AABANY’s newly-formed Trusts & Estates Committee held its inaugural event in the courtroom of Hon. Rita Mella at New York County Surrogate’s Court on Chambers Street in lower Manhattan on September 20, 2023. About two dozen attendees, including many AABANY members and court staff, filled the ornate courtroom.
Yang Chen, the Executive Director of AABANY, presented welcome remarks, followed by Co-Chair P.M. Natasha Chang, who then introduced Co-Chair Yi Stewart. Yi introduced the Hon. Rita Mella, Surrogate Judge, New York County. (Yi was formerly Judge Mella’s law clerk.)
Judge Mella, both the host and honored guest, spoke on the history and role of Surrogate’s Courts, and the importance of diversity in the courts and among trusts & estates practitioners. Judge Mella disclosed that the Surrogate’s Court of New York County, which consists of only two judges (including Hon. Hilary Gingold) and their staff, processes approximately 10,000 cases a year. In addition to the probate and administration proceedings, the court handles adoption, guardianship, and miscellaneous proceedings. Among these cases, Judge Mella particularly noted the proceedings for settling 9/11-related personal injury and wrongful death claims which involve many who lived and worked in Manhattan Chinatown.
Judge Mella had pulled from the records room and laid on the table for exhibit the original wills of Alexander Hamilton, Babe Ruth, Herman Melville, Marilyn Monroe, and Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis. Committee members pored over the documents in fascination. Champagne and dim sum were served before everyone gathered on the steps of the courtroom gallery for a photo.
Congratulations to the T&E Committee, AABANY’s newest Committee, on a successful inaugural event. Thanks to everyone who came and took part, and thanks especially to Judge Mella and her staff for welcoming us into her beautiful and historic courtroom. To learn more about the T&E Committee and how you can get involved, go to https://www.aabany.org/page/1154. If you would like to join the Committee’s listserv, contact main@aabany.org.
On September 6th, 2023, AABANY held its Queens Pro Bono Legal Clinic at the AAFE One Flushing Community Center. The clinic met with 31 clients, coming in with questions about housing, immigration, family law, and civil litigation. Volunteer attorneys and interpreters patiently addressed client concerns, answering questions and connecting them to lawyers through AABANY’s Legal Referral and Information Service (LRIS). We are extremely grateful to have volunteers willing to start early at 6pm and stay beyond 8:30pm to finish speaking with the clients.
We thank the AABANY Pro Bono & Community Service (PBCS) Committee and Asian Americans for Equality for organizing and hosting this event. We also thank Council Member Sandra Ung for partnering with us to make this service available to the community.
Thank you to our volunteers for supporting the clinic. Your time and dedication are essential for delivering crucial assistance to individuals seeking legal guidance. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to:
Volunteer Attorneys:
Richard In Lina Lee Beatrice Leong Lord Chester So May Wong Gary Yeung
Interpreters and Coordinators:
Gabriel Hisugan Jocelyn Jao Willow Liu Nuala Naranjo-Odoherty
Here is a list of upcoming Pro Bono Clinics:
● Brooklyn, October 14, from 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm, at Chinese-American Planning Council, Inc., 4101 8th Avenue. Sign up here to volunteer.
● Manhattan, October 18, from 6:30pm to 8:30pm, and AAFE Community Center, 111 Norfolk Street. Sign up here to volunteer.
● Queens, November 1, from 6:30pm – 8:30pm, at AAFE One Flushing Community Center, 133-29 41st Ave 2nd Floor. Sign up here to volunteer.
Click here for more information about our Pro Bono Clinics and the PBCS Committee.
With 50 days remaining before the start of the 2023 NAPABA Convention in Indianapolis, I wish to update you on NAPABA’s work in Indiana along with our advocacy efforts broadly.
In April 2023, we announced our Indiana Advocacy Action Plan following the decision from the Board of Governors to remain in Indianapolis for the 2023 NAPABA Convention. The Plan’s four-prong strategy aimed to meaningfully engage community stakeholders in Indiana and advance the dignity and interests of the LGBTQ+ and AANHPI communities in the time leading up to and beyond the Convention. Since then, I can report to you on the following actions:
Immediate Investment. NAPABA and Indiana Legal Services, Inc. (ILS), announced a partnership to deliver direct legal support to LGBTQ+ and immigrant communities in Indiana. The partnership will fund law student interns at ILS starting this fall for the 2023-2024 academic year. The legal internships will be housed within the ILS LGBTQ+ Project and Immigrants’ and Language Rights Center. Financial support for these legal internships was generously provided by the NAPABA Law Foundation’s Underserved Communities Fellowship.
Lasting Impact. Starting this October, NAPABA–in partnership with the Asian Pacific American Bar Association of Indiana, Alliance for Justice, and Dentons Bingham Greenebaum LLP–will be convening a wide array of community leaders in Indianapolis for our multi-part civic engagement series entitled, “Joining Forces, Building Community and Empowerment.” The workshop is designed for Indiana leaders to build organizational, operational, and advocacy skills in their efforts to advocate and better serve their communities. NAPABA will host additional workshops in the months ahead, including another convening of community leaders on Thursday, November 9, 2023, at the Convention, and culminate in a day of advocacy activities at the Indiana Statehouse in 2024.
Showcasing Our Values. The 2023 NAPABA Convention in Indianapolis is centered on uplifting NAPABA’s values and our community. Our Friday Plenary Luncheon program will focus on “Gender Equality and the Rights of Transgender Athletes,” featuring Justice Sabrina McKenna of the Supreme Court of Hawai`i as the moderator. At our Gala program on Saturday, the keynote speaker will be attorney and civil rights activist Mia Yamamoto, a prominent leader and advocate for human rights and for the rights of the LGBTQ+ and AANHPI communities. During the Convention’s substantive program, we will highlight issues such as AANHPIs and the fight for marriage equality, a reflection on the civil rights movement, how our community can advance the cause for justice, #WhyWomenLeave, and more.
Beyond Indiana. Though we are focused on Indiana, NAPABA remains at the forefront in our core advocacy work across the nation.
We continue to oppose vigorously alien land laws that would strip the rights of AANHPIs to pursue a livelihood and fair housing. NAPABA and our affiliates are engaged with state and federal policymakers to oppose such laws along with grassroots community leaders and the press. Along with our coalition partners, NAPABA has cautioned Congress to be mindful of its rhetoric and “to consider the impact that proposed legislation could have on AANHPI communities, and to work with AANHPI groups to find ways to address national security concerns while creating an environment that welcomes people who are committed to the success and safety of our country.” We have raised the alarm over a recent amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act that, if enacted, would impose restrictions on individuals from certain countries like China to purchase agricultural land. In court, we are supporting, as amicus curiae, litigation challenging Florida’s discriminatory statute.
In the aftermath of U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Students for Fair Admissions v. UNC/Harvard, NAPABA has not only presented educational programs to our members about the ruling, but also engaged with partners to explore best avenues to support diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts across the profession.
NAPABA has stood in solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community. For example, in the face of federal legislation that targeted the transgender community, NAPABA opposed a bill that would ban transgender and intersex girls and women from participating in school sporting activities that align with their gender identities. Such harmful and discriminatory policies are wholly inconsistent with NAPABA values. Similarly, NAPABA denounced a misguided decision from the U.S. Supreme Court in 303 Creative LLC v. Aubrey Elenis, which held that a website design business–notwithstanding state anti-discrimination laws–may refuse to deliver services to same-sex couples. We called on Congress again to pass the Equality Act, which would amend federal law to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity.
NAPABA endorsed the Southeast Asian Deportation Relief Act of 2023, a bill that would deliver relief to Southeast Asian American refugees and create a pathway for the return of nearly 2,000 refugees to the United States who have already been removed to Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia.
Recently, in another step toward equity, NAPABA endorsed California Senate Bill 403, which would add caste as a protected characteristic under California’s civil rights laws, and called for a ban on caste discrimination throughout the nation.
This is only a snapshot of our efforts. Undoubtedly, we are making progress, but we are nowhere near done. As California just recognized when it lifted the ban on publicly funded travel to other states with objectionable laws targeting the LGBTQ+ community, NAPABA believes in the importance and the power of showing up. Our work is only possible because of the strength, energy, and passion of our members, our committees, our affiliates, and our sponsors. So many of you step up each and every day to better our community, often in the shadows of the public eye, with the only hope that the next generation will enjoy the gains that we endeavor to make today. We are incredibly grateful.
I look forward to seeing all of you in Indianapolis.
On Thursday, September 7, 2023, students and practitioners alike attended the AABANY Oyster Happy Hour at Sagaponack NYC. Nearly thirty folks attended for a night of oysters, bar bites, and networking. The Membership Committee annually hosts this Oyster Happy Hour at Sagaponack NYC and, this year, strategically partnered with the Student Outreach and Young Lawyers Committees to give law students an opportunity to network with practitioners as they kicked off their fall semesters. Thank you to everyone who attended and to our co-sponsoring committees including the Military & Veteran Affairs Committee. And a special thanks to the folks at Sagaponack NYC for the great food and service as always. If you have any ideas for fun AABANY membership events, please email ChristopherSBae@gmail.com.
NAPABA committees and networks enable our members to gain access to a robust knowledge-sharing network of seasoned AANHPI professionals. NAPABA’s committees focus on substantive practice specialties or specific service areas, such as civic engagement. NAPABA’s networks encompass individuals with similar experiences, such as solo practice or military service. These peer-led groups serve as a networking community and enable members to learn best practices and stay on top of the latest legal trends.
NAPABA is seeking committee or network co-chair recommendations from the membership to fill vacancies and we urge you to consider contributing your expertise and experiences in a meaningful way within NAPABA. Serving as a co-chair presents a unique chance to take up a leadership role within NAPABA, connect with AANHPI attorneys in your practice area or who share similar experiences, and enhance your professional profile. Many of our committee and network co-chairs have later served on NAPABA’s Board of Directors.
Who can become a co-chair?
An appointee must:
Have demonstrated proven leadership skills;
Have demonstrated the highest standards of personal integrity and trust professionally and personally;
Have personal and professional experience relevant to the goals/objectives of the Committee;
Have demonstrated a commitment to the furtherance of the Committee’s goals, including leadership and pipeline development;
Be a member in good standing of NAPABA or a NAPABA affiliate; and
Be willing to serve for a six-year term.
What information do I need to provide?
We request applicants submit the following materials in a SINGLE PDF:
A Resume or similar material that demonstrates personal or professional experience relevant to the goal(s) and objective(s) of the committee or network.
A Statement of Interest demonstrating the following:
Proven leadership skills in NAPABA, local NAPABA affiliates, or other professional activities
The highest standards of personal integrity and trust in all professional and personal activities
Additional details outlining your personal or professional experience relevant to the goal(s) and objective(s) of the committee or network not outlined in your resume.
Where do I apply?
Ready to apply? Click on the button below to start your application! The deadline to apply is Monday, September 18, 2023 at 5:00 pm ET.
Committees and networks with co-chair vacancies:
Bankruptcy & Restructuring Committee
Cannabis/CBD/Hemp Law & Policy Committee
Civil Rights Committee
Corporate Transactions Committee
Data Privacy & Security Committee
Dispute Resolution Committee
Diversity and Inclusion Committee
Energy, Environment & Sustainability Committee
Entertainment Law Committee
Government Enforcement & Compliance Committee
Immigration Committee
Insurance Law Committee
Litigation Committee
Mass Torts & Class Actions Committee
Pro Bono & Community Service Committee
Real Estate Committee
Tax Committee
Trusts & Estates Committee
Wellness Committee
In-House Counsel Network
Law School Professors & Administrators Network
LGBTQ Network
Partners Network
Public Sector Network
Solo & Small Firm Network
If you have any questions about our committees or networks or the application process, please contact membership@napaba.org.
The Fred T. Korematsu Institute is hosting a celebration honoring the 40th anniversary of the coram nobis cases on Saturday, October 21, 2023, at the Marriott Marquis Hotel in San Francisco. Our Democracy: Then and Now, is an in-person dinner commemorating a momentous decision in civil rights history.
The dinner will welcome members of the 1983 coram nobis teams, as well as former Acting Solicitor General of the United States and MSNBC TV contributor, Neal Katyal, who will be the keynote speaker and recipient of the Fred Korematsu Social Justice Award. Local KTVU reporter and journalist Jana Katsuyama will host the celebration.
NAPABA is proud to be a Korematsu Champion Sponsor of the event and host of the VIP Reception.
Our Democracy: Then and Now The 40th Anniversary of the Coram Nobis Cases October 21, 2023
Contact: Rahat N. Babar, Deputy Executive Director for Policy
WASHINGTON – On the 60th anniversary of the 1963 March on Washington, the day, which started with a remembrance of the work remaining to achieve Dr. King’s dream for racial and social equity, ended in tragedy. This past Saturday afternoon on August 26, 2023, according to news reports, an individual armed with a handgun and an AR-15-style rifle that bore white supremacist markings shot and killed three people from the Black community at a store in Jacksonville, Florida. Local law enforcement officials have reported that the individual, who was white, left written evidence detailing his “disgusting ideology of hate” and that the shooting “was racially motivated, and he hated Black people.”
To say that our hearts are broken would be an understatement. We stand with the people of Jacksonville and with the families of the victims.
Throughout the history of the United States, we have seen – time and again – the devastating impacts of hate on our communities. Yet we must not yield and allow history to repeat itself. We cannot allow hate to hold our communities hostage. And we refuse to allow white supremacy any safe harbor.
NAPABA and the Jacksonville Asian American Bar Association remain committed to eradicating hate and making Dr. King’s vision a reality.
The National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA) represents the interests of over 60,000 Asian Pacific American (APA) legal professionals and nearly 90 national, state, and local APA bar associations. NAPABA is a leader in addressing civil rights issues confronting Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander communities. Through its national network, NAPABA provides a strong voice for increased diversity of the federal and state judiciaries, advocates for equal opportunity in the workplace, works to eliminate hate crimes and anti-immigrant sentiment, and promotes the professional development of people of all backgrounds in the legal profession.
The Jacksonville Asian American Bar Association (JAABA) is a voluntary bar association of attorneys, judges, and law students, who serve the Jacksonville and North Florida areas. JAABA is an affiliate member of the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (the “NAPABA”) which represents the interests of over 60,000 Asian Pacific American (APA) legal professionals and nearly 90 national, state, and local APA bar associations. JAABA seeks to carry out the mission statement of NAPABA – promoting “justice, equity and opportunity for Asian Pacific Americans” and fostering “professional development, legal scholarship, advocacy and community involvement.” To that end, JAABA issued a joint statement with NAPABA regarding the racially-motivated attack that occurred in Jacksonville over the weekend; and reiterates its support of NAPABA’s values of “equality, community, advocacy, relationships, diversity, equity, inclusion, open-mindedness, and the health and wellbeing of our members” and the communities in which we live and serve.
On July 22, 2023, AABANY successfully hosted its inaugural Wellness Day in commemoration of Minority Mental Health Awareness Month. The event, held under the theme “Embracing Wellness and Well-Being: Strengthening the Legal Profession by Investing in Ourselves,” took place at Brooklyn Law School. This event was made possible through the generous support of our distinguished speakers and sponsors, enabling us to address crucial topics such as fostering wellness, seeking therapy, building resilience, and more.
Mental health and well-being, particularly within the Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) community and in the context of the legal profession, have often been overlooked and under-discussed. With this event, AABANY sought to break barriers and shed light on these critical issues, providing a safe and supportive platform for these conversations to take place.
Wellness Day registration started at 9 a.m. with the first 25 attendees to sign-in receiving a free stainless steel AABANY water bottle. Attendees were encouraged to come in casual attire and the program was also offered via Zoom, to be inclusive of those unable to attend in-person. The full-day event kicked off with breakfast from Paris Baguette, allowing participants to network and connect with one another over pastries and coffee for an enjoyable hour. Soon after, AABANY President Karen Kim delivered welcoming remarks. She extended her appreciation to all the attendees who joined this meaningful event and the pivotal role of the speakers and sponsors, recognizing their significant contribution to wellness and mental health advocacy.
Anu Gupta, the Founder of BE MORE with Anu, began with an enlightening presentation. His program, titled “Mindful Embodiment as a Means to Heal Burnout and Internalized Anti-Asian Bias,” commenced with a guided meditation, allowing attendees to clear their minds, relax, and focus on the session.
Anu introduced his PRISM ToolkitⓇ. PRISM is designed to help reduce unconscious bias and stereotyping, enhance social connectedness, strengthen relationships, and alleviate stress. Anu emphasized the significance of “love and kindness for oneself” and how true wellness is rooted in understanding and managing our internal environment. He stressed the importance of self-love as the foundation for extending that love to others, fostering connections beyond our differences.
Anu, a lawyer, scientist, and educator, shared his personal healing journey, which began during his 2L summer in law school when he went to Taiwan to become a monk. Continuing his quest for healing, during his 3L year, he became a certified yoga teacher. Toward the end of his presentation, Anu highlighted the wisdom of the Asian diaspora, citing the teachings of HH Dalai Lama, who emphasized the philosophy of kindness. Anu firmly believes that kindness and love should form the “foundation of society.” Thank you, Anu Gupta, for setting a meaningful tone for the day and reinforcing the importance of prioritizing wellness and meditation for personal and professional growth.
For more information about PRISM and Anu Gupta, please visit his website here.
Next, Dr. Nadine Chang, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist at Gracie Square Hospital, and Alice Zhang, CEO of Anise Health presented their program, “Mental Health 101 for the Asian Community.” They talked about misconceptions of mental illnesses, signs of depression and anxiety, importance of culturally informed care and barriers to mental health treatments.
During her presentation, Alice highlighted that “[the] current solutions [in the mental health care system] are not often tailored for minorities,” including the process of deciding to seek care, browsing for providers, conducting consultations, and continuing care. Alice then introduced the attendees to Anise Health, a culturally-responsive digital mental health and wellbeing platform dedicated to meeting the unique needs of communities of color, starting with a focus on the AANHPI population. Following up, Dr. Chang spotlighted the much-needed steps towards breaking the stigma surrounding mental health in the AANHPI community and fostering a more understanding and supportive environment for those facing mental health issues, such as learning to support your loved ones struggling with mental illness by being more present, listening, and empathizing with the other person’s situation by reflecting on how they may think and feel being in their shoes.
To conclude the morning session, speaker Ona Lu and moderator Maggie Poon presented their fireside chat titled, “How to Find a Therapist and Mental Well-Being Tips.” Ona Lu, a former AABANY Legal Intern, began the conversation by reflecting on her journey and offering advice to her 18-year-old self. She emphasized the importance of recognizing that “everything happens for a reason” and that life experiences are opportunities to “learn and grow from.” She shared her personal journey of redirecting and rediscovering her passion for law after leaving her job as an attorney. Ona also opened up about the challenges she faced in seeking therapy, particularly coming from a conservative family. She reflected on the process of finding a therapist, admitting that it felt somewhat scary due to fear of judgment and the daunting fact of opening up to a stranger. “Finding a therapist is like dating,” she says, and advised that one should not give up on finding the right therapist. Through her inspiring story, Ona encouraged others to prioritize their mental health, emphasizing that it is okay to seek help and take care of oneself without feeling guilty or selfish. We thank Ona Lu for her openness and vulnerability of her journey and Maggie Poon for moderating a personal and intimate conversation.
When the morning session concluded, attendees were treated to a delightful spread of Korean food, providing an informal and relaxed opportunity for everyone to chat, mingle, and network over delicious and comforting fare.
Pema Sherpa, Founder of Pema Solutions, commenced the afternoon session with her program, “Cultivate Resilience to Thrive Amid Challenging Times.” She began with a brief mindful check-in breathing exercise, allowing attendees to de-stress. Then, Pema shared a powerful story about the earthquake that struck Nepal, highlighting how its impact differed for each individual and community. After the earthquake, she embarked on a rescue mission to a rural village, where she witnessed firsthand the trauma and distress faced by the people whose homes were destroyed. She was struck by the sight of normalcy amidst the devastation, as children were actively helping their parents cope with the aftermath. Curious about their experiences, Pema asked one of the children about how she dealt with the trauma of the earthquake. The child’s response was inspiring: she chose not to allow the trauma to overpower her. This particular encounter inspired Pema to reassess the power of resilience and the ability to find strength and hope even in the face of adversity. She shared that resilience serves as a protective mechanism: protects against stress, reduces loneliness, and enhances the immune system.
For more information about Pema Sherpa and Pema Solutions, please visit her website here.
Alex Su, the next speaker, is a former lawyer and the Head of Community Development at Ironclad. The fireside chat,“Overcoming Setbacks and Failures,” was moderated by President Karen Kim. Alex’s career, spanning from law to technology and even social media, didn’t always go as planned and encountered several major setbacks along the way. He shared his story, beginning with the first setback he faced: failing the bar exam. Other setbacks followed: he went from a big law firm, to creating his own, to being let go from a small firm. He then explored opportunities in sales and eventually found his way into the tech and social media industry. Through each setback, Alex acknowledged that it was an opportunity for growth and “set[ting] the path [for him] to try something new.” He emphasized that “resilience is a muscle” and that muscle develops stronger with each challenge.
Sharing his setbacks on LinkedIn proved to be a pivotal moment for Alex, as he received an outpouring of comments from peers who could relate to his experiences. This realization highlighted that many people tend to only share their successes and not their failures. When asked if he would go back in time to avoid these setbacks, considering he now gets to do what he loves, Alex responded with a resounding “Yes, 100%.” He recognized that those setbacks were necessary steps in discovering his true passions and aligning them with his personality. Each setback, “like a slap,” guided him along the right path. Thank you, Alex, for sharing your vulnerable story and serving as a powerful reminder that setbacks and failures are stepping stones towards finding one’s purpose and fulfilling career journey.
For more information about Alex Su, please visit his newsletter here.
Concluding Wellness Day, AABANY hosted a CLE program titled, “Challenges on Being the First and Prioritizing Your Well-Being.” The program included the following panelists:
Vincent Chang: first AAPI NYCLA President and former AABANY president
Hon. Sanket J. Bulsara (EDNY): first South Asian federal judge in the Second Circuit
Concepcion (“Connie”) Montoya: one of the founders of the Filipino American Lawyers Association of New York, the first Filipino bar association in New York
Susan Jin Davis: Social Impact Officer for Al Roker Entertainment, formerly with Comcast Corporation, where she was the company’s first Chief Sustainability Officer
and moderated by Yang Chen, first Executive Director of AABANY and former AABANY president.
The inspiring panel of firsts shared their careers and discussed various topics related to imposter syndrome, work-life balance, stress and anxiety and mental well-being. Susan Jin Davis shared that her greatest challenges of becoming the first was imposter syndrome and the lack of representation. She overcame this feeling by focusing on “the second and the third and the fourth [and] lay[ing] a pathway for the future.” Similarly, Connie resonated with the same feelings, and even more so regarding her identity as a queer Filipino woman in the legal field. Vincent highlighted the significance of finding “a great support system” and his joining many different bar associations, where he found like-minded individuals who shared careers and interests similar to his own. Judge Bulsara offered valuable advice, emphasizing the importance of not comparing oneself to others and recognizing that everyone has their unique journey in life.
The shared experiences and advice from the speakers served as valuable takeaways for all attendees. AABANY thanks them all for being a powerful influence in wellness and mental health advocacy.
We hope Wellness Day provided attendees with a relaxing day of self-care and resources to help promote the well-being of themselves and their family and peers. After a full day of speakers, good food and snacks throughout the day, attendees left with a card deck on Mindfulness or Stress Relief & Selfcare, to help further prioritize wellness.
We also want to express our sincere gratitude to President Karen Kim for successfully organizing this event and for convening an important and much-needed discussion. Wellness Day would not have been possible without the generous support of our sponsors, and we extend our heartfelt thanks to them for their valuable contribution.
Wellness Day Speakers:
Anu Gupta, BE MORE with Anu
Alice Zhang, Anise Health
Dr. Nadine Chang, Gracie Square Hospital
Ona Lu
Maggie Poon, American Express
Pema Sherpa, Pema Solutions
Alexander Su, Ironclad
Karen Kim, QBE North America
Yang Chen, AABANY
Hon. Sanket J. Bulsara, U.S. District Court (E.D.N.Y.)
Susan Jin Davis, Al Roker Entertainment
Concepcion A. Montoya, Hinshaw & Culbertson
Vincent Chang, Wollmuth Maher & Deutsch
Wellness Day Sponsors:
Brooklyn Law School
Anise Health
BEMORE with Anu
Pema Solutions
Advocate Sponsor: KEB Hana Bank USA
Supporter: Faegre Drinker
Co-Sponsoring Bar Associations:
Asian American Judges Association of New York (AAJANY)
Asian Pacific American Lawyers Association of New Jersey (APALA-NJ)
Filipino American Lawyers Association of New York (FALA New York)
Haitian American Lawyers Association of New York (HALANY)
Jewish Lawyers Guild (JLG)
Judges & Lawyers Breast Cancer Alert (JALBCA)
LGBT Bar Association of New York (LeGaL)
Korean American Lawyers Association of Greater New York (KALAGNY)
Network of Bar Leaders (NoBL)
New York County Lawyers Association (NYCLA)
New York State Bar Association (NYSBA)
The South Asian Bar Association of New Jersey (SABA-NJ)
South Asian Bar Association of New York (SABANY)
To read the full press release, please click here.
On August 5th, 2023, AABANY held its Brooklyn Pro Bono Legal Clinic at the Chinese-American Planning Council (CPC) Brooklyn Community Services Center. The clinic met with 25 clients, coming in with questions about housing, immigration, and family law issues. Volunteer attorneys and interpreters patiently addressed client concerns, answering questions and connecting them to lawyers through AABANY’s Legal Referral and Information Service (LRIS).
We thank the Pro Bono & Community Service (PBCS) Committee and the Chinese-American Planning Council (CPC) for organizing and hosting the event. Established in 1965, CPC is a social services organization dedicated to helping Asian American, immigrant, and economically disadvantaged communities within New York City to obtain equitable access to essential resources and opportunities, thus fostering Asian American success.
The next Pro Bono Clinic will be on September 6th, from 6:30pm – 8:30pm, and located at AAFE One Flushing Community Center, 133-29 41st Ave 2nd Floor, Queens, NY 11355. You can sign up here to volunteer. To add the date and time for this clinic to your calendar, click here. For upcoming clinics, please check AABANY’s calendar and update your email preference in your account to receive our emails.
Thank you to our volunteers for supporting the clinic. Your time and dedication is essential for delivering crucial assistance to individuals seeking legal guidance. We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to:
Volunteer Attorneys:
Amber Lee Ashley Shan Gary Yeung Kwok Kei Ng May Wong
Interpreters and Observers:
I-Kai Lee Jihyon Kim Ruo Yang Yini Lai
To learn more about the Pro Bono & Community Service Committee, click here.
NAPABA Contact: Priya Purandare, Executive Director Fred T. Korematsu Institute Contact: Michelle Mitchell, Communications Director
WASHINGTON – The National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA) and the Fred T. Korematsu Institute, a 501(c)(3) national civil rights education organization based in San Francisco, announced a historic, groundbreaking affiliation formalizing their organizations’ longstanding relationship based on a shared interest in promoting civic participation, racial equity, and civil rights. The affiliation will strengthen the missions of both institutions by increasing resources and understanding and combating anti-Asian discrimination and bias through education and advocacy.
The Korematsu Institute was founded on the legacy of Fred Korematsu, a Japanese American who, in 1942, refused to comply with the World War II Executive Order to forcibly remove and incarcerate American Citizens of Japanese descent in prison camps. After he was arrested and convicted of defying the government’s order, he appealed his case to the United States Supreme Court. In an infamous decision that joins the ranks of Dred Scott v. Sandford and Plessy v. Ferguson, the Supreme Court ruled against him, holding that the incarceration was justified due to military necessity. After discovering that the government had withheld evidence and that the Solicitor General lied to the Court, Korematsu’s conviction was overturned in 1983 through a writ of Coram Nobis. In 1998, he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, our nation’s highest civilian honor, for his steadfast advocacy.
“My father’s decades-long fight against injustice in the face of discrimination was not only a legal and constitutional achievement, but a story of individual humanity that resonates with so many in this country,” said Dr. Karen Korematsu, Founder and President of the Korematsu Institute. “While law schools teach my father’s case to dissect legal principles, we cannot forget what he and so many other incarcerated Japanese Americans experienced on a human level during that dark period in our nation’s history.”
Founded in 1989, NAPABA is the nation’s largest Asian Pacific American membership organization representing the interests of 60,000 attorneys, judges, law professors, and law students. NAPABA is a leader in addressing civil rights issues confronting Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander communities. Without question, its values align with the spirit of Fred Korematsu’s advocacy and the Institute’s commitment to equality.
“Fred Korematsu’s case, and that of fellow Japanese American detainees such as Minoru Yasui, Gordon Hirabayashi and those of Fred Oyama and Sei Fujii, who challenged alien land laws after their properties were illegally seized, are not just historical precedents — they are the legal framework we use to fight discrimination against Asian Americans, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islanders,” said Sandra Leung, President of NAPABA. “It is important for all Americans to understand the leading role that Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders have played in shaping the civil rights jurisprudence of this nation.”
“Fred Korematsu’s journey, now more than ever, is a seminal, timeless story — especially at a time in our nation and in the world marked by growing ignorance and intolerance, fueled by advances in technology and the swiftness of disinformation,” said Peggy Saika, Board Chair of the Korematsu Institute. “We are confident that between the Institute’s long-standing care of his legacy and NAPABA’s reach in the legal community, we will safeguard the opportunity to continue learning the lessons of Fred Korematsu’s strength for generations to come.”
“This affiliation will amplify the impact of both NAPABA and the Korematsu Institute,” said Priya Purandare, Executive Director of NAPABA and the Korematsu Institute. “With the Institute’s expertise and K-12 educational and public resources, we can collectively bring the stories of Fred Korematsu and other AANHPI civil rights legal icons to inspire future generations of Americans.”
The National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA) represents the interests of over 60,000 Asian Pacific American (APA) legal professionals and nearly 90 national, state, and local APA bar associations. NAPABA is a leader in addressing civil rights issues confronting Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander communities. Through its national network, NAPABA provides a strong voice for increased diversity of the federal and state judiciaries, advocates for equal opportunity in the workplace, works to eliminate hate crimes and anti-immigrant sentiment, and promotes the professional development of people of all backgrounds in the legal profession.
The Fred T. Korematsu Institute, named after Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient Fred Korematsu, is a national education advocacy organization committed to promoting civic participation and education to advance racial equity, social justice, and human rights for all. Through its educational programs, media and exhibits, and speaking engagements, the Korematsu Institute inspires people and organizations to, as Fred said, “stand up for what is right.”