AABANY’s Labor & Employment Law Committee Hosts Summer Sichuan Night at CHILI

On Tuesday, June 25, 2024, AABANY’s Labor & Employment Law Committee hosted their Summer Sichuan Night at the restaurant CHILI in Midtown Manhattan.

The dinner at CHILI proved to be a cozy and inviting experience and brought new and old members together to mingle over a spicy family-style Sichuan meal. Attendees networked and mingled throughout the evening, learning about each other’s backgrounds, careers, and professional experiences. The Labor & Employment Law Committee collected a group of individuals from far and wide, a reflection of AABANY’s diverse membership, with attendees hailing from as close as Brooklyn, to as far as Shenzhen, China.

Thank you to the Labor & Employment Law Committee for planning and hosting Sichuan Night as well as everyone who attended and enjoyed conversing over delicious Sichuan cuisine on a hot summer day. The Labor and Employment Law Committee continues to welcome new members and hopes to see many old and new faces at future events!

To find out more about the Labor & Employment Law Committee, please click here

The In-House Counsel Committee Hosts a Dinner at Sagaponack

On April 23, 2024, the AABANY In-House Counsel Committee held its first dinner of the fiscal year at Sagaponack in Manhattan’s Flatiron neighborhood. Committee members gathered to enjoy a family-style seafood dinner while getting to know new and old faces in their field. 

As the appetizers rolled in, Committee Co-Chair Kazuko Wachter began the dinner with introductions, which was followed by a table full of conversations about individual experiences working in-house and their lives outside the office. Aimed at senior in-house counsel attorneys, this dinner featured members with long-term experience in their respective companies, many of whom work in the Fintech industry. With ten people in attendance, the dinner encouraged close and personal discussions among the attendees. From talking about their busy work days to sharing their favorite K-Dramas, the event was a chance for the members to get to know each other and hopefully stay connected. 

The Committee hopes its members will use these dinners to create relationships and expand their network with attorneys who share similar interests and experiences working in-house. For more information about the In-House Counsel Committee, visit their page here.

AABANY Holds its 2024 Annual Meeting of Members at King & Spalding on February 13

On Tuesday, February 13, 2024, AABANY held its Annual Meeting of Members at King & Spalding. President Karen Kim called the meeting to order and established quorum. The main order of business was conducting the election for the 2025 Board of Directors and Officers and voting on a proposed revision to the bylaws to set term limits for certain Committee Chairs.

Treasurer Jasmine Ball gave the Treasurer’s Report, sharing information about AABANY’s financial performance through September 30, 2023. Membership Committee Co-Chair Ashley Shan presented the Membership Director’s Report in place of Membership Director Christopher Bae, who was not able to attend.

President Karen Kim presented the Annual Report of the Board, summarizing the major activities of AABANY during the past year, and thanked the Board members for their service during the past year.

Executive Director Yang Chen presented highlights of Committee activities. Following the reports, awards were presented to honor AABANY leaders and committees for their dedication to AABANY during the 2024 fiscal year.

The following awards were presented:

Committee of the Year: Student Outreach Committee

The Committee of the Year Award was given to the Student Outreach Committee for their dedication and commitment to advancing the mission of AABANY and providing enriching programming and activities that benefits not only law students but AABANY’s membership and community as a whole.

Program of the Year: Winter Soiree 2024

The Program of the Year Award was given to the Winter Soiree. Held on January 25th, 2024, the In-House and Corporate Law Committees led the biggest and best Soiree to date for AABANY, successfully bringing together in-house counsel, law firm attorneys, AABANY Board members, Committee Chairs, and a record number of sponsors for this marquee event.

Member of the Year: William Lee

The Member of the Year Award was presented to William Lee for his commitment to serving the AABANY Student Outreach Committee, his steadfast leadership and mentorship, and his contribution to the advancement of AABANY’s mission, programs, and activities over the years.

Student of the Year: Joon Choe

The Student of the Year Award is new and was presented for the first time to Joon Choe, Fordham Law School, class of 2024, for giving his time to advancing AABANY’s mission, programs, and activities through his constant and trustworthy volunteer service.

Honorable Mentions: Pro Bono & Community Service Committee and Solo and Small Firm Practice Committee

An honorable mention was presented to the Pro Bono & Community Service Committee for their pro bono clinics in Manhattan, Queens, and Brooklyn that continue to serve an under-represented and under-resourced population, and for providing AABANY’s members with the opportunity to volunteer and support New York’s AAPI and immigrant communities.

An honorable mention was also presented to the Solo and Small Firm Committee for their unique and innovative programs and events that have benefited and enhanced the lives and experiences of AABANY members in solo and small firm practice.

Congratulations to all the honorees for the recognition of their achievements and hard work during the 2024 fiscal year.

After the presentation of awards, Karen announced the election results. The following officers were elected to serve a one-year term for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 2024 and ending March 31, 2025 (the “2025 Fiscal Year”):

Benjamin Hsing


Jeffrey Mok

Vice President, Programs and Operations

Ashley Shan

Vice President, Programs and Operations

Jasmine Ball


David Mou


Alysha Naik

Membership Director

Varuna Bhattacharyya

Development Director

The following candidates were elected as Directors to serve two-year terms beginning on the first day of the 2025 Fiscal Year:

Christopher Bae
Vishal Chander
Grace Fu
William Hao
Gigio Ninan
Lawrence Wee
Jennifer Wu
Kevin Yam
Dwight Yoo

At the meeting, the following proposal was voted on: To amend AABANY’s by-laws to establish term limits for certain Committee Chairs by setting a four (4) year term limit for Committee Chairs, excluding Chairs of any Standing Committees, taking effect on the first day of the 2025 Fiscal Year.

This amendment was passed.

We thank everyone who attended the Annual Meeting and everyone who voted, whether by proxy or in person. Congratulations to all the newly-elected Officers and Directors.

Special thank you goes out to AABANY President-Elect Joseph Eng and the wonderful staff at King & Spalding for hosting AABANY’s 2024 Annual Meeting.

Solo and Small Law Practice Committee Hosts Second Solo Small Firm Support Group Covering Technology and Your Practice

On June 27th, 2023, AABANY’s Solo and Small Firm Practice Committee held its second Solo Small Firm Support Group, covering the topic of “Technology and Your Practice.” Kicking off this event, eight attorneys gathered to recount both positive and negative stories about technology in their practices. They proceeded to share helpful tips on cost-friendly legal databases, social media marketing strategies, and the progression of AI in the legal field.

The group discussed various legal database alternatives to Westlaw, sharing knowledge on which platforms are the most cost-effective, user-friendly, and provide useful promotional incentives. While the transition can be initially intimidating, members agreed that other platforms can be just as effective after the initial learning curve. Next, the group exchanged views on outsourcing legal research and accounting outline, and exchanged recommendations for case-management platforms.

Furthermore, the support group shared valuable recommendations regarding social media marketing. Considering the recent surge in the popularity of TikTok and video content, the members discussed their concerns regarding information privacy and the ethical concerns related to cultivating a social media presence, and distinguishing the personal from the professional online.

Lastly, members discussed the practicality of incorporating AI into their law practices, but also the threat that it may pose to job opportunities available to small firms. The group debated the threats and limitations of AI technology, sharing useful readings on the topic as well as potential avenues for usage within their own firms.

Overall, the meeting was productive, and the friendly and inclusive environment left members with smiles on their faces as they concluded the session, eagerly looking forward to next month’s discussion. For upcoming events, please check AABANY’s calendar and update your email preference in your account to receive the Committee’s emails. To learn more about the committee, please click here.

AABANY Labor & Employment Law Hosts Kick-Off Meeting at Littler Mendelson, P.C.

The Labor & Employment Law (“L&E”) Committee of AABANY held its kick-off meeting on the evening of June 8, 2023 in person at Littler Mendelson, P.C.’s New York City office.  20 people attended the kick-off meeting: practicing attorneys (including the L&E Committee chairs), law students, and recent law school graduates.  At this kick-off meeting, the L&E Committee chairs and all attendees introduced themselves to the rest of the group; firm attorneys, in-house counsel, a mediator/arbitrator, and other legal professionals shared their respective experiences in the profession to provide some advice to the law students, recent graduates, and junior attorneys in the room.  Following this initial portion of the kick-off event, all attendees networked and conversed over light refreshments for the rest of the evening.

The L&E Committee will be creating more networking opportunities by hosting more meetings, informational panels or sessions, and social events throughout the rest of the year.  The next event is currently being planned.  Once the details for the next L&E Committee event are finalized, we will update the AABANY calendar and send email updates.  If you are interested in attending our future L&E Committee events (which are sometimes also co-hosted by other AABANY committees), please check AABANY’s calendar and update your email preference in your account to receive the L&E Committee’s emails. 

For more information on the L&E Committee, click here.  Additionally, if you have any ideas or suggestions for an event through the L&E Committee, please fill out AABANY’s “Contact Us” form.

AABANY Solo and Small Law Practice Committee Holds First Support Group Event

On May 31, 2023 at noon, AABANY’s Solo and Small Firm Practice Committee held its first Support Group meeting over Zoom, where 9 committee members joined and got to know each other and their practice areas. The group also discussed how they would like to hear or learn from the Committee and exchanged ideas for upcoming events. Members shared topics such as cybersecurity concerns, new technologies like ChatGPT, Alternative Dispute Resolution, mental health issues, and best practices to run a solo or small law firm.  This provides a great chance for Committee Members to connect with each other and form a virtual support system that lawyers practicing in solo or small law firms might find hard to get within their own practice.  

The Support Group will meet monthly and the next meeting will be on June 27 to discuss how to reap the benefits of technology implementations for your practice.  On June 28, the Committee will be hosting “Using Benefits Provided by NYC Department of Small Business Services as a Solo or Small Law Firm” at 5:30 PM to help practices get the most out of services provided by the NYC Department of Small Business Services. To register by June 26 and learn more, click here. For upcoming events, please check AABANY’s calendar and update your email preference in your account to receive the Committee’s emails. 

Criminal Justice Act (CJA) Panel Applications Now Open for US Court of Appeals, 2d Cir.

The Criminal Justice Act Committee of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit is accepting applications for service on the Court’s Criminal Justice Act Panel. CJA Panel Members represent indigent criminal defendants and petitioners for habeas corpus.

Admission to practice before this Court is a necessary qualification for membership on the Panel. The Court seeks attorneys of superior experience and proven competence in federal appellate criminal defense work. The qualifications of attorneys applying for service on the Panel will be examined by the CJA Committee’s Attorney Advisory Group, which will make recommendations for membership on the Panel. Membership on the Panel will be for a term of one to three years, at the discretion of the Court. Attorneys currently serving on the panel need not reapply until the expiration of their present term.

Application forms for membership on the Criminal Justice Act Panel are available at the Court’s website, or by calling 212-857-8702.

A signed original application, one copy of each of your appellate briefs, and three paper copies of the completed application and your resumé, along with a CD containing both your completed applications and resumé, must be received by the Clerk of Court by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, April 3, 2023.

Please check the Court’s website periodically for CJA developments.

Pro Bono and Community Service Committee’s Pro Bono Clinic Serves Numerous Flushing Community Members on February 26, 2022

AABANY’s Pro Bono and Community Service (PBCS) Committee would like to thank all in-person and remote volunteers at the Flushing Clinic on February 26, 2022. PBCS is especially grateful to the Asian Americans for Equality (AAFE) for hosting this clinic at their Community Center, for providing the coffee and snacks to keep participants alert and energized, and for the staff to interpret for the Spanish-speaking clients.

The clinic began at 11:00 AM with attorneys quickly being split up into three rooms to prep for the arrival of clients, with other volunteers preparing documents that needed to be handed out and information that needed to be collected. The clinic assisted 17 clients facing a variety of issues from tenant disputes, domestic violence, marriage and divorce, and loans and contracts.

With the help of AAFE and AABANY translators, clients with limited English proficiency were able to find the aid they needed from volunteer attorneys who were able to understand the nuances and emotions of their situations. For example, one client who only spoke Mandarin, had a temporary order of protection made against her by a family member, but the order was limited. Under the order, the client was permitted to return to the apartment, but the family member refused to let her back in. Many factors go into the enforcement of orders of protection, and it would be difficult in the limited time available for consultations at the clinic to fully analyze a given situation. However, the two volunteer attorneys assigned to help this client assisted her to the extent they could, pointing her towards other resources, and alerting her about specific laws that could apply to her situation.

This clinic could not have been possible without the gracious help of many AABANY members and committees. A special thank you to May Wong, a current Vice-Chair of PBCS, for organizing these Pro Bono Clinics, Eugene Kim, another Vice-Chair of PBCS, for serving as an attorney volunteer, and Committee Chair Judy Lee, for helping to prep the paperwork, attending the Prep Meeting the night before (2/25), and appearing virtually to advise clients. Additionally, thank you to Beatrice Leong, AABANY’s Membership Director and long time Pro Bono Clinic participant, for guiding newer volunteers, consoling a domestic violence victim, and assisting as a volunteer; Meng Zhang, for helping to translate and helping with the organization of the clinic; Evelyn Gong, Co-Chair of the Government Service and Public Interest (GSPI) Committee, for serving as an attorney volunteer, and Kevin Hsi, also a Co-Chair of GSPI, for serving as a volunteer.

PBCS greatly appreciates the law students from Columbia University who were able to attend and observe the clinics as part of their Caravan, a program in which law students spend their spring break working on pro bono projects. 

For more information about future clinics, go to https://www.aabany.org/events/event_details.asp?legacy=1&id=1615120.

For up-to-date details about the clinic and other events, please check PBCS’s event calendar.

AABANY Celebrates Lunar New Year at MSG with the Knicks

On Monday, February 14, AABANY attended the Knicks vs. the Oklahoma City Thunder game at Madison Square Garden. The night’s theme was Celebrating Lunar New Year – the Year of the Tiger. The stadium banners featured red lantern designs to observe the holiday. The lively halftime show featured lion dancers and folk dancers. 

AABANY cheered on the Knicks in custom Knicks Chinese New Year t-shirts. The game was suspenseful, as the Knicks built a lead in the fourth quarter but fell back to a tie with less than a minute left. In a finale that left audiences on the edge of their seats, the game went into overtime and ended with the Thunder winning 127 – 123. 

Thanks to everyone who came, especially to Membership Director Beatrice Leong for organizing the event. To learn more about the Membership Committee, please visit http://www.aabany.org/?page=130.

Apply for the Court’s Criminal Justice Act Panel by April 11, 2022

The Criminal Justice Act Committee of the United States Court of Appeals for the  Second Circuit is accepting applications for service on the Court’s Criminal Justice Act  Panel. CJA Panel Members represent indigent criminal defendants and petitioners for habeas corpus

Admission to practice before this Court is a necessary qualification for membership on the Panel. The Court seeks attorneys of superior experience and proven competence in federal appellate criminal defense work. The qualifications of attorneys applying for service on the Panel will be examined by the CJA Committee’s Attorney Advisory Group,  which will make recommendations for membership on the Panel. Membership on the  Panel will be for a term of one to three years, at the discretion of the Court. Attorneys currently serving on the panel need not reapply until the expiration of their present term. 

Application forms for membership on the Criminal Justice Act Panel are available at the Court’s website at www.ca2.uscourts.gov, or by calling 212-857-8702. 

A signed original application, one copy of each of your appellate briefs, and three paper copies of the completed application and your resumé, along with a CD containing both your completed applications and resumé, must be received by the Clerk of Court by  5:00 p.m. on Monday, April 11, 2022. Please check the Court’s website (www.ca2.uscourts.gov) periodically for CJA .

For further information or questions, please contact [email protected].