Observing Justice: AABANY and KALAGNY Organize Court-Watching for the Sentencing of Christina Yuna Lee’s Killer

“An attack against one Asian-American is an attack against all of us” – Gene Kang, Immediate Past President of Korean American Lawyers Association of Greater New York

On Tuesday, July 30, 2024, the Asian American Bar Association of New York (AABANY) and the Korean American Lawyers Association of New York (KALAGNY) organized and led a court-watching event at the New York Supreme Court. The event was held to support Christina’s family at the sentencing of Assamad Nash, who pleaded guilty to one count each of Murder in the Second Degree and Burglary in the First Degree as a Sexually Motivated Felony. Nash was sentenced by Hon. Laura A. Ward to 30 years to life in prison for the brutal murder of Christina Yuna Lee.

Sungkon Lee, Christina Yuna Lee’s Father

Christina Yuna Lee’s life was tragically cut short on February 13, 2022, when Nash broke into her apartment and stabbed her more than 40 times. On June 18, 2024, Nash pleaded guilty. His sentencing on July 30, over two years since the tragedy, marks a step toward justice for her family.

On the morning of the sentencing at approximately 9:30 AM, a crowd gathered in the hallway outside the courtroom, unified in purpose and voice. Among them were members of the Asian American community, standing in solidarity to seek justice for Christina Yuna Lee. Organizations such as Stand with Asian Americans, the Korean American Family Service Center, and the Committee of 100 were among the many groups present. Reporters and journalists waited outside the courtroom for the arrival of Lee’s father, Sungkon Lee, and her aunt, Boksun Lee, who were accompanied by their attorney, Charles Yoon, and friends.

Inside the courtroom, the audience awaited the arrival of Assamad Nash. When he was brought in, Ms. Lee shed a few tears upon seeing the man who had murdered her niece. Christina’s father, Sungkon Lee, and her aunt, Boksun Lee, took the stand first with their victim impact statements. 

Sungkon Lee’s voice trembled with emotion as he spoke about his daughter’s vibrant spirit and the immense void her death had left in their lives. He painted a picture of a loving daughter whose dreams and potential were cruelly cut short, urging the court to impose the maximum sentence for the senseless act. 

Boksun Lee spoke in Korean, with her words translated for the court. Her speech was a heartfelt plea for justice, highlighting the deep familial bonds they shared and how Christina was like a daughter to her. She explained that Christina’s mother was unable to attend because it was too difficult for her to face her daughter’s murderer. Boksun shared that Christina’s mother still struggles to eat, demonstrating that even after two years, they continue to contend with the ​​trauma and pain. 

The bravery of the father and aunt in standing before the judge, sharing their thoughts, and facing Mr. Nash left the audience saddened and teary-eyed listening to the emotional details they recounted.

After their statements, Manhattan Assistant District Attorney Dafna Yorna addressed the Court to read an excerpt from a letter jointly submitted by the Korean American Lawyers Association of Greater New York (KALAGNY) and the Asian American Bar Association of New York (AABANY). She read out this part of the letter:

Ms. Lee’s violent death deeply shocked New York City’s AAPI community, which has been suffering from numerous attacks, especially since the pandemic. A sentence of 30 years to life is just and commensurate with the brutal and senseless nature of Defendant’s crime, which caused Ms. Lee to suffer while he attempted to sexually assault her and repeatedly stabbed her with a kitchen knife until she died. Additionally, the sentence is necessary to send a message that leniency will not be shown to perpetrators of these types of violent crimes against Asian Americans, which would help deter this type of conduct in the future. Sentencing the Defendant to 30 years to life would not only ensure that he remains off the streets of our city, where many Asian Americans in recent years often fear for their safety, but it would also help the healing process for Ms. Lee’s family as well as the AAPI community, which is still struggling to recover from the surge in hate crimes in New York.

Justice Ward then directed her attention to Mr. Lee and addressed the courtroom, stating, “No parent should have to bury their child.” The courtroom was silent, as everyone collectively reflected on the senselessness of the crime and the profound impact it had on the family and the community. When asked if he had any final words, Mr. Nash remained silent.

Following the sentencing, a press conference was held at Collect Pond Park, across the street from the courthouse, led by Charles Yoon, attorney for the Lee family. Sungkon Lee addressed the crowd, focusing on two systemic issues that contributed to the tragedy: New York State bail reform and inadequate police response. Mr. Lee highlighted how New York State’s bail reform laws allowed Nash to be free at the time of the murder. He argued that these laws failed to protect innocent citizens and demanded accountability from elected officials and law enforcement. Prior to the murder, Nash had been charged with the illegal sale of a subway fare, escaping from the police after being caught damaging MetroCard machines, and punching a commuter in the face. During his arraignment for those charges, Nash was freed without having to post bail. Mr. Lee also criticized the police response, which took over an hour and twenty minutes to enter the apartment, even though they had arrived on the scene within a few minutes. The family announced their lawsuit against the city and urged the Mayor to name a homeless shelter in Christina’s honor as a preventative measure and a tribute to her memory. Lee’s words were a powerful call for reform and accountability, highlighting the need for systemic change to prevent similar tragedies.

Several community leaders spoke at the press conference, expressing their support for the Lee family and their commitment to advocating for justice.

Kwang Suk Kim, president of the Korean American Association of Greater New York (KAAGNY)

Kwang Suk Kim, president of the Korean American Association of Greater New York (KAAGNY), delivered a brief yet impactful message. He emphasized the importance of commemorating Christina’s life through public facilities, ensuring her legacy would serve as a reminder of the community’s strength and resilience. He pledged KAAGNY’s support for initiatives that would honor Christina’s memory and promote community safety.

Elaine Chiu, Professor of Law at St. John’s University and past Chair of AABANY’s Anti-Asian Violence Task Force

Elaine Chiu, a Professor of Law at St. John’s University and past Chair of AABANY’s Anti-Asian Violence Task Force, spoke next, on behalf of AABANY. She highlighted the significance of Christina’s murder as a focal point in the ongoing crisis of anti-Asian hate and violence. “Even though this case was not charged as a hate crime, the truth was that yet another Asian New Yorker died a gruesome and violent death, one that she had done nothing to provoke, nothing at all,” she stated. Chiu added, “Many of our friends and family, our elderly relatives, our neighbors were afraid, deeply afraid, and for more than a year, many of us had stopped going out, stopped going out at night, stopped taking the subways and other public transportation, stopped speaking their first languages out in public, and making eye contact with strangers, out of fear.” Chiu emphasized that the community must remain vigilant, participate actively, and speak out and stand up for justice. She highlighted the importance of using the rule of law to combat hate crimes and ensure justice for victims. Chiu also cited AABANY’s court-watching initiative as a way to support victims and their families by bearing witness in the courtroom and demanding accountability.

Lawrence Han, president of KALAGNY

Following Chiu’s address, Lawrence Han, president of KALAGNY, offered prayers and thoughts to Christina Yuna Lee’s friends and family, stating that the sentencing, though a small measure of justice, served as a stark reminder of the commitment to stand against hate and advocate for safety. He urged the community to work together to overcome hate and violence, emphasizing the need for solidarity and vigilance.

Gene Kang, the immediate past president of KALAGNY

Lastly, Gene Kang, the immediate past president of KALAGNY, delivered remarks emphasizing the importance of sending a strong message that violence against the Asian community will not be tolerated. He called on prosecutors, including Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s office, and law enforcement to “remain vigilant and zealously prosecute crimes against Asian Americans.” Kang also urged elected officials to reconsider plans for additional homeless shelters in predominantly Asian areas to prevent similar tragedies. He concluded his remarks by stating, “An attack against one Asian American is an attack against all of us.”

The court-watching event also prompted personal reflections from attendees who were moved by the proceedings and the sense of community solidarity. Emily Kam, an AABANY intern, shared her thoughts: “I felt sick, without direction or purpose. It seemed as though we would never be able to fully prevent sick acts such as these from happening. But I found comfort in Mr. Lee’s words as he spoke at the press conference. To preserve her memory, Mr. Lee discussed his wishes to establish a homeless shelter in Christina Yuna Lee’s name. A spur of hope persevered within me, despite the circumstances. To watch how strong this family was in the face of such adversity, to watch how they were already thinking of the future and its promises was inspiring to watch.”

Rita Zheng, another attendee and AABANY intern, echoed a similar sentiment. She shared: “Although I could not see [the face of Christina’s father Sungkon Lee] from where I was sitting, his sobs between words were audible throughout the courtroom. Every attendee gave him their full attention as he described the anguish he felt due to his daughter’s passing, stating that his family will ‘continue to live in unbearable pain.’ [Boksun Lee, Christina’s aunt] … stated that the sentencing of this case did not matter to her, as all she wants is to have Christina back and sincerely hopes that this never happens to anybody else in the community. I agree with this sentiment – the crime had already been committed and while it is important that justice is served and leniency is not shown, what is more important is that this never happens again. As the prosecutor had stated, no parent should go through the heartbreak that is burying their own child. No one’s life should be taken abruptly from them.”

As the press conference concluded, attendees felt renewed hope and determination. The tragic loss of Christina Yuna Lee reminds us of the need for change and has inspired community leaders, legal professionals, and activists to collaborate to prevent future violence. The Asian American community in New York City is dedicated to transforming this tragedy into a catalyst for promoting safety, unity, and justice for all. The words spoken during the court hearing and press conference serve as a reminder that the fight against hate and violence goes on. The community remains vigilant in advocating for justice and ensuring that Christina’s legacy lives on through safer communities. Because an attack against one Asian American is an attack against all, the community must stand united in its commitment to justice and equity.

AABANY thanks the many organizations, leaders, and individuals who supported the Lee family during this culmination of a long ordeal. Our solidarity sends a strong message that violence and hate will not be tolerated. Through collective action, advocacy, and remembrance, we honor Christina Yuna Lee’s memory and strive for a just and equitable future.

If you need help navigating the courts and legal system as a victim of anti-Asian hate, please reach out to AABANY’s HEART (Hate Eradication Active Response Team) and the Anti-Asian Violence Task Force (AAVTF). We’re here to help, support, and advocate. These efforts are vital in preventing future tragedies. As the community moves forward, it does so with renewed determination to create a world where everyone can live without fear.

Special thanks to Elaine Chiu for organizing this court-watching event.

Written by Daphne Mei, Program Manager, AABANY Anti-Asian Violence Task Force

Thank You to Our Volunteers at the August 21st Pro Bono Clinic in Manhattan

Thank you to AABANY volunteers, attorneys, interpreters, and law students who came to help AABANY’s Pro Bono Clinic in Manhattan. Our volunteers spent the night meeting with 14 clients on issues ranging from housing, divorce, immigration, and criminal law. 

The clinic saw some returning clients as well as new ones. Each client was assigned to an attorney who diligently advised them on their legal issues. Law students who had the opportunity to shadow the attorneys took notes, while interpreters that spoke Cantonese and Mandarin helped overcome any language barriers between the client and attorney. Many clients left feeling satisfied and confident on what to do next with their cases. Clients also took away additional AABANY information and resources they could use if needed.

Thank you again to everyone, including volunteer attorneys: 

  • Beatrice Leong
  • Chenyi Wang
  • Collin Li
  • Jieman Tan
  • Justin Lee
  • Kwok Kei Ng
  • Meghan Liu
  • Nicholas Loh

Thank you also to our non-attorney volunteers:

  • Alexandra Lao
  • Alice Biagini
  • Chia-Jung (Colette) Chang
  • Emily Kam
  • Junjie Wang
  • Willis Huynh
  • Xing Yang
  • Yi Liu

If you would like to participate in future Pro Bono clinics to help serve the community, please join us at these upcoming events:

Manhattan Pro Bono Clinic on September 18, 2024 at AAFE Community Center, 111 Norfolk St New York, New York 10002. Sign up here – https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeFnSP5eXseWRky_LJe1sXraQJHeJ0-xbUC6BOn3EpPNzf5Sg/viewform

Queens Pro Bono Clinic on October 2, 2024 at AAFE One Flushing Community Center, 133-29 41st Ave, 2nd Floor, Flushing, NY 11355. Sign up here – https://forms.gle/5PjG8A73EE1XENyV9

Thank you to the Pro Bono & Community Service Committee for organizing the Pro Bono Clinics. To learn more about the Committee and to find out how you can get involved, visit probono.aabany.org.

2024 NAPABA Awards | Announcing Don Liu as the NAPABA INSPIRE Award Honoree

For Immediate Release:
Date: August 28, 2024
Maureen Gelwicks, Deputy Executive Director

NAPABA Honors Don Liu with the NAPABA INSPIRE Award

WASHINGTON – The National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA) is proud to announce that Don Liu, who recently announced his retirement as Chief Legal and Compliance Officer of Target Corp., will receive the NAPABA INSPIRE Award. The NAPABA INSPIRE Award is presented to individuals who have made extraordinary contributions of national significance towards achieving representation and influence for Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders (AANHPIs) in the legal profession and society. The NAPABA INSPIRE Award has been awarded only twice in NAPABA’s history — the first time to former Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakayue of the California Supreme Court in 2010, and the second to George Takei, actor, author, and activist, in 2016.

Don Liu, a nationally renowned leader and legal counsel for several of the Nation’s most recognized corporations, has made a steadfast, lifelong commitment to ensuring that AANHPI attorneys can thrive and advance to the highest levels of the legal profession. He co-founded NAPABA’s 10X10 Initiative and later the 20X20 Initiative, originally designed as an aspirational “stretch” five-year effort to place 20 AANHPI General Counsels at Fortune 500 companies by 2020. The initiative was so successful that it inspired the current 50X25 Initiative and the development of the Hispanic National Bar Association’s Poder 25 Initiative, for which Don serves as a strategic advisor. Don Liu founded NAPABA’s In-House Counsel (IHC) Network, served as its first chair, spearheaded the creation of NAPABA’s IHC Summit and IHC Mentoring Program and continues to be active in its programs. Under Don’s leadership, the IHC Network has assisted countless AANHPI attorneys in gaining greater professional visibility and helped promote countless AANHPI lawyers into senior in-house counsel positions.  

“Don Liu recognized early on his career that the barriers he faced as a young attorney can be overcome, and he helped build an entire infrastructure to steer and guide AANHPI lawyers on a path to success,” said Anna Mercado Clark, President of NAPABA. “The NAPABA INSPIRE Award is a testament to Don’s dedication to increasing diversity in the profession, his courage in standing up for a more just society, creativity and vision, and his relentless dedication in mentoring hundreds of young attorneys.”

The NAPABA INSPIRE Award also recognizes Don Liu’s contributions towards improving our community on a national scale. Responding to the overwhelming need to deliver legal services to victims, Don Liu, together with several Asian American leaders within the legal profession, founded the Alliance for Asian American Justice. The Alliance brought together the collective power of both large law firms and legal departments to form a pro bono legal services network dedicated to ensuring that victims of hate would receive the legal assistance that they need. It provided opportunities not only for firms, but also for corporations to join the collective effort opposing anti-Asian hate.  For these reasons and many more, NAPABA is privileged to recognize the incredible work and dedication of Don Liu with the NAPABA INSPIRE Award.

NAPABA will formally present the award during the Gala at the 2024 NAPABA Convention in Seattle on Saturday, November 9.  


The National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA) represents the interests of over 80,000 Asian Pacific American (APA) legal professionals and nearly 90 national, state, and local APA bar associations. NAPABA is a leader in addressing civil rights issues confronting Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander communities. Through its national network, NAPABA provides a strong voice for increased diversity of the federal and state judiciaries, advocates for equal opportunity in the workplace, works to eliminate hate crimes and anti-immigrant sentiment, and promotes the professional development of people of all backgrounds in the legal profession.

Register Now: 2024 Judge Thomas Tang and Dr. Pearl Tang Moot Court Competition

Deadline to Register: August 25, 2024 at 11:59 PM PST

Registration is now open for the 2024 Judge Thomas Tang and Dr. Pearl Tang Moot Court Competition! This is the 31st anniversary of an annual tradition that fosters crucial advocacy and legal skills among law students nationwide.  

This year students will need to satisfy two new requirements in order to compete:

  1. Each competitor must be a member of an Asian American/Pacific Islander bar association (e.g. APALSA chapter at a law school, NAPALSA, NAPABA, a NAPABA local affiliate, South Asian Bar Association, Korean American Bar Association, etc.); and
  2. Each competitor is required to submit a short written statement (no more than 150 words) addressing the legacy and/or impact of Dr. Pearl Tang and/or Judge Thomas Tang on the competitor personally and describing the competitor’s commitment to supporting the Asian American/Pacific Islander community in the future.

Teams will be able to choose between online and in-person regional competitions. Regional Competitions will be held on the following dates, subject to possible changes at the discretion of the National Committee:

  • Regional 1 | In-person in Dallas, Texas: Friday, September 20, 2024
  • Regional 2 | In person in Los Angeles, California: Saturday, September 21, 2024
  • Regional 3 | In-person in New York, New York: Friday, September 27, 2024
  • Regional 4 | Virtual on Zoom: Saturday, September 28, 2024

Learn more and register

Sponsorship Opportunities Available

This year, we are encouraging local NAPABA Members, Affiliates, and National Associates to sponsor moot court teams, including providing support by paying registration fees for teams, providing coaching on written and oral advocacy skills, and paying for students’ travel to compete in regional and national competitions. Each law school is limited to two teams but local NAPABA Affiliates and National Associates are not limited in the number of teams they may sponsor. Students are encouraged to reach out to local NAPABA Affiliates and National Associates to obtain support from sponsors.  

Please note: attorneys and/or judges who coach law students may not judge the moot court competition in the same year.

Click the images below to download flyers you can share.

Quick Links

2024 Official Rules

2024 Online Entry Fee

2024 Online Registration

2024 TTMC Problem

AABANY Hosts Second Annual Wellness Day on July 20th, 2024

On July 20, 2024, AABANY successfully hosted its second annual Wellness Day at Brooklyn Law School during Minority Mental Health Awareness Month. This event was made possible through the generous support of our dedicated speakers and sponsors, enabling us to address crucial topics including how to be resilient and open to change, depression and finding a support group and resources, imposter syndrome, and more, all of which were in line with AABANY’s wellness and well-being initiatives begun by Immediate Past President Karen Kim during the 2024 fiscal year.

Mental health and well-being, particularly within the Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) community and in the context of the legal profession, have often been overlooked and under-discussed. With the culture of the legal profession tending to glorify working long hours, AABANY seeks to break down barriers and shed light on these critical issues, providing a non-judgmental and supportive platform for necessary conversations to take place.

Doors opened for Wellness Day at 9 am with the first 25 attendees to sign-in receiving a complimentary AABANY yoga stretch band. Attendees were encouraged to come in casual attire, and the program was also offered via Zoom, to accommodate those who were unable to attend in-person. The full-day event kicked off with breakfast from Paris Baguette, allowing participants to network and connect with one another over pastries and coffee for an enjoyable hour. At 10 am, AABANY’s Immediate Past President, Karen Kim delivered welcoming remarks. She expressed her gratitude to all the attendees who joined this impactful event and the pivotal role of the speakers and sponsors, recognizing their significant contribution to wellness and mental health advocacy.

Joseph Milowic III, the Founder of the Lawyers Depression Project, kicked off the event with a touching presentation. He started off his program, titled “A Journey of Healing and Forgiveness Practice,” by talking about his battle with depression, forgiveness, and how he learned to prioritize his own wellbeing, peace and self-care. 

Joseph shared how he changed his life’s path trajectory by recounting his story and opening up about his struggles. Joseph emphasized the significance of forgiveness – forgiving others but most importantly, oneself.  He shared how once you’ve released the lingering negative energy from your mind, it makes you lighter with more space for more important problems. Joseph and the audience took a moment of silence, letting those who participated finally release the grudges they had been harboring for much too long. 

Joseph founded the Lawyers Depression Project in order to help those who have been in a similar situation as him, quickly realizing that by sharing his story he was helping others see that they are not alone. Towards the end of his presentation Joseph listed ways to help a struggling loved one, which consisted of recommending books or therapy, sending prayers, and simply letting them know you care. Thank you, Joseph Milowic, for setting a conciliatory tone for the day and reinforcing the importance of prioritizing wellness and forgiveness for personal and professional growth.

For more information about the Lawyers Depression project and Joseph Milowic, please visit his website here

Next to speak was Precious L. Williams, a charismatic business owner, international professional speaker, and serial entrepreneur, who shared her inspiring story of triumph in her program titled “Making the Right Moves.” Precious recounted that her father was a drug addict, that she grew up in poverty and also experienced homelessness, but none of these setbacks stopped her from being driven to succeed. 

Precious emphasized in her presentation that she was a plus-sized woman of color who was abusing alcohol, and that she had to work twice as hard as everyone else to get by. She expressed her belief that it doesn’t just take hard work to make it to the top, it takes courage. She attended law school feeling embarrassed and out of place, and instead of approaching life day by day, she had to live moment by moment. A significant component to Precious’s wellness journey was forgiving and embracing her family once again, with them showing up to support her at her graduation. She soon began making more efforts to improve her health by attending counseling sessions, starting medication, becoming sober, and learning new cleaning and cooking techniques. Following up, she worked on how to present herself and found a trusted network that supported her completely. We are grateful to Precious L. Williams for sharing her motivating story and for showing everyone that their mental health journey will be worth the hardships. 

For more information about Precious L. Williams, please click here

When the morning session concluded, attendees were treated to lunch sponsored by Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP. The lunch break provided an informal and relaxed opportunity for everyone to chat, mingle, and network over delicious and comforting Korean cuisine. Sarah B. Wong, a Partner at Willkie Farr, gave remarks on the importance of wellness in the workplace. She encouraged attendees to prioritize their own health and balance in their daily lives. Thank you to Willkie Farr for their support of wellness and well-being in the legal community.

The afternoon session started off with a fireside chat titled, “The Eras Tour: Coping Mechanisms for Stress throughout Our Careers,” featuring Sonia Low, VP, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary at Jacob K. Javits Convention Center and Dr. Elaine F. Kung, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor at Weill-Cornell Medical College, Founder and President, Future Bright Dermatology. . They began with going through the different “eras” of their own lives, and how they coped with stress in each, describing how their coping mechanisms had evolved from jetting off to a concert when they were younger, to becoming running buddies as working mothers. They continued their presentation by involving the audience with a brief interactive “self care assessment,” going over seven different aspects of self care. Sonia and Elaine stressed the importance of all areas of self care in order to have a satisfying life as well as going over coping mechanisms and tactics to employ when you’re feeling the stress of life again. Participants were encouraged to embrace intense learning, reconnect and become a part of a community that means something to each one of them, and to live life to the fullest. 

Sonia and Elaine introduced a mindful breathing exercise, with the prompt: “Think of an object you love.” Audience members then shared what object they were thinking about, reminding participants of what they are grateful for, even the little things. Attendees joined in an interactive discussion, sharing what they were grateful for and how to have a grateful mindset. They emphasized the importance of human connection, finding a healthy outlet and building relationships in order to become the best version of yourself and assess what will help you to ensure a healthier, more balanced legal journey.

Next, in her session titled, “Do What You LOVE: Creating a Thriving and Fulfilling Career,“ Celina Lee, Executive and Career Coach as well as the podcast host for Celina Lee Coaching, focused on career purpose and happiness. She described how, in her earlier professional life, she would often only do something if it contributed to her resume. However, this approach ended up not being a good source of joy for her as she wasn’t paying attention to her emotions and interests. Now, she is living her dream life, traveling the world and speaking at various events as a life coach. Celina encouraged attendees to spend time learning about themselves using their feelings, passions, and more, to help answer the question “What defines a happy life for you?” The internal struggle about your identity and passions can be overwhelming to many, which is why Celina emphasized “co-existing” with your thoughts and goals, as well as taking action. Rejection is an “experience of action,” and is not to be dwelled upon as it is only the first step to success. 

As her session came to a close, she circled back to the various concepts she discussed:

  • to follow your passions (as well as not give up on those passions) 
  • to take action without overthinking things 
  • how courage is more important than confidence 
  • how attendees shouldn’t be “a fake friend to [themselves].” 

During her program, Celina showed us that “L.O.V.E.” is what you need to live a happy life:

  • The first step to a happy life is to “Learn about yourself,” know what makes you the happiest you can be. 
  • The second step is to “Overcome internal obstacles,” as our own insecurities and self-doubts prevent us from taking action and moving forward. If your issue is understanding which are your goals and dreams, nothing is bound to happen. 
  • The third step is to “Visualize your success” and switch your thoughts, start thinking about the best case scenario instead of the worst. 
  • The last and final step to living a happy life is to “Explore and take action,” by asking yourself how your feelings and actions, even the negative ones, help you learn more about yourself. Treat and support yourself just as you would a dear friend along their journey. 

Celina ended her session with an encouragement to attendees not to overthink and under act, stating, “20 minutes of doing something is more important than 20 hours of thinking about doing something.” 

For more information about Celina Lee, please click here.

To conclude Wellness Day, Yang Chen, Executive director of AABANY, moderated a panel titled, “Prioritizing Wellness While Advancing Your Career” to discuss how important mental health is in your career as well as how to balance work and well-being. On the panel were: Sapna Palla, Partner at A&O Shearman and past President of AABANY; Glenn D. Magpantay, Commissioner to the U.S Commission on Civil Rights and Co-Chair of AABANY’s LGBTQ Committee; and Domenick Napoletano, President of the New York State Bar Association. 

The speakers shared that mental health days were more foreign concepts to older generations. It wasn’t common to speak out about your mental health, let alone dedicate days to mental wellness. But over time, they have learned to manage their stress by focusing on their wellness, learning to disconnect before burning out, reserving days for wellness and exercising. Domenick Napoletano was asked how being a part of a bar association contributed to his mental health. He answered that although it is a lot of extra work to be active in many bar associations, it has served as “unofficial therapy,” with there being many individuals he has been able to share the same experiences with, instead of feeling isolated, especially as a solo practitioner. Domenick highlighted the importance of humility and finding happiness in the little things in order to achieve a fulfilling life. Having a supportive community and being able to give back to it has helped many in the legal profession progress. 

The speakers went over ways that they maintain a healthy work/life balance as it is crucial to implement strategies that promote both professional success and personal well-being. Some ways they keep a healthy work/life balance include setting boundaries, spending time and calling loved ones, finding a community, carving out time for yourself, finding a healthy outlet and not shortchanging oneself when it comes to hobbies and outside interests. 

In the field of law, imposter syndrome can be an overwhelming obstacle, particularly for women who are continuously reminded that their profession is one that is dominated by men. Sapna Palla talked about her experience with imposter syndrome. Despite her capabilities, accomplishments and achievements, she sometimes felt like she didn’t belong, hindering her professional career. Some strategies Sapna used to overcome her struggles were reframing her mindset, embracing imperfection, and developing a support network. Overcoming imposter syndrome and burnout is a journey that requires self-awareness, resilience and support. 

Glenn Magpantay shared ways that he overcomes burnout despite being a self-proclaimed  workaholic. The first step Glenn takes is setting boundaries and establishing clear barriers between his professional and personal life. Secondly, he reclaims his time and invests in activities that rejuvenate and recharge him when he has the time to do so. Over the years, Glenn has developed healthy coping mechanisms and sought professional help in order to improve his overall wellbeing. 

Finally moderator Yang Chen highlighted the importance of finding time for yourself and your interests, to avoid shortchanging yourself on your hobbies. Yang is able to find satisfaction in pursuing personal interests and hobbies outside of law, as well as being able to give back to causes that are important to him, which assists him in protecting his sense of personal peace and relishing in his accomplishments and achievements. 

Wellness Day has been a celebration of self-care, health, and the importance of nurturing both our minds and bodies. AABANY compiled a Wellness Resources guide and encouraged attendees to reach out to AABANY and the available resources for themselves, their colleagues, friends and family. AABANY’s Wellness Resources can be found here. 

AABANY thanks the following Wellness Day speakers for sharing their expertise and personal journeys: 

● Joseph Milowic III, Founder, Lawyers Depression Project 

● Precious L. Williams, CEO, The Perfect Pitch Group 

● Sonia Low, VP, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary at Jacob K. Javits Convention Center 

● Dr. Elaine F. Kung, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor at Weill-Cornell Medical College, Founder and President, Future Bright Dermatology 

● Celina Lee, Executive and Career coach, Podcast host, Celina Lee Coaching 

● Glenn D. Magpantay, Commissioner to the U.S Commission on Civil Rights 

● Domenick Napoletano, President, New York State Bar Association

● Sapna Palla, Partner, A&O Shearman

● Yang Chen, Executive Director, Asian American Bar Association of New York 

AABANY thanks the following sponsors for their generous support: 

Brooklyn Law School 

Future Bright Dermatology 

Lawyers Depression Project 

Live Your Dream Podcast with Celina Lee 

Perfect Pitch Group 

Thank you to Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP for being the Lunch Sponsor. 

Thank you to all our co-sponsoring bar associations: 

Filipino American Lawyers Association of New York (FALA New York) 

Judges & Lawyers Breast Cancer Alert (JALBCA) 

Korean American Lawyers Association of Greater New York (KALAGNY) 

LGBT Bar Association of New York (LeGaL)  

Metropolitan Black Bar Association (MBBA) 

New York County Lawyers Association (NYCLA) 

New York State Bar Association (NYSBA) 

Puerto Rican Bar Association (PRBA) 

South Asian Bar Association of New York (SABANY) 

Photos from Wellness Day can be found here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/q1Q98gDrBVRUvsZ39

Here’s Your Chance for a Complimentary #NAPABA24 Registration!

Unlock new career opportunities with our Career Center! We’re excited to announce our Resume Sweepstakes, designed to enhance your visibility to top legal employers and gain access to job openings and career resources.

What do you need to do? From 8/16/2024 to 9/30/2024, just upload your resume to NAPABA’s Career Center. Follow these three simple steps below:

Selected winner will be given a complimentary 2024 Seattle Convention registration or $250 Amazon gift card

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  • The winner can choose between a complimentary Convention registration OR a $250 Amazon gift card.
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Bar Leaders Call to Action: Continue the Work of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Sixty Years Later, DEI Advances the Ongoing Work of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Bar Association Presidents From Across the Nation Call on Leaders to Double Down on DEI

As presidents of the nation’s largest diverse national bar associations, we invite general counsel, law firm managing partners, leaders of government and nonprofit legal services organizations, and law school deans to stand with us as we fight for justice and opportunity for all. Your support and partnership are even more critical now given the attacks on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) from some segments of our country. As lawyers, we are guardians of the rule of law and leaders in our communities and in local, state, and federal government. For these reasons and more, we ask that you continue to be strong advocates for DEI in our profession. Our work and efforts can also support the importance of DEI more broadly.

Honoring the Legacy of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
This year marks the 60th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This sweeping Act did more to bring us closer to our ideals, that we are all are created equal, than any other legislation in our history, and it set the groundwork for landmark legislation that followed it such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Although many Americans today might take for granted the significance of passing this legislation, it was a hard- fought victory. Most of us recall Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s address at the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. His reference to “the fierce urgency of now” was intended to push President Kennedy and Congress to move on the stalled legislation. When the legislation finally passed, close to thirty percent of the House of the Representatives and the Senate voted against it. It is not lost on us that many of the states now passing anti-DEI legislation also included the bulk of the Representatives and Senators who opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Progress Through Partnership
As a nation, we have made significant progress in the past 60 years because of the blood, sweat, and tears of those who have come before us. In the past and continuing to this day, there have been Americans of goodwill who believe that we are a better nation when all Americans can aspire to their highest ambitions, including becoming President of the United States.

DEI is Consistent with the Spirit of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Essential in Today’s Workplace
Although some claim that DEI initiatives are illegal or unconstitutional, the vast majority of DEI initiatives are designed to increase access and opportunity, while minimizing bias and barriers. The work is fully consistent with the spirit and intent of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It also brings greater meritocracy to our workplaces. How can there be meritocracy in workplaces if there are insufficient efforts to recruit exceptional talent from all communities, or when there is unintended bias in our processes related to hiring, work assignments, and promotions, or when some people have greater access to formal and informal networks that result in greater opportunities? These are just some examples of issues that DEI efforts are designed to address. Again, the overwhelming majority of DEI efforts are not only legal, but essential in today’s workplace. This is why it is critical to stand firm on the importance of DEI and be strong advocates in your corporations, law firms, and universities.

Progress, but Much Work to Be Done

Although we have made progress, there is still much work to do. According to the US Census Bureau and 2023 Gallup polling, communities of color presently represent about 41% and LGBTQ+ people represent about 7.6% of the US population. Individuals with disabilities currently represent more than one in five Americans. But recent studies from the American Bar Association, Minority Corporate Counsel Association, and the National Association for Law Placement (NALP) show that people of color only account for about 21% of lawyers in the US, 15% of Fortune 1000 general counsels, and 12% of law firm partners; likewise, LGBTQ+ people only account for 4.6% of lawyers in the US, and 2.6% of law firm partners. Individuals with disabilities account for only 1.4% of the legal profession and 1.1% of law firm partners. Further, according to studies from the American Bar Association and NALP, women comprised almost 50% of law school classes in 2000, yet today, women comprise less than 28% of law firm partners. Looking at these numbers, it’s impossible to conclude that we’ve achieved the type of success that would warrant pulling back on our efforts simply because there is opposition. Those who came before us faced even greater opposition and hostility. We owe it to them and those who are coming behind us to keep working to ensure a fairer workplace and more just nation.

Allying Together for Greater Equality, Access, and Opportunity for All
Finally, there is an economic argument for supporting DEI. When all our communities do well, we have more people contributing to the economic growth and prosperity of our country. A rising tide lifts all boats. Whether our ancestors were this country’s indigenous people, or pilgrims on The Mayflower, or kidnapped Africans on slave ships, or freedom-searching immigrants arriving at Ellis Island or Angel Island, or any of the many others seeking refuge and a new life in a new land, we are all in the same boat now. We are all Americans. Our country is already one of the most diverse nations in the world, and it will continue to become even more diverse. And the exceptional achievements of our country, economically, militarily, and socially, are the result of people from all over the world who have come here and made this country home. As we move forward together, we can show the world what a pluralistic democracy can accomplish. Now is the time for leaders and people of goodwill to stand together for greater equality, access, and opportunity for all. Together we can ensure that America lives up to its ideals, where all people are created equal and have the opportunity to achieve the American dream.

Anna Mercado Clark


National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA)

Wiley S. Adams


National Bar Association

Matthew Archer-Beck


National Native American Bar Association

Kristin L. Bauer


National Association of Women Lawyers

Bendita Cynthia Malakia


National LGBTQ+ Bar Association

Daniel Mateo


Hispanic National Bar Association

Ronza Othman


National Association of Blind Lawyers

Keerthi Sugumaran


South Asian Bar Association of North America

Contribute Your Expertise in a Meaningful Way: Become a NAPABA Co-Chair!

NAPABA committees and networks enable our members to gain access to a robust knowledge-sharing network of seasoned AANHPI professionals. NAPABA’s committees focus on substantive practice specialties or specific service areas, such as civic engagement. NAPABA’s networks encompass individuals with similar experiences, such as solo practice or military service. These peer-led groups serve as a networking community and enable members to learn best practices and stay on top of the latest legal trends.  

NAPABA is seeking committee/network co-chair recommendations from the membership to fill vacancies, and we urge you to consider contributing your expertise and experiences in a meaningful way. Serving as a co-chair presents a unique chance to take up a leadership role within NAPABA, connect with AANHPI attorneys in your practice area or who share similar experiences, and enhance your professional profile. Many of our committee and network co-chairs have later served on NAPABA’s Board of Directors.

Who can become a co-chair?

An appointee must:

  1. Have demonstrated proven leadership skills;
  2. Have demonstrated the highest standards of personal integrity and trust professionally and personally;
  3. Have personal and professional experience relevant to the goals/objectives of the Committee;
  4. Have demonstrated a commitment to the furtherance of the Committee’s goals, including leadership and pipeline development;
  5. Be a member in good standing of NAPABA or a NAPABA affiliate; and
  6. Be willing to serve for a six-year term.

What information do I need to provide?

We request applicants submit the following materials in a SINGLE PDF:

  • Resume or similar material that demonstrates personal or professional experience relevant to the goal(s) and objective(s) of the committee or network.
  • Statement of Interest demonstrating the following:
    • Proven leadership skills in NAPABA, local NAPABA affiliates, or other professional activities  
    • The highest standards of personal integrity and trust in all professional and personal activities
    • Additional details outlining your personal or professional experience relevant to the goal(s) and objective(s) of the committee or network not outlined in your resume.
  • Professional Biography (a biography from your law firm/company website will suffice)

Where do I apply?

Ready to apply? Click on the button below to start your application! The deadline to apply is 5 PM ET on Monday, September 16, 2024

Apply Now

Committees and Networks with Co-Chair Vacancies:

  • Cannabis/CBD/Hemp Law & Policy Committee
  • Civil Rights Committee
  • Dispute Resolution Committee
  • Emerging Technologies Committee
  • Government Enforcement & Compliance Committee
  • Health Law Committee
  • Immigration Committee
  • In-House Counsel Network
  • Insurance Law Committee
  • Labor & Employment Committee
  • Law School Professors and Administrators Network
  • LGBTQ Network
  • Litigation Committee
  • Mass Torts & Class Actions Committee
  • Military & Veterans Network
  • Partners Network
  • Pro Bono & Community Service Committee
  • Public Sector Network
  • Solo & Small Firm Network
  • Tax Committee
  • Trusts & Estates Committee
  • Wellness Committee
  • Women’s Leadership Network
  • Young Lawyers Network

If you have any questions about our committee/networks or the application process, please contact [email protected].

NAPABA and NLF Announce a Milestone Agreement

For Immediate Release: Date: August 9, 2024Contact:
Priya Purandare, Executive Director

WASHINGTON – The National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA) and the NAPABA Law Foundation (NLF) are proud to announce a milestone agreement that not only bolsters the services that NLF delivers to our community, but also advances the mission of both organizations to strengthen the representation of Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islanders (AANHPIs) in the legal profession. The agreement draws on the talents of NAPABA to support the pivotal work of NLF and its impact on the next generation of lawyers.

For three decades, NLF has encouraged, inspired, and supported generations of law students as they pursued careers and opportunities in public interest law, including work on behalf of vulnerable AANHPI communities. NLF has awarded $1.8 million in scholarships, fellowships, and internships, and it has built lasting educational and community partnerships throughout the country.

The programs run by the NLF support the next generation of AANHPI lawyers and foster education and awareness about issues impacting AANHPI lawyers.

The shared-services agreement between NAPABA and NLF will reinforce NLF’s administrative, financial, fundraising, and programmatic activities.

“This is a game changer for NLF and our ability to grow and inspire law students and young lawyers,” said Nimesh Patel, President of NLF. “With NAPABA’s support, we can broaden our outreach and ensure the continued success of landmark programs such as the Judge Thomas Tang and Dr. Pearl Tang Moot Court Competition, and we can reach more students for the various scholarships, internships, and fellowships offered by the NLF.”

“My introduction to NAPABA ran through NLF early in my career,” said NAPABA Executive Director Priya Purandare. “I have witnessed first-hand the strong shared history between NAPABA and NLF, and their commitment to fostering the next generations of young AANHPI lawyers. Optimizing the relationship with NLF has long been envisioned as a part of NAPABA’s Strategic Plan, and as our AANHPI legal community continues to expand, I am thrilled that through our partnership, we can meet the growing needs of students and young attorneys to better serve all.

Learn more about NLF


The National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA) represents the interest of over 80,000 Asian Pacific American (APA) legal professionals and nearly 90 national, state, and local APA bar associations. NAPABA is a leader in addressing civil rights issues confronting Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander communities. Through its national network, NAPABA provides a strong voice for increased diversity of the federal and state judiciaries, advocates for equal opportunity in the workplace, works to eliminate hate crimes and anti-immigrant sentiment, and promotes the professional development of people of all backgrounds in the legal profession.

The NAPABA Law Foundation (NLF) promotes the development, advancement, leadership, and public service of Asian Pacific Americans in the legal profession through fellowships, scholarships, education, and community partnerships. NLF serves as an incubator of thoughtful leaders in the Asian Pacific Americans legal community.