NAPABA Releases Statement in Response to the Death of Victoria Lee in Fort Lee, NJ

WASHINGTON – The Korean American Lawyers Association of Greater New York (KALAGNY), the Asian Pacific American Lawyers Association of New Jersey (APALA-NJ), the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA), the Asian American Bar Association of New York (AABANY), and the Filipino American Lawyers Association of New York (FALA-NY) are anguished at the tragic death of Victoria Lee during an encounter with police officers in Fort Lee, New Jersey, on July 28, 2024. We stand in solidarity with the Korean American community in the Fort Lee area, and we extend our heartfelt condolences to Victoria Lee’s family and loved ones.

Members of the Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander communities are not immune to the challenges caused by mental health crises, which may be exacerbated by cultural and language barriers. Ms. Lee’s death underscores the pressing need for greater mental health awareness and services. 

We strongly encourage the Attorney General of New Jersey to provide candid and timely information, including in language for the local community, as the investigation unfolds. We further call on the Fort Lee Police Department, the Bergen County Prosecutor, and local leaders to engage in meaningful dialogue with the Korean American community in order to ensure that similar tragedies are not repeated. 

뉴욕한인 변호사 협회(KALAGNY), 뉴저지 동양인 변호사 협회(APALA-NJ), 전미 동양인 변호사협회(NAPABA), 뉴욕 동양인 변호 사 협회(AABANY), 그리고 뉴욕 필리핀 변호사협회(FALA-NY)2024728일 뉴저지 포트리에서 출동한 경찰과의 대치 끝에 비극적인 죽음에 이른 빅토리아 리(26) 씨 사건에 대하여 비통한 마음을 금치 못하고 있습니다. 저희 협회들은(KALAGNY, APALA-NJ, NAPABA, AABANY, FALA-NY) 포트리 지역의 한인 커뮤니티와의 연대를 표명하며, 빅토리아 리씨의 가족과 친지에 게 깊은 애도를 표합니다

모든 동양계 미국인들은 정신건강에서 초래한 문제로부터 자유롭지 않으며, 이러한 문제는 문화 및 언어 장벽에 의하여 악화될수 있습니 다. 빅토리아 리씨의 죽음은 정신건강에 대한 인식 개선과 서비스 기회가 절실히 필요하다는 것을 분명히 보여주는 사건입니다

저희는(KALAGNY, APALA-NJ, NAPABA, AABANY, FALA-NY) 이번 사건에 대하여 뉴저지 검찰청이 수사진행 과정을 빠짐없이 신속하게 제공하도록 하며, 정보 제공 시 해당 지역사회의 언어로 번역된 정보를 포함하여 제공하도록 뉴저지 법무장관 에게 강력히 촉 구 합니다. 저희는 아울러 포트리 경찰, 버겐카운티 검찰 그리고 지역 리더들이 한인 커뮤니티와의 의미 있는 대화를 통해 이와 같은 비극 이 다시는 반복되지 않도록 보장하는 노력을 해줄 것을 요청하는 바입니다

The National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA) represents the interests of over 80,000 Asian Pacific American (APA) legal professionals and nearly 90 national, state, and local APA bar associations. NAPABA is a leader in addressing civil rights issues confronting Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander communities. Through its national network, NAPABA provides a strong voice for increased diversity of the federal and state judiciaries, advocates for equal opportunity in the workplace, works to eliminate hate crimes and anti-immigrant sentiment, and promotes the professional development of people of all backgrounds in the legal profession. 

The Korean American Lawyers Association of Greater New York (KALAGNY) is a professional membership organization of attorneys and law students engaged with the issues affecting the Korean American community in Greater New York, which include New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. Incorporated in 1986, KALAGNY seeks to encourage the professional growth of its members as well as provide legal support for the Korean American community. To achieve these goals, KALAGNY provides its members with training and resources useful for professional advancement; expands access to legal services and education in greater New York’s Korean American communities; identifies opportunities for its members to serve the communities in which provides a forum for the expression and exchange of opinions concerning social, political, economic, legal and other issues of concern to our members. KALAGNY is an affiliate of the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (“NAPABA”). 

The Asian Pacific American Lawyers Association of New Jersey (APALA- NJ) was founded in 1985 and is the largest specialty bar association that collectively represents the interests of Asian and Pacific American lawyers in the State of New Jersey. APALA-NJ focuses on ensuring greater representation of Asian and Pacific American attorneys in various sectors of the legal profession. 

The Asian American Bar Association of New York is a not-for-profit 501(c)(6) professional membership organization of attorneys concerned with issues affecting the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community. Incorporated in 1989, AABANY seeks not only to encourage the professional growth of its members but also to advocate for the AAPI community as a whole. AABANY is a New York regional affiliate of the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA). 

The Filipino American Lawyers Association of New York (FALA-NY) promotes the professional development, interests, and success of Filipino-American legal professionals in the Metro New York area. FALA-NY also endeavors to foster connections between Filipino-American legal professionals and the broader Filipino community. Members of FALA-NY’s Board affiliated with the state and federal court system in New York and New Jersey have abstained from FALA-NY’s endorsement of this statement. 

Young Lawyers Committee Hosts 2024 Annual Picnic in Central Park

On August 10, 2024, AABANY’s Young Lawyers Committee (YLC) hosted the AABANY Annual Picnic in the Heckscher Playground picnic area in Central Park. The event, which began at 11:00 am and ended at 4:00 pm, enjoyed bright, warm, and sunny weather. It connected various members of different positions and backgrounds, from various committees. Members chatted and relaxed in the sunshine, some with pets, others with their young children, all sharing food provided by the Saigon Vietnamese Sandwich Deli. (Additionally, Saigon Vietnamese Sandwich Deli has been touted on the internet as a contender for New York’s best Bahn Mi spot, and has largely remained in business during and after the struggles of the pandemic due to community patronage, so AABANY encourages everyone to go support them.) Among the many attendees were Yang Chen, AABANY Executive Director, Alice Biagini, AABANY Deputy Executive Director, Terrence Shen, AABANY President in 2021, and various other Committee Chairs and members. YLC’s Co-Chairs Justin Lee and Jameson Xu organized the event and were in attendance as well. 

The Young Lawyers Committee has taken up responsibility for this annual picnic, to the delight and appreciation of the many AABANY members who attend.. The significance of this event is broad and cannot be overstated: it allows a brief but much-appreciated respite from the trials of daily life and connects the diverse aspects of AABANY’s large and far-reaching community.

Thank you to everyone who spent their Saturday with AABANY and contributing to our vibrant association. AABANY thrives on participation and passion, and AABANY would not be as robust without you all. Thank you to the Young Lawyers Committee, and to Co-Chairs Justin and Jameson, for their dedication and hard work in planning, organizing, and executing this perennial favorite.

To see photos from the picnic, view the album here.
To learn more about the Young Lawyers Committee please click here.

Join Us in a City Near You

The NAPABA Meet & Greet Series, designed to foster connections within the NAPABA community and nurture meaningful relationships, is an excellent opportunity for our members in cities across the country to network and engage with one another and NAPABA leadership. Visit our events page and mark your calendars for these upcoming dates! 

Philadelphia, PA
July 11 | 5:00 – 7:00 pm
Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney PC

Toronto, ON, CA
July 11 | 6:30-7:30 pm

Chicago, IL
August 2 | 5:00 – 7:00 pm
Perkins Coie LLP

In The News: Margaret Fung, Co-Founder of AALDEF, is Retiring after 50 Years of Service as a Pioneer in the Struggle for AAPI Civil Rights

On April 1, 2024, AsAm News published an article by Ti-Hua Chang reporting on the retirement of  Margaret Fung, co-founder of the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF). After serving as Executive Director of AALDEF for most of the fifty years she’s been with the organization, she is now retiring from her position in October.

AALDEF, based in New York, is a national organization known for spearheading advocacy efforts in support AAPI workers’ rights, voting rights, and anti-Asian hate initiatives, among others. Margaret Fung, who pioneered many such civil rights activities, has been praised by community leaders, especially in Chinatown, for her continuous fight to improve the lives of the working people and immigrant communities. After hearing about her retirement, many wondered what the future of AALDEF will look like without her prominent contributions. 

Executive Director of the Asian American Bar Association of New York (AABANY) Yang Chen stated, “AALDEF is the NAACP of the Asian American community and has done a lot of great work in the last 50 years. Now that Margaret is stepping down, the big question is: will they be able to perpetuate that, continue that.”

The full article can be found at:

Whatever the future holds for AALDEF in the years to come, Margaret’s legacy as an AAPI civil rights advocate and trailblazer in the male-dominated legal field will continue to live on. AABANY honors Margaret for all that she has accomplished in a storied career. 

AALFNY 2024 Public Interest Scholarships – Applications Due April 15

The Asian American Law Fund of New York (AALFNY) is pleased to announce that recipients of its 2024 Public Interest Scholarships will now be entitled to receive up to $6000. Awards are given each year to up to 3 law students with a demonstrated commitment to serving the Asian American community in New York State and the greater New York metropolitan area.

The online application is available at Applicants should include a description of their proposed summer public service project, if applicable, and the name, email address and phone number of a supervisor at the public service organization or other organization that the AALFNY Scholarship Committee may contact. Confirmation of the public service project is not required at the time of the application but will be required before the award of the scholarship. Applicants are responsible for arranging their own projects.  A list of organizations that have hosted students in the past is on our website The list is only provided as an example and no guarantee is made that the organizations will continue to host students in 2024 or that volunteering at one of these organizations entitles the applicant to a Scholarship.  Each student is expected to volunteer at least 8 weeks, 35 hours per week, during the summer of 2024 at such project and to apply the award to the payment of law school tuition.

The purpose of the award is to assist law students with their tuition while encouraging them to use their legal knowledge and training to benefit the Asian American community in New York and to foster commitment by law students to public service in New York.  Since 1997, AALFNY has funded more than 60 public interest scholarships to law students.

AALFNY was established in 1993 by the Asian American Bar Association of New York to create and support non-profit and charitable efforts to eliminate prejudice and discrimination and to defend human and civil rights.

Donations to AALFNY may be made at

A copy of our latest annual report may be obtained from AALFNY at P.O. Box 161, 41 Purdy Ave., Rye NY 10580 or from the NY Attorney General’s Charities Bureau website Information may also be obtained from AALFNY at [email protected] or the NYS Attorney General at 212-416-8686.

2024-25 NAPABA Leadership Advancement Program Now Accepting Applications through March 3, 2024

Are you a mid-career attorney seeking to cultivate your leadership style and build community? NAPABA invites you to apply for the 2024-25 NAPABA Leadership Advancement Program (LAP). This is your unique opportunity to transform as a leader, ground your career vision, and foster genuine relationships with peers within the profession. Learn more about this year-long experiential program. The deadline to apply is just three weeks away.

NAPABA provides its members with exclusive leadership opportunities like this to help members raise their professional profile and develop leadership skills. As a current NAPABA Member, we urge you to apply for this preeminent program.

If you know someone who would be interested in this opportunity, forward them this email.

Questions? Visit our website for more details or contact Sumbal Abid, Operations Manager.

NAPABA Welcomes SABA-NJ as NAPABA’s Newest Affiliate

For Immediate Release: November 13, 2023 
Contact: Priya Purandare, Executive Director
INDIANAPOLIS – Last week, during the first quarterly meeting of the 2023-2024 year, the NAPABA Board of Governors approved and welcomed the South Asian Bar Association of New Jersey (SABA-NJ) as an affiliate of NAPABA. Founded in 2004, SABA-NJ is a voluntary association of attorneys dedicated to addressing the needs, concerns, and interest of the South Asian community in New Jersey, one of the largest in the Nation.

“We are thrilled to begin our new Board year with welcoming SABA-NJ, an influential force within the Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander community in New Jersey, as a part of the NAPABA family,” said Anna Mercado Clark, President of NAPABA. “SABA-NJ’s leadership in supporting the community at large, the legal profession, and advancing judicial candidates that reflect the rich diversity of New Jersey, is well known both within New Jersey and beyond. We look forward to our partnership and working together as a force multiplier for good.”

“It is truly an honor and privilege for the South Asian Bar Association of New Jersey  to be accepted as an affiliate partner of the well-established and highly-revered NAPABA organization,” said Rippi Karda, President of SABA-NJ. “We look forward to contributing to NAPABA through SABA-NJ’s diverse and talented membership. Thank you to the NAPABA Board of Governors for their support and acceptance.”

SABA-NJ joins a community of nearly 90 local, state, regional, and national bar associations in the United States and Canada that are affiliates and national associates of NAPABA. The affiliates hold certain voting rights under the NAPABA Bylaws, and individual members of the affiliates are entitled to complimentary NAPABA membership and the benefits that accompany it. For more information about how to become a NAPABA affiliate, please visit our webpage here, and learn more here about the benefits of becoming a NAPABA member.


The National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA), represents the interests of over 60,000 Asian Pacific American (APA) legal professionals and nearly 90 national, state, and local APA bar associations. NAPABA is a leader in addressing civil rights issues confronting Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander communities. Through its national network, NAPABA provides a strong voice for increased diversity of the federal and state judiciaries, advocates for equal opportunity in the workplace, works to eliminate hate crimes and anti-immigrant sentiment, and promotes the professional development of people of all backgrounds in the legal profession.

NAPABA Applauds the Nomination of Adeel Mangi to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit

For Immediate Release:  November 15, 2023 ContactRahat N. Babar, Deputy Executive Director for Policy 

WASHINGTON  – Today, President Joe Biden announced his intent to nominate Adeel Mangi to the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. If confirmed, Mangi would be the first American Muslim judge on any federal appellate court in the Nation.

“NAPABA congratulates Adeel Mangi on his nomination,” said Anna Mercado Clark, President of NAPABA. “A 2014 NAPABA Best Under 40 awardee, Mr. Mangi has been an active leader in the Asian American community, and his pro bono work supporting the American Muslim community is groundbreaking. He is exceptionally well qualified to serve on the court, and we urge the U.S. Senate to confirm him quickly.”

Adeel A. Mangi is a partner at Patterson Belknap Webb & Tyler LLP. He began his legal career there as an associate in 2000, became counsel in 2009, and was elevated to partnership in 2010. Mr. Mangi received his LL.M. from Harvard Law School in 2000. He qualified as a Barrister and received his Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Legal Skills from the City University London Inns of Court School of Law in 1999 and his First Class Degree in Law from the University of Oxford, Pembroke College, in 1998.

“President Biden has nominated 34 Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islanders to an Article III court, and 26 judges from the AANHPI community have been confirmed. Today, AANHPIs represent 6.5% of the federal judiciary,” said Priya Purandare, Executive Director of NAPABA. “As a point of comparison, President Trump confirmed 13, President Obama confirmed 22, and all presidents prior confirmed 19 AANHPI judges.”

NAPABA thanks President Biden for nominating Adeel Mangi and the New Jersey Senators for supporting his nomination.


The National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA), represents the interests of over 60,000 Asian Pacific American (APA) legal professionals and nearly 90 national, state, and local APA bar associations. NAPABA is a leader in addressing civil rights issues confronting Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander communities. Through its national network, NAPABA provides a strong voice for increased diversity of the federal and state judiciaries, advocates for equal opportunity in the workplace, works to eliminate hate crimes and anti-immigrant sentiment, and promotes the professional development of people of all backgrounds in the legal profession.

Beatrice Leong Honored with NAPABA’s Best Under 40 Award

In recognition of her legal prowess, dedication to service, and entrepreneurial spirit, Beatrice Leong, a prominent Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) woman solo practitioner, has been honored with the Best Under 40 award from the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA). Beatrice will receive the award on November 11th at the NAPABA Convention in Indianapolis, during the Gala on Saturday evening. The Asian American Bar Association of New York (AABANY) is thrilled to celebrate this outstanding achievement and applauds Beatrice’s unwavering commitment to the legal profession and her community.

Empathy Born from Experience

Beatrice was set on becoming a prosecutor since she was in Junior High school. She was married to her high school sweetheart, she had finished law school, and she had an offer to intern with the Queens District Attorney’s office.

The discovery of her then-husband’s infidelity threw a wrench in her plans and forced Beatrice on a different path. Her consultations with divorce attorneys were disheartening. She failed the bar exam. “I felt like I was dying,” she said, looking back on that time. Nevertheless, she took matters into her own hands. The same drive and passion for justice that made her want to prosecute wrongdoers pushed her to become a divorce lawyer, the kind that she wanted for herself, and one that her future clients could safely rely on.

From personal experience, Beatrice understands the emotional and often heart-wrenching aspects of divorce and family conflicts. This has equipped her with a profound empathy that she channels into her legal practice. She is a compassionate advocate who walks alongside her clients through the tumultuous process of divorce, offering pragmatic guidance with a deep understanding of the emotions that accompany such challenges.

Redefining Success as a Solo Practitioner and Entrepreneur

Beatrice started her career in divorce and family law at matrimonial and family law firms in both Queens and Manhattan, first at Plaine & Katz LLP and later at Parmet & Zhou LLC and Kleyman Law Firm. She started her own practice, the Law Office of Beatrice Leong, in 2021. As the only solo practitioner among this year’s Best Under 40 honorees, Beatrice’s remarkable journey is an inspiration to young lawyers. Reflecting on her career, Beatrice emphasized the importance, especially for young AAPI lawyers, to recognize the value of their work and not be afraid to carve their own path.

Leadership in the Legal Community

Beyond her exceptional legal practice, Beatrice is dedicated to serving the AAPI community by playing an active role in both AABANY and NAPABA. She currently serves as a Co-Vice President of Programs and Operations at AABANY and a Co-Chair of NAPABA’s Solo & Small Firm Network.

Through AABANY, Beatrice met other AAPI lawyers, rare in her field, and people who could relate to being mistaken by court officers as an interpreter, intern or a litigant, because they do not fit the traditional image of a lawyer. She says that she found “her community” through AABANY: the pro bono clients she advised through AABANY, fellow AAPI lawyers, and AAPI law students.

Beatrice recalls being described as a “natural leader” by her peers at AABANY after she joined. More and more, she dedicated her free time to fostering connections between the organization’s members, drawing from a deeply held conviction that strength comes from unity. Later, she joined NAPABA to promote AAPI representation on a national level.

Beatrice Leong’s journey is a testament to her unyielding dedication to her clients, her community, and the legal profession. Her personal understanding, professional excellence, and commitment to service make her a beacon of hope for those navigating the difficult waters of divorce and family law. Beatrice’s passion and expertise continue to inspire and make a profound impact, both in the legal world and the lives of those she serves.

Congratulations to Beatrice Leong on this well-deserved award and recognition! You can click here to learn more about the Best Under 40 award and read about other awardees. 

Please join AABANY in congratulating all of the honorees at the 2023 NAPABA Convention.

NAPABA Honors the Legacy of David L. Kim with President’s Award


For Immediate Release: 
Date: October 26, 2023 

WASHINGTON – During the 2023 Convention of the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA), Sandra Leung, the President of NAPABA, will bestow this year’s President’s Award posthumously upon David L. Kim, a pioneer within the Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AAHNPI) community. Every year, the NAPABA President pays tribute to a remarkable entity or individual who has demonstrated exceptional commitment to the Nation’s AANHPI population. NAPABA is proud to honor David Kim’s incredible legacy. NAPABA, along with so many others, mourns with the Kim family for their loss of David, who passed away in June 2023. 

“David Kim not only was a game-changer for corporate philanthropy to benefit the AANHPI community, but he created the model,” said Sandra Leung, President of NAPABA. “His impact will be felt for generations to come. For our NAPABA family, David’s commitment and generosity have been invaluable in ensuring that NAPABA and the NAPABA Law Foundation (NLF) thrive—especially in the early years following our founding. He will be greatly missed.” 

During his long career — which included serving as President and CEO of the National Asian Pacific Center on Aging, President of the Iambic Group, LLC; Vice President of Multicultural Markets at AARP, Chief of Staff of the U.S. Mint, and Global Director of Asian Marketing and Community Relations at Anheuser Busch — David blazed the trail for so many. He harnessed corporate resources to invest in long-overlooked AANHPI populations. He shared wisdom, generosity, and counsel with so many in our community with a degree of selflessness and kindness that left an indelible mark on a generation.   

David’s contributions were integral to the growth and development of NAPABA and NLF. For over three decades, he delivered opportunities for generations of AANHPI law students who now stand as leaders in the legal profession. Programs like the Thomas Tang Moot Court Competition, a training ground for law students, have flourished because of his generosity. Beyond his professional achievements, David is remembered fondly for his warmth, incredible sense of humor, and enduring friendship. 

“On behalf of NAPABA, I am truly grateful to David’s family for allowing us to honor his legacy during NAPABA’s 35th Annual Convention in Indianapolis,” said Sandra Leung. “This award is a testament to the lasting impact of his life’s work within the AANHPI community and the legal profession as a whole.” 
The National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA), represents the interests of over 60,000 Asian Pacific American (APA) legal professionals and nearly 90 national, state, and local APA bar associations. NAPABA is a leader in addressing civil rights issues confronting Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander communities. Through its national network, NAPABA provides a strong voice for increased diversity of the federal and state judiciaries, advocates for equal opportunity in the workplace, works to eliminate hate crimes and anti-immigrant sentiment, and promotes the professional development of people of all backgrounds in the legal profession.