On December 25, 2022, the Asia Practice Committee, along with the Membership, Student Outreach, Women’s, and Young Lawyers Committees, partnered to host a Christmas dinner and gift exchange event at 99 Flavor Taste in Manhattan Chinatown. Fourteen attendees filled the upper level of this Chinese restaurant to enjoy hotpot and BBQ.
After all guests arrived, each attendee gave a one-minute self-introduction, which gave the guests a good opportunity to learn more about each other. While enjoying the delicious fare, attendees played Two Truths and a Lie, a fun icebreaker.
After everyone ate, the Christmas gift exchange took place, with order determined by lottery. To receive the gift, the recipient had to repeat the self-introduction of the gift giver.

After Christmas dinner, some attendees went on to enjoy an after-dinner karaoke party.
The event welcomed a wide range of attendees, including law students, corporate and tax law practitioners, retired professors and their significant others, who gathered to celebrate Christmas even though they do not have family around in New York, finding home and family among their AABANY friends.
Thanks to the Co-Chairs and Vice Chairs of all the co-sponsoring Committees for helping to organize and promote this enjoyable event and to everyone who came. We look forward to more fun events from these Committees in 2023 and hope you can join them!