Professor Eun-Ok Im, Ph.D., MPH, RN, CNS, FAAN, and her colleagues at the University of Texas at Austin are conducting a research study on “Cancer Pain Management: A Technology-based Intervention for Asian American Breast Cancer Survivors.”
Currently, the team is in the process of recruiting participants to enroll in the study. They are looking for Asian American women aged 18 years and older who has had a breast cancer diagnosis in the past; can read and write English, Mandarin Chinese, Korean, or Japanese; has access to the Internet; and identifies their sub-ethnicity as Chinese, Korean, or Japanese.
Eligible participants who agree to join the study will be randomly assigned to two groups using the educational information or the online forum and 1:1 coaching/support program for three months. Participants will be asked to complete a questionnaire three times. Each participant will receive $ 50 reimbursement after each questionnaire. Thus, each participant can get up to $150 reimbursement upon completing the program.
For any questions, please contact the email address provided in the flyer. Please see below for translated flyers in Chinese, Korean, and Japanese.