Apex for Youth: Volunteer to be a Role Model for Youth this Fall!

Volunteer to be a Role Model for Youth this Fall!

Make a difference in the lives of underserved children in our community. 

Volunteer now or tell your friends about these opportunities to help.

Educational Programs

Reading to Children (10 Needed Now!) – Read to 1st & 2nd graders to grow their love of reading and improve their English skills.  Meets on Saturdays in Lower Manhattan from 10:30am – 12:30pm

Tutors for Math & English (20 Needed Now!) – Help 4th graders get into middle school by tutoring them for their statewide English and Math exams.  Meets on Saturdays in Lower Manhattan from 10am – 12pm.  

SAT Prep Teachers (10 Needed) – Help students get into college with a higher SAT score!  Meets 1.5 hours on Saturdays in Lower Manhattan from 10am – 11:30am or 11:30am – 1pm

Arts, Theater & Basketball

Art Mentors (10 Needed) Mentor children who have been affected by domestic violence through digital art therapy.  Meets on Saturdays from 10am-3pm from Oct. – Jun.   Mandarin language volunteers needed.

Theater Instructors (20 Needed Now!) – Direct 3rd – 5th graders who speak English as a second language to perform in a theater production and improve their English skills.  Meets on Saturdays in Elmhurst Queens from 12-3pm or in Lower Manhattan from 10-12pm.  

Basketball Coaches (10 Needed) – Coach elementary school students and teach them the game of basketball.  Meets on Saturdays in Lower Manhattan from 10:30am – 1:30pm or 12pm – 2pm.


One-on-One Mentors (20 Needed) – Mentor a 13-18 year old student to provide guidance and introduce him or her to new experiences.  Meet with mentees twice a month.

To volunteer, contact us at [email protected] or 212-748-1225 ex.105

No prior experience necessary.  Volunteers can sign up as a sub if they cannot attend all the sessions.

New Council Districts Highlight the Growth and Diversity of Asian New Yorkers

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July 23, 2013

New York, NY— Today, the Asian American Federation released a briefing paper that details the Asian population, ethnic breakdowns and the major Asian languages spoken in each of the 51 Council Districts based on new lines finalized in May 2013.
“As discussed in our demographics report in April 2012, the Asian population remains the fastest growing in the City,” said Howard Shih, Census Programs Director at the Federation.  “But to see the Asian American community as monolithic would be erroneous.  The population numbers disguise the diversity of our population.  With the upcoming City elections, term limits, and with many of the Council Districts slated for new representatives, we hope this will be a useful tool for the incoming City Council to better serve our Asian community,” added Shih.
Some of the key highlights from the briefing paper are:
  1. In addition to one majority Asian district, eleven other districts had more than one in five residents who were Asian.
  2. Four City Council Districts were home to a very diverse mix of Asian ethnic groups.  Each of these districts had seven or more different Asian groups who each had populations of more than 1,000 people.
  3. The diversity of Asian languages spoken in the city is a particular challenge when reaching out to the community.
“This report is an invaluable tool that will serve to help elected officials better understand the growing Asian population in New York City,” said Council Member Daniel Dromm, who represents Jackson Heights, Elmhurst, and East Elmhurst.  Dromm’s district, one of the most ethnically diverse areas in the City, saw an increase of over 8,000 Asians in the total district population.  “The data in this document provides key insight into my district that will enable me to better communicate and understand a vital part of my constituency”.
As the briefing paper points out, Council District 20, centered in Flushing, remains the district with the largest Asian population at 66% of the population.  “While I represent the largest Asian population, it is important to note that Asians are living throughout the City.  The myth that Asians live in identifiable enclaves [has] long been dispelled.  Our city leaders have to be mindful of the diversity of the Asian community, from languages spoken to the cultural practices,” said Council Member Peter Koo.  “The onus is on us – the elected leaders – to hear their issues, address their concerns, and make room for them to contribute to their neighborhoods,” added Koo.
Manhattan’s Chinatown still remains as a district with one of the largest Asian populations.  “My constituency represents one of the largest populations of Asians and Asian Americans in New York City, and this report highlights what we already know:  we must have greater service and resources in these growing communities,” said Council Member Margaret S. Chin, who represents the area.  “Cultural understanding, linguistic access, and civic participation are essential keys to ensuring that these voices are heard.”
“The briefing paper shows our growing electoral strength.  Asian New Yorkers can play a significant role in determining the next leaders of our city in the upcoming elections,” said Cao K. O, executive director of the Federation.  “And our community must re-cast our importance in the city’s civic matters.  We have to be willing to embrace this opportunity by going to the polls.”

To access the report, please visit:  http://aafederation.org/headlines.asp?hid=141

From the Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs: Host a Community Conversation on Immigration

Receive $200 for hosting a conversation

Community-based groups and organizations are eligible to receive a $200 stipend from the Council for hosting a Community Conversation by registering to be a featured site. Featured sites must register their event in advance and complete a final evaluation, including attendance information. Facilitators at featured sites are required to attend a free 60-minute facilitator-training webinar.  Training webinars will be offered at the following throughout the summer and fall; see the Council’s webinars page to learn more and sign up.  

For more information about hosting a Community Conversation, contact Senior Program Officer Erika Halstead ([email protected] / 212.233.1131).

New Community Conversations Toolkits on Immigration

From New Netherland to New York, immigrants from every part of the world have made their home in our state. Community Conversations invites New Yorkers to explore our shared history as immigrants and the descendants of immigrants, and to discuss the ways that immigration continues to shape the experience of being American today. Each conversation uses a short text as a starting point for discussions about cultural understanding and our roles as active citizens in a diverse and democratic society.  

There are community conversation toolkits for children, young adults, and adults. All of the toolkits contain everything you need to host these “do-it-yourself” discussions, including: texts suitable for each audience; a set of sample questions; guidelines for starting and sustaining good conversations; tips for hosting a conversation; and a sample participant evaluation. Anyone can register and download the toolkits for free from our website.

NAPABA Disaster Relief Database

The NAPABA Pro Bono and Community Service Committee introduces the disaster relief database. The database provides information on federal and local level resources on disaster relief and preparation. To address the needs of limited English proficient members of the APA community, many of the resources on the database are available in various Asian languages.

AABANY Co-Sponsors: Community Briefing: The Immigration Reform Debate

On Sunday, May 19, you’re invited to a Community Briefing: The Immigration Reform Debate.  This year, President Obama has made immigration reform a major priority. Congress wants to make major changes to our immigration laws that will have a lasting effect on our community. What are the proposals? How can we have an impact on the debates and the process?  Come find out more. Rsvp required (limited space). If you would like to attend, please contact us at [email protected] or 212-274-1891.

Print English Flyer
Print Chinese Flyer

Chinese translation provided
Refreshments provided

Cohosts:  Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance, Chinese Progressive Association, OCA-Asian Pacific American Advocates-NY Chapter

Co-sponsors: Asian American Bar Association of NY, Asian American/Asian Research Institute CUNY, Chinatown Manpower Project, Chinatown Partnership, Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association, Chinatown YMCA, Greater Chinatown Community Association, Hamilton Madison House, Lin Sing Association, Local 23-25 Workers United, MinKwon Center, Museum of Chinese in America, OCA-Asian Pacific American Advocates-Westchester & Hudson Valley Chapter, New York Immigration Coalition.

SABA-DC 2013 Public Interest Fellowship

The South Asian Bar Association of Washington DC (SABA-DC) is proud to announce our 2013 Public Interest Fellowship. The primary purpose of the fellowship is to help fund one or more law students’ summer internships with a public interest organization for the benefit of the South Asian community and the metropolitan D.C. area. We have previously awarded fellowships ranging from $1000 – $5000.

SABA-DC strives to promote the professional development of South Asian lawyers and law students, educate the South Asian community about relevant legal issues, expand and enhance business and professional opportunities for South Asians, increase the participation of South Asians in civic affairs and government, facilitate the exchange of ideas and information to South Asians, and foster goodwill, fellowship, and unity among the South Asian community.

Please apply by Friday March 29.

Fellowship applications are available at: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BxsYNsuAMpgzM3U3cVRKWGJJMXc/edit

Please send all application materials to [email protected] SABA-DC prefers to receive all materials electronically.