panels, with a goal of hosting at least one event per quarter.

Thank you to those who attended the CLC Meet and Greet event. To learn more about CLC, please click here.