2025 NAPABA Convention Call for Programs

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2025 NAPABA Convention Call for Programs

Deadline to Submit: March 14, 2025 at 8:00 pm ET

Beyond our outstanding CLE sessions, the NAPABA Convention offers specialty programming designed to provide hands-on, in-depth learning from top experts. These immersive workshops go beyond the basics, equipping participants with practical skills and actionable insights to advance their careers.

We’re seeking proposals for these dynamic specialty tracks:

  • International Law Symposium – Dive into global legal topics like IP, national security, and dispute resolution with diplomats, judges, and business leaders. Presented by the International Law Committee on Thursday.
  • Young Lawyers Workshop – Designed for early to mid-career attorneys, tackling real-world challenges like work-life balance and career growth. Presented by the Young Lawyers Network on Thursday.
  • Solo & Small Firm Boot Camp – Tailored for solo and small firm practitioners, covering business development, firm expansion, and legal strategy. Presented by the Solo & Small Firm Committee on Thursday.
  • Law Student Workshop – A two-day boot camp helping law students develop essential career skills through interactive sessions and expert-led discussions.

Have an idea? Submit a proposal and bring your expertise to Denver! Learn more, check out FAQs, and review a model proposal.

2021 NAPABA Call For Programs

Submit a Program for the 2021 NAPABA Convention

NAPABA is now seeking program submissions for the 2021 NAPABA Convention, Nov. 4-7! 

We welcome submissions on a wide range of substantive legal matters and topics concerning the legal community. We aim to deepen our members’ knowledge and skills and provide them with opportunities to forge bonds through panel discussions, workshops, and interactive presentations.

Program submissions must be adaptable for both an in-person and virtual meeting. 


  • The deadline to submit a program is March 16, 2021 by 5 p.m. ET. Late submissions will not be considered
  • If accepted, your program will be presented at the 2021 NAPABA Convention, Nov. 4-7.
  • You do not need to be a member of NAPABA to submit a program.

For more information, visit our Call for Programs page.


Join Our Speaker Database

Interested in speaking at the NAPABA Convention without submitting a program? Join our speaker database! 


Programs seeking additional speakers may contact [email protected]. If you know anyone who would be interested in this opportunity, forward them this email!

NAPABA Cancellations & Postponements: Lobby Day Canceled I Call for Programs Deadline Extended

Please see below an important message from NAPABA:

As we continue to monitor the situation regarding the coronavirus, we at NAPABA have had to make changes to our association calendar. One of these changes was a tough decision; the other was simple.

Lobby Day

Reluctantly, NAPABA is canceling Lobby Day, originally scheduled for May 18-19

Out of concern for your safety, the safety of your families, and all whom you may come in contact with, we are following the advice of the Centers of Disease Control (CDC) to suspend all events that may attract 50 or more people scheduled for the next eight weeks. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.

We are working with the Thompson Hotel to cancel reservations for those who have already secured lodging.

As current events demonstrate, advocacy on behalf of our communities remains as important as ever. NAPABA continues to work with Congress, the Administration, our partner organizations, and our affiliated bar associations to address our immediate challenges and maintain the relationships we will need to continue to represent our communities. We encourage you to continue to speak out, contact your elected officials and local leaders, and continue to work with your local bars in partnership with NAPABA to make a difference for our communities.

NAPABA Convention Call for Programs

A second calendar adjustment involves our deadline for the 2020 NAPABA Convention Call for Programs. The deadline has been extended to April 20 at 5 p.m. ET to provide you more time to submit your proposal. 

We understand that the current situation may impact your ability to secure speakers for your program ideas as people’s schedules change. We want to reassure you that the CLE Committee will take the current events into consideration upon reviewing the submissions and will not count the lack of “confirmed” speakers against your submission. 

We still encourage you to include those who have expressed interest in speaking on your program as “confirmed” speakers, but we understand that their availability may change. 

We look forward to receiving your program submissions by Monday, April 20

Please be safe and stay healthy!

Call for Programs Quicklinks: 

Call For Programs 2020 NAPABA Convention

The Deadline Has Been Extended!

New Deadline: 5 p.m. on Monday, March 23

The coronavirus has disrupted normal business practices for many of us. We at NAPABA recognize that our members have been pulled in many different directions to adjust to changes in work environments.

With that in mind, we’re extending our deadline for the 2020 NAPABA Convention Call for Programs to March 23 at 5 p.m. ET to give you more time to submit. 


Contact us with questions or submission difficulties at [email protected].

Submit Now

LA NAPABA CONVENTION, Nov. 5-8, 2020: Call for Programs

Have you submitted your program idea? The March 16 deadline is just around the corner so visit our Call for Programs page to send us your presentation idea!

Here are just a few of the program topics featured at our 2019 Convention:

  • Presenting Yourself with Power and Projecting Authority: Using Improv to Elevate Your Presence
  • Using the NFL to Tackle Law’s Diversity Problem? How the Mansfield Rule Levels the Playing Field
  • Healthcare Fraud Enforcement and Corporate Compliance
  • Emoji Law: Are You Prepared for Emojis, Emoticons, and Hashtags in Litigation?

The submission process will close on March 16 at 5 p.m. ET. Late submissions will not be accepted.

Speaker Database | Rolling Basis

Interested in speaking at the NAPABA Convention without submitting a program submission? Join our speaker database

Programs seeking additional speakers may contact [email protected].

NAPABA is Seeking Thursday Specialty Program Submissions for its 2020 Convention

You may have already seen NAPABA’s Call for Programs email for this year’s NAPABA Convention, taking place November 5-8. In addition to the call for general programs, NAPABA is also looking for Thursday Specialty Program submissions.

What is Thursday Specialty Programming?

Workshops and programs held by NAPABA’s networks and committees to build the skills and knowledge you need to excel in your career.

This year’s Thursday Specialty Programming tracks, held concurrently, include:

  • International Law Symposium presented by the International Law Committee
  • Solo & Small Firm Bootcamp presented by the Solo & Small Firm Network
  • Women’s Leadership Workshop presented by the Women’s Leadership Network

For more information on how to submit a program, please visit NAPABA’s Call for Programs page by clicking here.

Please note the deadline for submission is March 16, 2020, at 5: 00 PM ET.

2019 NAPABA Call for Programs | Deadline is Just Around the Corner!

The Call for Programs deadline is just around the corner! Monday is the last day to submit a program submission for the 2019 NAPABA Convention. Don’t miss the opportunity to feature your program at the 2019 NAPABA Convention taking place in Austin, TX from Nov. 7-10!

NAPABA is seeking program submissions on a wide range of substantive legal matters and topics of concern to the legal community to deepen our members’ knowledge and skills, and provide them with opportunities to forge bonds through panel discussions, workshops, and interactive presentations.

Thursday Specialty Programming
In addition to our general Call for Programs, we are seeking submissions for our Thursday Specialty Programming: 

1. International Law Symposium presented by the International Law Committee
2. Solo & Small Firm Bootcamp presented by the Solo & Small Firm Committee

For more information on how to submit a general or Thursday program, please visit our Call for Programs page. The submission process will close on March 25 at 5 p.m. ET. Late submissions will not be accepted.

Speaker Database | Rolling Basis
Interested in speaking at the NAPABA Convention without submitting a program submission? Join our speaker database! Should an opening need to be filled in the Convention program, you may be contacted by NAPABA staff. Please note that submitting an application does not guarantee a speaking role. Submit an application here.

Programs seeking additional speakers may contact [email protected].

Lend Your Expertise to the 2017 NAPABA Convention

Call for Programs
NAPABA is excited to announce the 2017 call for programs, speakers, and plenary topics is now open! We invite all of our members to submit a program proposal and encourage you to present creative and timely legal topics in which you are passionate and experienced. If accepted, your program will be presented at the 2017 NAPABA Convention in Washington, D.C. — the largest gathering of Asian Pacific American attorneys in the country.

For more information on how to submit a program proposal, please visit our Call for Programs page. The Call for Programs will close on March 20, 2017, at 5 p.m. EDT and no late submissions will be accepted.

Call for Speakers and Speaker Database
NAPABA is looking for speakers interested in serving on a CLE panel at the 2017 NAPABA Convention. Lend your expertise and add your name to our speaker database! For more information and to join, please visit our Call for Speakers page.

Call for Plenary Topics
Have an idea for a plenary topic? Your idea could be featured and presented during the Convention. For more information and to submit an idea, please visit our Call for Plenary Topics page.