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Immigration Law Training for Non-Immigration Lawyers

AABANY Report for Second Quarter 2011

AABANY Report for Second Quarter 2011

AABANY Sponsors “The Learning” at AAIFF

AABANY Sponsors “The Learning” at AAIFF

Happy Hour at Angels & Kings with a4

This year, AABANY has been working together with the Asian American Arts Alliance (a4) on a number of programs, and with the arrival of summer, we thought it would be good to bring together Asian American artists and Asian American lawyers.  It took place last Thursday at Angels & Kings, a bar in the East Village.  Approximately 50 to 60 people came out to socialize, drink and make new connections.

The bar had a stage by the entrance, and a4 got two performers to entertain the crowd.  The first was Rick Ebihara, a member of the Slant Performance group, who played guitar and sang.  The next was Rich Kameda, a professional magician.  Rich also walked around during the happy hour and did close-up magic for anyone who was interested.  In one of the illusions, Rich changed a bunch of singles into hundreds.  That one got a lot of lawyers’ attention. 

It was a wonderful and enjoyable evening, and it was good to hang out with another part of the APA community – not that there’s anything wrong with hanging out with APA lawyers; it’s just that a change of pace from time to time is welcome.

Thanks to Andrea Louie, Executive Director of a4, and her staff who helped put the event together with Liza Sohn, Student Outreach Committee co-chair.  We had so much fun, we might do it again soon.  Stay tuned.  Here are some photos from the evening.

Law Students Hone their Interview Skills

Last Wednesday, July 20, at White & Case, more than thirty law students from a variety of law schools, including many outside of New York, from states as far away as Maine and Missouri, attended the Mock Interview Workshop hosted by AABANY’s Student Outreach Committee.  More than twenty attorneys volunteered their time to help law students sharpen their interview skills by engaging in mock interview sessions with practicing attorneys. 

The evening began shortly after 6 pm with a panel discussion that included the Hon. Marilyn Go, United States Magistrate Judge in the Eastern District of New York, Sylvia Chin, Partner at White & Case and former AABANY President, and Lily Lu, Partner at Arnold & Porter.  To accommodate all the students and the schedules of the attorneys, some of the mock interviews began even as the panel discussion was taking place.  The mock interview sessions continued until 9 pm, with each interview lasting thirty minutes, to allow time for both the mock interview and feedback from the attorneys.

Thanks to all the panelists and the volunteer attorneys for taking the time to help law students with their interviewing skills.  Thanks to Sylvia Chin and White & Case for hosting the event.  Thanks especially to the Student Outreach Committee co-chairs Ben Chan and Liza Sohn for organizing this event.  They note that “many of AABANY’s student members are the first in their family to attend law school and this workshop was a rare opportunity for them to have a practicing attorney review their resume and prepare them for legal interviews.”

We wish all the students the best of luck with their upcoming interviews and we hope that they found the Mock Interview Workshop to be helpful.  For some photos from the event, go here.  To learn more about the Student Outreach Committee, go to this link on the website or e-mail the committee co-chairs, Ben and Liza, at [email protected].

For those who missed this workshop, you may want to try the one being given by KALAGNY on Monday, August 1, starting at 6 pm at the offices of Herrick & Feinstein.  Even if you already went to the AABANY workshop, it never hurts to practice your interview skills multiple times.  Practice makes perfect!  More details at this link.


Picnic at Turtle Pond

Thanks to everyone who came out on Saturday to join us for the Fourth Annual AABANY Picnic organized by the Young Lawyers and Litigation Committees. We could not have asked for a nicer summer afternoon for this perennial event. YLC Committee Co-Chair Will Ng and LC Co-Chair Tristan Loanzon arrived well before the noon starting time to scout out a great spot under the shade of a large willow tree. Turtle Pond is below the southern edge of the Great Lawn, right by the Delacorte Theater, home to Shakespeare in the Park, across from Belvedere Castle.

We saw many AABANY members in attendance, some with their young children in tow. Because we are usually accustomed to seeing our members in suits or at least in business casual, many AABANY regulars went by almost unnoticed in their summer casual wear. Don Liu, GC of Xerox, in a yellow cap and plaid shorts could have easily passed for one of the many law students who were at the picnic.

President Linda Lin stopped by with her mom.  President-elect Jean Lee also came to the picnic. Past president James Chou brought his entire family.

At an early point in the picnic, we hung the AABANY banner on a branch so that attendees can easily spot us, but a Park Ranger came by and told us that it was against park rules to hang any signs on the trees, so we took it down and put it on a fence, which was allowed.

The sign at the entrance to Turtle Pond indicated no “organized sports” so we decided that the Park Rangers probably would not take kindly to our plans to run a three-legged race and tug of war, and we refrained from those activities.

Student Outreach Committee Co-Chair Liza Sohn brought the marshmallows but we had very few takers for the Chubby Bunny so we skipped on that activity.

Even without the usual fun and games, we had a great turnout throughout the afternoon, and it was a pleasure to enjoy the park and each other’s company in one of the loveliest spots in Central Park.

Thanks to the YLC and LC for putting together the event. Here are some photos from the picnic.AABANY Picnic at Turtle Pond

Summer Reception at Kenyon & Kenyon

For the last few years, AABANY’s July Board meeting has taken place at Kenyon & Kenyon thanks to the graciousness of past AABANY President John Flock.  John was also recently honored by AABANY’s Prosecutors’ Committee, along with Hon. Randall Eng and Hugh Mo, at the Third Anniversary Reception of the Prosecutors’ Committee held at NYCLA on June 30.

In keeping with tradition, and to enjoy the marvelous views of New York Harbor from the 11th floor terrace of Kenyon & Kenyon, AABANY held a summer reception open to all right before the Board meeting.  We also took the opportunity to invite the 2011 Joint Minority Bar Judicial Internship Program (JMB JIP) participants to pick up their stipend checks for the summer.  Thanks to all the JMB JIP sponsors for making the stipends possible.

To make the party even livelier, Issues Committee Chair Joe Gim hosted a meet-and-greet for all those who were interested in joining AABANY’s Issues Committee to come and hear from Joe what the Committee is about and how anyone interested in legal issues affecting the APA community could get involved.  Joe collected many names and e-mail addresses from those who were in attendance.  We anticipate that at least some of those people knew they were signing up for the Issues Committee.  If you wish to get involved with the Issues Committee but were not able to attend the reception, you can reach Joe at [email protected].  He will surely be glad to hear from you.

The hour-long reception lasted a little over an hour, after which Board members and committee chairs who were present headed down to the third floor conference room for the Board meeting.  Quite a few of the reception attendees decided to stay for the Board meeting, making for a very crowded conference room.  It was great to see so many people interested in attending an AABANY Board meeting.  We hope you found the experience instructive and not soporific.  And for those who wish to attend AABANY Board meetings, they are usually held on the first Tuesdays of the month at various locations.  The next one will take place on Tuesday, August 2, at Constantine Cannon, starting at 7 pm. Register your attendance at this link.