Apply today for the 2019 Class!
Washington, D.C. | July 19-21, 2019
NAPABA’s Leadership Advancement Program is a year-long program to develop mid-career Asian Pacific American attorneys’ leadership skills, while providing an opportunity to foster genuine relationships with peers within the profession, especially between in-house counsel (IHC) and law firm attorneys. This year, the first part of the program will be held in Washington D.C. The program will commence with a weekend of team-building and leadership training from Friday, July 19 through midday Sunday, July 21. The first two days will consist of leadership assessments, training on understanding and improving your leadership style, team building, and better understanding your career vision to help support you in pursuing career goals, including addressing the unique hurdles facing Asian Pacific Americans. The last half-day is devoted to launching team-based community projects that will allow participants to forge meaningful and mutually beneficial relationships.
NAPABA’s Leadership Advancement Program (LAP) is distinct from the In-House Counsel Summit (IHC Summit). NAPABA’s LAP is a professional and personal development program for mid-career IHC and law firm attorneys through leadership skills development, candid and open dialogue, and relationship-building. The IHC Summit is offered only to IHCs looking for professional leadership development and opportunities in association with NAPABA 20/20 initiative focused on career advancement for APA in-house counsel.
Applications for NAPABA’s LAP program will be accepted through May 13 at 8:00 p.m. EDT. Apply now!

Enrollment in the program is limited to 24 participants, with an even balance between IHC and law firm attorneys. All NAPABA members are encouraged to apply, although the selection committee will focus on the following criteria this year:
- Law firm candidates: this year’s program will prefer candidates with between six and 10 years of experience
- In-house candidates: preference for a minimum of three to four years of IHC experience, with six to 10 years of overall practice experience
NAPABA will provide the trainers, program materials, venue, and in-program meals. If accepted, attendees will be expected to commit $100 as a program fee and provide their own travel to Washington, DC and accommodations, if required.
Tentative Schedule
Fri., July 19
Leadership Assessment and Team Building: The program will consist of leadership exercises, assessments, and team-building.
Sat., July 20
Leadership Training: The program will consist of leadership training sessions aimed at helping attorneys achieve the highest level of leadership and success in law firms and corporations.
Sun., July 21
Community Project (Half-day): Participants will design a community project that will encourage team-building and leadership development throughout the year.
To learn more about NAPABA’s Leadership Advancement Program, please visit https://www.napaba.org/page/19_LeaderWorkshop or email Leadership Advancement Program Chair, Charles Jung