On March 28, the Asian American/Asian Research Institute and the Asian-American Entrepreneurs Network presented “The Next Big Thing: Economic Empowerment Conference” at CUNY Graduate Center. AABANY contributed a speaker, Julia Cheng, to the Monetizing IP workshop. Julia is the Founding Principal of her own firm, CyberlawStudio, and a member of AABANY’s IP Committee. She is among those interviewed in this Sinovision piece about the conference.

Immigration and Nationality Law Committee Meeting: April 23, 2013


On Tuesday, April 23, 2013, the Immigration and Nationality Law Committee organized a committee meeting and was honored to have as its featured speaker Rosemary Yu, Co-Director of the Immigrant Affairs Program at the New York County District Attorney’s Office.  Ms. Yu spoke about the important work of the Immigrant Affairs Program, which was established in 2007 to investigate and prosecute fraud committed against immigrants, and to educate the public about immigration fraud and related issues through fraud prevention workshops and seminars.   Ms. Yu also discussed ways that attorneys can help identify and prevent immigration fraud – an especially relevant and timely topic in light of impending comprehensive immigration reform, which is expected to pass later this year.  

If you are interested in learning more about the Immigrant Affairs Program of the New York County DA’s Office or want to get more information about the Immigration and Nationality Law Committee, contact co-chairs Rio Guerrero and Tsui Yee at [email protected].

From Asia Society: APA Heritage Month Kick-off, May 3

Kick Off Asian Pacific American Heritage Month at Asia Society
Friday, May 3 | 6:00 – 9:00 pm | FREE ADMISSION

Click here to join the Facebook event and invite your friends!

(scroll below for details)

Celebrate Asian American Heritage

Kick off Asian Pacific American Heritage Month with a night of fun and culture at Asia Society. Mix and mingle with friends and colleagues while enjoying the festivities, including:

  • FREE MUSEUM TOURS at 6:30 and 7:30 of The Artful Recluse and Patronage and Power
  • LIVE JAZZ by Burmese-American musician AJ Khaw, Sumie Kaneko, and Pablo Eluchans
  • LEO BAR Specially priced Leotinis (see video below)
  • DISCOUNTS at AsiaStore and on Membership
  • PLUS MORE-check back often as we release more details!

Celebrating the diversity and dynamism of Asian Americans in New York City, this event brings together Asian Americans as well as affiliated nonprofit organizations, providing a festive forum for guests to connect and engage more deeply with the Asian American community in New York City.

Are you on social media? Use the hashtag #AsiaRepresent to follow this celebration on Twitter and join the Facebook event!

KALAGNY’s Law Student Scholarship

From KALAGNY’s April 24, 2013 Announcements

KALAGNY Announces $1000 Law Student Scholarship

KALAGNY is currently seeking submission of applications from its law student members for the third annual KALAGNY Law Student Scholarship Award in the amount of $1000 which will be presented to the winning law student member at KALAGNY’s upcoming 27th Anniversary Gala on Tuesday, June 11, 2013, at the Harvard Club in New York City. The scholarship will be given to the law student member who has demonstrated the most outstanding commitment to and support for the Korean American community in Greater New York and who exhibits dedication to use his/her legal knowledge and skills to continue this commitment and support. The scholarship will be awarded based on merit. Applications are due Wednesday, May 15, 2013.   Click here for details and eligibility requirements.




April 18, 2013

NAPABA Contact: Emily Chatterjee (202) 775-9555 
AAJC Contact: Kimberly Goulart (202) 499-7027

Watson becomes only person of Native Hawaiian descent to serve on federal bench

WASHINGTON – Today, leaders of the Asian Pacific American community applaud the confirmation of Derrick Kahala Watson to the U.S. District Court for the District of Hawaii. With a Senate vote of 94-0, he becomes the only person of native Hawaiian descent to currently serve as an Article III judge, and only the fourth in American history.

“Derrick Kahala Watson’s confirmation to the U.S. District Court for the District of Hawaii is an important step forward for our nation,” said Wendy C. Shiba, president of the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA). “With Judge Watson’s well-deserved confirmation, the federal bench will be further diversified. Of note, the District of Hawaii will become the first federal court in U.S. history with a majority of Asian Pacific Americans, as Judge Watson joins Chief Judge Susan Oki Mollway and Judge Leslie Kobayashi on the bench.”

“Judge Watson’s confirmation brings with it much needed diversity to the federal bench,” said Mee Moua, president and executive director of the Asian American Justice Center (AAJC), member of the Asian American Center for Advancing Justice. “He brings with him not only a history of government service to the bench, but also a personal story that inspires all members of our community.”

Until his confirmation, Watson served as chief of the Civil Division of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Hawaii. He has deep roots in Hawaii, growing up in a multi-generational household on Oahu that included his mother, who worked at a local bank until her retirement several years ago, and his father, who retired from the Honolulu Police Department. Judge Watson attended the Kamehameha Schools, Harvard College and Harvard Law School, and is the first person in his family to attend college.

NAPABA and AAJC applaud President Obama for nominating Judge Watson to the bench and thank the late Senator Inouye, former Senator Akaka, and Senators Schatz and Hirono for their recommendation and support of Judge Watson’s nomination.


The National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA) is the national association of Asian Pacific American attorneys, judges, law professors, and law students. NAPABA represents the interests of over 40,000 attorneys and 63 local Asian Pacific American bar associations. Its members include solo practitioners, large firm lawyers, corporate counsel, legal service and non-profit attorneys, and lawyers serving at all levels of government. NAPABA continues to be a leader in addressing civil rights issues confronting Asian Pacific American communities. Through its national network of committees and affiliates, NAPABA provides a strong voice for increased diversity of the federal and state judiciaries, advocates for equal opportunity in the workplace, works to eliminate hate crimes and anti-immigrant sentiment, and promotes the professional development of people of color in the legal profession.

The Asian American Center for Advancing Justice (www.advancingjustice.org) works to promote a fair and equitable society for all by working for civil and human rights and empowering Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and other underserved communities, and is comprised of the Asian American Justice Center (www.advancingequality.org), the Asian American Institute (www.aaichicago.org), the Asian Law Caucus (www.asianlawcaucus.org) and the Asian Pacific American Legal Center (www.apalc.org).

AALDEF Fundraisers – Mets & Yankees Tickets

From our friends at AALDEF:

The baseball season is heating up! Did you know that there’s a way that you can attend Mets and Yankees games and­ support the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund? AALDEF participates in a special program that helps to raise funds for public interest organizations. By purchasing tickets to select baseball games through this program, your cost will include the value of the ticket plus an additional donation to support AALDEF. Most of these tickets (including the donation) are below regular price. All donations go directly toward AALDEF’s legal and education programs. Please take advantage of this opportunity to root for your team while making a contribution for a good cause!


Mets vs. Philadelphia Phillies at Citi Field
Friday, April 26, 7:10 pm

Promenade Sec. 515 (directly above home plate)
$21per ticket, plus $9 donation or more

SUBWAY SERIES: Mets vs. NY Yankees at Citi Field
Monday, May 27, 7:10 pm
Promenade Sec. 522 (above third base)
$50per ticket, plus $40 donation or more

FOURTH OF JULY SPECIAL: Mets vs. Arizona Diamondbacks at Citi Field (with post-game Fireworks Show)
Wednesday, July 3, 7:10 pm
Promenade Sec. 515 (directly above home plate)
$25per ticket, plus $5donation or more


Yankees vs. Oakland A’s at Yankee Stadium
Friday, May 3, 7:05 pm
Grandstand Sec. 409 (above right field)
$11per ticket, plus $9 donation or more

Yankees vs. LA Dodgers at Yankee Stadium
Wednesday, June 19, 7:05 pm
Grandstand Sec. 409 (above right field)
$22per ticket, plus $8 donation or more

Yankees vs. Tampa Bay Rays at Yankee Stadium
Wednesday, June 19, 7:05 pm
Grandstand Sec. 409 (above right field)
$22 per ticket, plus $8 donation or more

Yankees vs. Detroit Tigers at Yankee Stadium
Friday, August 9, 7:05 pm
Grandstand Sec. 409 (above right field)
$11per ticket, plus $9 donation or more

LABOR DAY GAME: Yankees vs. Chicago White Sox at Yankee Stadium
Monday, September 2, 1:05 pm
Grandstand Sec. 409 (above right field)
$16.25per ticket, plus $3.75 donation or more

Tickets are limited, so act fast! Please contact Eva Lew at [email protected] or (212) 966-5932 x 208 to reserve your tickets.

Thank you for supporting AALDEF!