AABANY will be a community partner for two film screenings for the 2020 Asian American International Film Festival this fall. These two film screenings include:
Aswang (Dir. Alyx Ayn Arumpac)
This film is geoblocked to the USA.
Since President Rodrigo Duterte took office in 2016 and announced his campaign to rid the Philippines of drug addicts and dealers, as many as 20,000 Filipinos have been murdered. ASWANG confronts these executions and their devastating aftermath.
Coded Bias (Dir. Shalini Kantayya)
CODED BIAS explores the fallout of MIT Media Lab researcher Joy Buolamwini’s startling discovery that facial recognition does not see dark-skinned faces and women accurately and her push for legislative protection against biased AI.
This year, the festival is entirely online; you can watch from home with an internet connection. Each film or event will have a link to purchase your tickets. After you purchase, you will receive an email with a link to view the film. You may purchase anytime within the dates of our festival (October 1 to October 11, 2020). For more information and FAQs, please visit the “How to Festival” section of their website.
Please click the links above to purchase tickets and learn more about the films. AABANY members will receive a 20% discount code to all festival screenings once they register for the event on the AABANY website.
Click here to register for “Aswang” on the AABANY website.
Click here to register for “Coded Bias” on the AABANY website.
For more information on the AAIFF, please click here.