NAPABA Announces Launch of New Program: The NAPABA ADR Institute

November 6-7, 2024 | Seattle, WA
Application Opens July 9, 2024

NAPABA is proud to launch its newest program, the NAPABA ADR Institute. This multi-day career and skills development program will provide a broad overview of the practice and substantive, hands-on training to members who are interested in pursuing a career in Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). This program aims to diversify the pool of mediators and arbitrators in the United States and to increase the use of mediation and arbitration by those who attend the training.

The training is designed for:

  • those interested in incorporating work as a mediator or arbitrator while still advocating;
  • those who are interested in pursuing a judicial career and will benefit from serving as a neutral to gain valuable experience before applying for or running for a judicial position; and
  • those who wish to pursue a career as a full-time mediator and/or arbitrator, either ad hoc or by joining an ADR provider.

Learn more about this exciting new program and add a calendar reminder for July 9, when applications open.

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AABANY Tax Committee Hosts a Dinner at Blue Willow in Midtown, Manhattan

On March 12, the Tax Committee hosted a dinner at Blue Willow, a Chinese restaurant in midtown Manhattan.  The Committee had an open discussion on various tax questions from attendees and future plans for the Tax Committee. 

Attendees ranged from newcomer students to partners who were part of the original creation of the Tax Committee that provided a historic perspective on how and why the Committee was created. Future networking and outreach activities were discussed as well as the sharing of career advice, some current thorny substantive questions encountered at work and various ways to substantively enhance one’s practice. 

To learn more about the Committee, go here:

AABANY President Will Ng and Immediate Past President Terry Shen Interviewed for the New York City Bar Association Podcast: A Conversation Discussing AAPI Professional Career Trajectories

AABANY President, William Ng, and AABANY Immediate Past President, Terry Shen, spoke with, Ashley Wong, an Associate at Sidley Austin LLP, for the New York City Bar Association podcast posted on May 26, 2022, to comment on AAPI (Asian American and Pacific Islander) Professional Career Trajectories.

Associate Ashley Wong began the conversation by examining the present landscape for AAPI advancement in their careers. She notes that while the US AAPI population is the “fastest-growing racial or ethnic group in the country,” growing by 88% in the past two decades, “many AAPI employees are still portrayed as ineffective or weak managers, resulting in AAPIs leaving companies at higher rates and not reaching senior positions.” 

Commenting on his career path and success in reaching leadership positions,  AABANY President Will Ng spoke to the support he had received from colleagues and members of the AAPI community as integral factors to his success. Similarly, Immediate Past President Terry Shen also detailed the effective alliances that had helped him progress dynamically from the field of STEM to Corporate Law and even to Investment Banking. Common to their responses, both AABANY leaders spoke to the importance of having strong role models that formed their support network and the foundation for their success. 

In recognizing the work that AABANY does to ensure that future leaders in the field of law have access to more diverse role models, Will and Terry spoke about both the local and systemic changes that AABANY has put forth. From organizing pro bono clinics for LEP communities to facilitating legislative change toward the protection and promotion of AAPI communities, AABANY has advocated for meaningful participation and leadership of and for AAPI communities. Within AABANY, Terry spoke to AABANY’s Leadership Development Program, which seeks to “address the continued under-representation of [AAPI] attorneys in leadership positions in the legal field.”

To conclude the interview, Ashley asked both leaders to share any advice they had for aspiring lawyers and AAPI individuals interested in pursuing the legal profession. Will encapsulated his advice into three key points: “Think strategically, speak to others, and plan ahead.” Terry reiterated the importance of forming solid alliances with mentors and colleagues.

To listen to the full podcast, click here.


Apply to be a NAPALSA Mentor!

NAPALSA is looking for NAPABA members to serve as mentors for NAPALSA’s new Mentorship Program. The NAPALSA and NAPABA communities brim with passionate, generous, and tenacious individuals. This year, NAPALSA will be selecting and pairing a small group of NAPABA and NAPALSA members together to participate in a nationwide mentorship program that highlights NAPALSA students’ ambition for greatness and NAPABA members’ wisdom and goodwill.

As a mentor, you will guide current students as they develop crucial networking skills, plan their career, and navigate the legal world. Mentees will be expected to contact their mentor(s) at least two times before the NAPABA Convention, but are encouraged to reach out more frequently. As such, mentors will be expected to be accessible and receptive to the student. All mentorship pairs will be expected to attend a the Mentorship Gathering during the NAPABA Convention.

To be considered as a mentor, please fill out an application form here. The deadline to submit an application is Friday, May 5, 2017, at 7 p.m. EDT.

For more information about this mentorship program, please contact [email protected].

National Asian Pacific American Bar Association | 1612 K St. NW, Suite 510 | Washington, D.C. 20006 |

AABANY Co-sponsors: Achieving Diversity in ADR

The AABANY Litigation Committee encourages anyone interested in pursuing a career as a neutral (arbitrator, mediator, etc.), and, in particular, learning about the specific advantages and challenges as a person of color, to attend the New York State Bar Association’s program entitled, “Achieving Diversity in the ADR Field: Overcoming Old Challenges and Seeking New Opportunities.” The program will be held on Tuesday, March 25th from 5:30-9:00 p.m. and, because AABANY is a participating and sponsoring bar association, the program will offer 2.5 FREE NY CLE credits in Skills to all AABANY members. A panel of renowned ADR providers, scholars, and administrators will discuss their practices for recruiting and selecting neutrals, the efforts they have undertaken to diversify their rosters of neutrals, and their efforts to further expose the users of their ADR services to racially and ethnically diverse panels of arbitrators and mediators. Another panel, moderated by AABANY member Theo Cheng, and comprising distinguished ADR neutrals, will provide perspectives on how to navigate a successful career as a neutral; recommending specific networking, marketing, and promotional activities; discussing how best to leverage diversity issues; and providing practical tips for increasing the opportunities for being selected as a neutral. Finally, there will be a discussion about strategies for addressing cross cultural issues in dispute resolution, followed by a networking reception. For more information go to

P.S. For those of you who are experiencing difficulties registering via the NYSBA’s website, you can alternatively send an email to Beth Gould at [email protected] with your full contact information (name, address, email, phone number), indicating that you are a member of AABANY. She will handle registering you for the event.