AABANY Hosts 2024 Annual Dinner at Cipriani Wall Street to Celebrate our 35th Anniversary

On Wednesday, May 22, 2024, AABANY hosted its 2024 Annual Dinner with the theme “Building a Strong Foundation for a Brighter Future” at Cipriani Wall Street. Celebrating the 35th Anniversary of AABANY, the event was hosted again during Asian American Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Month with over 700 attorneys, judges, prosecutors, in-house counsel, government officials, and dignitaries who came out to celebrate with us at the Annual Dinner.

The event began with an invite-only General Counsel Reception which was attended by 40 General Counsels and numerous sponsor guests. We thank our General Counsel Reception sponsor, Groombridge, Wu, Baughman & Stone for helping us start off the night strong! To see the full list of General Counsels who accepted AABANY’s invitation, please click here.

The General Counsel Reception occurred simultaneously with a Cocktail Reception in the West Ballroom where numerous guests mingled, caught up with each other, made new connections, and took photos at the step-and-repeat.

After the Cocktail Reception, the dinner and program began with CeFaan Kim as the night’s excellent host and charismatic Master of Ceremonies. First course was already plated as CeFaan kicked off the program. He invited to the stage Karen Kim, Immediate Past President, to deliver her remarks as the outgoing President. She was followed by our first honoree, Iris Lan, Esq., recipient of AABANY’s Public Service Award.

Iris began her speech by praising AABANY for its work in preventing AAPI Hate, as well as its support for the AAPI legal community. To close out, Iris told a story attributed to United States Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson. The story was centered around three stone basins: “Each stone basin represents a judge or a lawyer,” Iris stated. “Some see their work as merely a way to earn a living. Others perhaps view their work as applying legal precedent molding their decision.” Iris then described the third stone basin as one that builds a “cathedral,” representing the building of a path for others to walk through. She thanked AABANY, as an embodiment of this third basin, for “building the cathedral of the future.”

After Iris received her reward, a short video was shown, celebrating 35 years of AABANY. It discussed the birth of AABANY as an organization established to support the community of AAPI legal professionals and the wider AAPI community. It then chronicled AABANY’s growth from a small group that would host social events to an organization with a wide-reaching mission and membership. It also delved into how AABANY contended with the COVID-19 pandemic and the uptick in anti-Asian hate, and the birth of the anti-Asian Violence Task Force. 

Following the 35th anniversary video, White & Case LLP was presented with the Law Firm Diversity Award for its dedication to improving diversity, equity, and inclusion in the legal field. Sylvia Chin accepted the award on behalf of the firm. Congratulations to White & Case on this well-deserved honor. To read more about the award, read the press release here.

After a brief time for guests to continue networking, AABANY was proud to honor the Honorable Denny Chin, United States Circuit Judge, United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, with AABANY’s Impact Leadership Award

Judge Chin delivered a powerful speech on the importance of resilience and highlighted some of his most memorable career moments, such as sentencing Bernie Madoff in 2009.   

In addition, we presented the 2024 class of Don H. Liu Scholars: Felicia Hou, Grace Koh and Yangji Sherpa. Read more about the program here. Before this year’s class of DHL Scholars was presented, a short film celebrated the tenth anniversary of this program and its many accomplished and worthy recipients.

The dinner ended with a short trailer for the documentary, Voices Against Anti-Asian Hate, produced by the AABANY Anti-Asian Violence Task Force. The film featured numerous victims and survivors of anti-Asian hate, including Justin Go, father of Michelle Go, who spoke eloquently about her murder in January 2022. After the trailer played, CeFaan Kim stated, “Do not be afraid, and make sure you are heard.”

Next, AABANY President Joseph Eng made closing remarks, celebrating community leaders, former presidents of AABANY, and founders in attendance, as well as discussing the “next 35 years” of AABANY, expressing the hope that the paths those leaders and founders had forged would become familiar ones for success. He envisioned a future where “exceptional is the norm,” where AAPI voices are strong and heard throughout the legal community and beyond, and where young AAPIs are encouraged and inspired to enter the profession. He finished by again congratulating the night’s award winners, thanking the sponsors, and finally thanking his wife, Alejandra. 

After the dinner, attendees who wished to extend the celebration went up to the Mezzanine for the afterparty, which continued until midnight.

We thank the AABANY 2024 Annual Dinner Planning Committee and volunteers for their hours of hard work to organize this annual dinner and making it a celebration to remember. Thank you to AABANY 2024 President Joseph Eng for his leadership of the 2024 Annual Dinner Planning Committee.

We gratefully acknowledge all our sponsors whose generous contributions allow us to continue our work of supporting the AANHPI legal community and the AANHPI community as a whole. Thank you to our top sponsors: 

Lastly, we thank everyone who attended the 2024 Annual Dinner for making our 35th anniversary so special and memorable. You can view the photo albums and videos from the 2024 Annual Dinner here

Please save the date for the 2025 Annual Dinner taking place on May 29, 2025. 

NAPABA Releases Statement in Response to the Death of Victoria Lee in Fort Lee, NJ

WASHINGTON – The Korean American Lawyers Association of Greater New York (KALAGNY), the Asian Pacific American Lawyers Association of New Jersey (APALA-NJ), the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA), the Asian American Bar Association of New York (AABANY), and the Filipino American Lawyers Association of New York (FALA-NY) are anguished at the tragic death of Victoria Lee during an encounter with police officers in Fort Lee, New Jersey, on July 28, 2024. We stand in solidarity with the Korean American community in the Fort Lee area, and we extend our heartfelt condolences to Victoria Lee’s family and loved ones.

Members of the Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander communities are not immune to the challenges caused by mental health crises, which may be exacerbated by cultural and language barriers. Ms. Lee’s death underscores the pressing need for greater mental health awareness and services. 

We strongly encourage the Attorney General of New Jersey to provide candid and timely information, including in language for the local community, as the investigation unfolds. We further call on the Fort Lee Police Department, the Bergen County Prosecutor, and local leaders to engage in meaningful dialogue with the Korean American community in order to ensure that similar tragedies are not repeated. 

뉴욕한인 변호사 협회(KALAGNY), 뉴저지 동양인 변호사 협회(APALA-NJ), 전미 동양인 변호사협회(NAPABA), 뉴욕 동양인 변호 사 협회(AABANY), 그리고 뉴욕 필리핀 변호사협회(FALA-NY)2024728일 뉴저지 포트리에서 출동한 경찰과의 대치 끝에 비극적인 죽음에 이른 빅토리아 리(26) 씨 사건에 대하여 비통한 마음을 금치 못하고 있습니다. 저희 협회들은(KALAGNY, APALA-NJ, NAPABA, AABANY, FALA-NY) 포트리 지역의 한인 커뮤니티와의 연대를 표명하며, 빅토리아 리씨의 가족과 친지에 게 깊은 애도를 표합니다

모든 동양계 미국인들은 정신건강에서 초래한 문제로부터 자유롭지 않으며, 이러한 문제는 문화 및 언어 장벽에 의하여 악화될수 있습니 다. 빅토리아 리씨의 죽음은 정신건강에 대한 인식 개선과 서비스 기회가 절실히 필요하다는 것을 분명히 보여주는 사건입니다

저희는(KALAGNY, APALA-NJ, NAPABA, AABANY, FALA-NY) 이번 사건에 대하여 뉴저지 검찰청이 수사진행 과정을 빠짐없이 신속하게 제공하도록 하며, 정보 제공 시 해당 지역사회의 언어로 번역된 정보를 포함하여 제공하도록 뉴저지 법무장관 에게 강력히 촉 구 합니다. 저희는 아울러 포트리 경찰, 버겐카운티 검찰 그리고 지역 리더들이 한인 커뮤니티와의 의미 있는 대화를 통해 이와 같은 비극 이 다시는 반복되지 않도록 보장하는 노력을 해줄 것을 요청하는 바입니다

The National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA) represents the interests of over 80,000 Asian Pacific American (APA) legal professionals and nearly 90 national, state, and local APA bar associations. NAPABA is a leader in addressing civil rights issues confronting Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander communities. Through its national network, NAPABA provides a strong voice for increased diversity of the federal and state judiciaries, advocates for equal opportunity in the workplace, works to eliminate hate crimes and anti-immigrant sentiment, and promotes the professional development of people of all backgrounds in the legal profession. 

The Korean American Lawyers Association of Greater New York (KALAGNY) is a professional membership organization of attorneys and law students engaged with the issues affecting the Korean American community in Greater New York, which include New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. Incorporated in 1986, KALAGNY seeks to encourage the professional growth of its members as well as provide legal support for the Korean American community. To achieve these goals, KALAGNY provides its members with training and resources useful for professional advancement; expands access to legal services and education in greater New York’s Korean American communities; identifies opportunities for its members to serve the communities in which provides a forum for the expression and exchange of opinions concerning social, political, economic, legal and other issues of concern to our members. KALAGNY is an affiliate of the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (“NAPABA”). 

The Asian Pacific American Lawyers Association of New Jersey (APALA- NJ) was founded in 1985 and is the largest specialty bar association that collectively represents the interests of Asian and Pacific American lawyers in the State of New Jersey. APALA-NJ focuses on ensuring greater representation of Asian and Pacific American attorneys in various sectors of the legal profession. 

The Asian American Bar Association of New York is a not-for-profit 501(c)(6) professional membership organization of attorneys concerned with issues affecting the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community. Incorporated in 1989, AABANY seeks not only to encourage the professional growth of its members but also to advocate for the AAPI community as a whole. AABANY is a New York regional affiliate of the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA). 

The Filipino American Lawyers Association of New York (FALA-NY) promotes the professional development, interests, and success of Filipino-American legal professionals in the Metro New York area. FALA-NY also endeavors to foster connections between Filipino-American legal professionals and the broader Filipino community. Members of FALA-NY’s Board affiliated with the state and federal court system in New York and New Jersey have abstained from FALA-NY’s endorsement of this statement.