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AABANY at NAPABA National Convention 2011

NAPABA’s 23rd Annual National Convention: Sustainability took place last week in Atlanta, Georgia, at the Omni CNN Center from November 17 through 20.  Among the more than 1100 attorneys from around the country was our contingent from New York.

AABANY was well-represented at the NAPABA National Convention. 

Judge Denny Chin, past AABANY President and currently the only active APA Federal appellate circuit judge, was the keynote speaker at Saturday night’s installation banquet.  Judge Chin shared his experiences as a district court judge, regaling the capacity crowd with fascinating, funny and sometimes touching stories from the wide variety of cases he presided over in his fifteen years on the bench as a United States District Court Judge.

Don Liu, General Counsel of Xerox and AABANY member, introduced Friday’s plenary luncheon speaker, Yale Law School Professor and best-selling author Amy Chua.  Don himself was honored with NAPABA’s prestigious Trailblazer Award on Friday evening.  In a moving and heartfelt acceptance speech, Don honored his recently-deceased father as a trailblazer in his own right.

At Saturday night’s installation banquet, NAPABA presented its Best Under 40 award recipients, and AABANY was represented by Director Bobby Liu, General Counsel at MD Sass, and Pauline Yeung-Ha, Co-Chair Solo and Small Firm Committee and name partner at Grimaldi & Yeung.  Also honored was My Chi To, Secretary of AALFNY (Asian American Law Fund of New York) and partner at Debevoise & Plimpton.

On Thursday, at the NAPABA Bar Leadership Institute, AABANY Executive Director Yang Chen was the luncheon speaker, talking about AABANY’s experience as the first affiliate with a full-time executive director.

On Friday, Judge Chin led the AABANY re-enactment team in a program entitled “Race, Color and Citizenship: Ozawa and Thind,” which re-created two Supreme Court cases from the 1920s in which the Court upheld the denial of naturalization to two Asian Americans on the basis of race and color.  The cast, led by Judge Chin and Kathy Hirata Chin, was comprised of AABANY members, including many AABANY Directors: Vincent Chang, Yang Chen, Francis Chin, Lauren Lee, Susan Moon, Esther Nguonly, Liza Sohn, Vinoo Varghese, Jessica Wong and Michael Yap.

Throughout the conference, many other AABANY members, including many past AABANY leaders, spoke on or moderated various panels, including: Sylvia Fung Chin, John Flock, Parkin Lee, and Hon. Doris Ling Cohan.

Congratulations also to Hofstra Law School which was recognized on November 18 as the NAPALSA (National Asian Pacific American Law Students Association) Affiliate of the Year.  NAPALSA held several programs and meetings during the NAPABA National Convention.

Thanks to everyone who took part in the NAPABA 2011 National Convention, and congratulations to all the honorees.  You do AABANY proud!


Photos from the 23rd Annual National Asian Pacific American Bar Association Convention at the Omni CNN Center in Atlanta, Georgia, Nov. 17-20, 2011.


The Association is pleased to announce that thanks to donations from several New York law firms, individuals, and support from the New York Bar Foundation, we are able to provide financial assistance to selected public service attorneys to encourage them to remain in public service careers. The application deadline is November 30, 2011. Recipients will be announced in January, during the NYSBA Annual Meeting. Complete application packets are available on line or you may telephone the Department of Pro Bono Affairs at (518) 487-5641 or e-mail us at [email protected] to receive an application packet by mail.

Click here to download the application packet.

Debra S. Harrington
Administrative Assistant/Pro Bono Affairs
One Elk Street
Albany, NY  12207
(518) 487-5641 Phone
(518) 487-5694 Fax
[email protected]

AALDEF is seeking law student and undergraduate interns for its Economic Justice project. The Economic Justice project provides legal advocacy and direct representation to Asian immigrant workers experiencing wage-and-hour, discrimination, retaliation, and workplace safety violations. The workers we assist are from a variety of industries, including the restaurant, beauty salon, housework/nanny, and construction industries, although this list is not exhaustive. For the Spring 2011 semester, AALDEF is seeking energetic EJ law interns to conduct legal research, participate in client intake and outreach to community-based organizations, and litigation-related assignments. There will also be an opportunity to work on the landmark trafficking case, Signal v. David, for which a class certification decision is pending. The commitment for Spring 2012 is a minimum of 10-15 hours/week. Undergraduate EJ interns will conduct outreach, follow-up, and general research. While not required, special consideration will be given to applicants fluent in another language, including Gujarati or Korean. Individuals interested in applying for Spring 2012 should e-mail a cover letter, resume, and (for law students) a writing sample not exceeding ten pages to [email protected] no later than December 1, 2011. Please feel free to forward this announcement widely.

Shirley Lin
Staff Attorney | Skadden Fellow

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Diandian Wu performs at Carnegie Hall on December 10

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