NY City Bar: 2011 Law Firm Diversity Benchmarking Report Released

NY City Bar: 2011 Law Firm Diversity Benchmarking Report Released

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Pro Bono Training

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) 
 Pro Bono Training


Thousands of young immigrants have been approved for “Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals” (DACA). But with an estimated 100,000 undocumented Asian immigrants eligible, we have thousands more to reach. DACA is a Department of Homeland Security directive that gives eligible undocumented youth a two-year pause from the threat of deportation and an opportunity to secure a work permit. For many, this will be the first opportunity to legally work and live in this country.

Many of these immigrants are from the communities served by the various Asian bar associations of New York. Taking on a DACA case pro bono is a discrete way to learn basic immigration law and begin to change the life of undocumented youth.

The Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF) is seeking pro bono counsel to represent eligible young people applying for DACA. No prior legal experience is required, but pro bono counsel will be required to attend a training prior to taking a case. These cases will help support the work of AALDEF’s youth group for undocumented Asian Americans.

If you are interested in taking a DACA case through AALDEF, please join us for the training on:

Tuesday, November 27 from 6:30pm-8:30pm

at Linklaters, 1345 6th Avenue New York, NY 10105

To register for the training, please email AALDEF at: [email protected].

Please confirm in advance that you are covered by professional liability insurance.

2 CLE credits are being provided by the Asian American Bar Association of New York (AABANY)

For more information about what this new directive means for Asian American communities, see our legal alert.

Generously co-sponsored by:
Asian American Bar Association of New York 
Muslim Bar Association of New York  
Korean American Lawyers Association of Greater New York
South Asian Bar Association of New York


The Historic Election of Grace Meng as New York’s First Asian American Congresswoman

November 12, 2012 – The Asian American Bar Association of New York (“AABANY”)
congratulates Grace Meng on her historic election as New York’s first Asian American Congresswoman.

Grace Meng made history Election Day Tuesday, defeating her Republican challenger Daniel Halloran and long voting lines to win the 6th Congressional District (Central Queens) election and become the first Asian-American to represent New York in Congress. Grace is also the first woman to represent Central Queens in the U.S. Congress since Geraldine Ferraro was elected in 1978. Grace was previously elected to the New York State Assembly to represent Assembly District 22 in November, 2008. Grace was honored by AABANY during its 20th Anniversary Annual Dinner in 2009 and has been a frequent supporter of AABANY events. AABANY President Jean Lee said “AABANY is proud to see the very first Asian American woman elected to Congress from NYS and one of the first two APA women to be elected to Congress on the east side of the Mississippi.”

Read more here.

Discount Tix for “Hold These Truths”


Sat, 11/17 @ 7pm; Sun, 11/18 @3pm and 7pm; Mon, 11/19 @7pm;
Fri, 11/23 @ 7pm; Sat, 11/24 @ 7pm; Sun, 11/25 at 3pm and 7pm

Joel de la Fuente stars in Jeanne Sakata’s one-man show 
inspired by the true story of first generation Japanese-American Gordon Hirabayashi, a college student during WWII.  Agonizing over the forcible removal of all people of Japanese ancestry on the West Coast. Gordon journeys toward a greater understanding of America’s triumphs—and a confrontation with its failures. In May of 2012, Gordon Hirabayashi was awarded the Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian honor, posthumously by President Obama.
Epic Theatre extends a special offer!  You can get tickets to any of these shows for $30 by using the code “EPJS30” when you purchase on the web: http://epictheatreensemble.org/holdthesetruths

LA Times: Asian Americans overwhelmingly backed Obama, Democrats

LA Times: Asian Americans overwhelmingly backed Obama, Democrats

Passing of the Honorable Theodore T. Jones

Passing of the Honorable Theodore T. Jones

RMHC/Asia Scholarship Program

The 2013 RMHC/ASIA Scholarship Program, the largest Asian American student scholarship offered in the New York Tri-State area, is now accepting entries at http://www.rmhcnytristate.org/. The scholarship offers six $17,000 scholarships to high school seniors of Asian descent. Attached is a flyer containing additional information about the scholarship including eligibility guidelines and requirements. The deadline for entries is December 20, 2012.

If you know any financially-needy students who may benefit from this scholarship, please feel free to forward this info them. 
If you would like to help promote the scholarship on your social media channels, here are some recommendations: 
Facebook: 2013 RMHC/ASIA Scholarship Program now accepting entries. Download a copy of the flyer here.  Twitter: Apply for the 2013 RMHC/ASIA Scholarship! http://bit.ly/asia2013 #2013RMHCASIA
We are also offering free RMHC/ASIA Scholarship workshops to schools and community centers. To arrange one, please contact Peter Ou at [email protected] or (646) 865-3517.