Congratulations, Lillian M. Moy, 2025 Recipient of New York State Bar Association’s Haywood Burns Award, Honoring a Legacy of Justice

Lillian M. Moy, a lifelong advocate for civil rights and justice, is this year’s recipient of the prestigious Haywood Burns Award. Named after the legendary civil rights lawyer who collaborated with Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and fought tirelessly for justice, the award honors individuals dedicated to social justice.

As Executive Director of the Legal Aid Society of Northeastern New York since 1995, Moy has spent decades expanding access to legal representation for low-income communities. A nationally recognized leader in civil legal aid, she has championed diversity and inclusion. Yet, in a moment that speaks to both her humility and her respect for those who paved the way, Moy admitted: “I still feel, in a way, I’m not worthy.” But if you have followed Moy’s career or had the privilege of speaking with her, she is more than worthy of this recognition.

Moy’s legal career has been defined by her constant dedication to those who need representation the most. For decades, she has fought for low-income individuals, advocating for tenants facing eviction, disabled children seeking the education they deserve, and survivors of domestic violence in need of legal protection. “I understand in a very daily way that I used my skills as a lawyer to try and level the playing field and provide justice to people who otherwise would not have gotten it,” she shared. Sometimes, that work was as simple yet significant as helping a client navigate complex paperwork to keep their home. Other times, it meant standing in a courtroom to ensure that someone with disabilities received the support they were entitled to. It was about recognizing the gaps in the system and then building the programs necessary to fill them.

Moy’s leadership in legal aid spanned Georgia, Massachusetts, and New York. As Executive Director of the Legal Aid Society of Northeastern New York, she led with integrity for twenty-seven years before retiring in 2022, creating the foundation for programs that continue to serve marginalized communities today. “My work as a legal aid lawyer really only existed because lawyers like Haywood Burns existed…. He exemplified the quest for social justice and racial justice before we even knew those words.” Through her tireless advocacy, Moy has carried forward that legacy, ensuring that the fight for justice remains as important and urgent as ever.

For Moy, receiving the Haywood Burns Award is not just an acknowledgment of past achievements; it is a challenge to continue the work, even as structural injustices remain deeply rooted. She recognizes that today’s political and legal landscape makes civil rights work even more difficult, with efforts to dismantle the very policies and programs she helped build. “In this era, our greatest work will be vilified and made invisible by the current administration. That’s a commonality I wish we didn’t have.” Despite these challenges, Moy remains hopeful. Her words reflect both realism and optimism: “I hope –I believe – that the legal community would not let [this work] die.” She believes in the power of legal aid, community organizing, and the next generation of advocates to continue the fight for justice.

Beyond her professional accomplishments, Moy’s advocacy is deeply personal. As the daughter of an immigrant father who ran a commercial laundry in New York, she understands firsthand the barriers that marginalized communities face. Her work has always been about breaking those barriers down, ensuring that economic and educational opportunities are not reserved for the privileged few. Even in retirement, Moy remains engaged in teaching, mentoring, and continuing her advocacy through pro bono work and community organizing: “I can do political work now. I can help people raise money…. In some ways, retirement is kind of freeing.”

When asked what she hoped her lasting impact would be, she did not point to the organizations she has built or the policies she has helped shape. Instead, she spoke about her family, her community, and the work that will continue beyond her own career. “Family is as big to me now as it was to my parents. The work too.” Lillian’s legacy is not just in the cases she has won or the programs she has developed; it is in the people she has inspired, the mentees she has guided, and the communities she has strengthened. So today, we do not just congratulate her. We celebrate her. We honor her. We commit to continuing the work she has spent her life fighting for.

Congratulations, Lillian M. Moy, on this well-deserved honor. Her lifelong commitment to justice, leadership, and compassion has transformed countless lives and strengthened the legal community. The world is a fairer and more equitable place because of her relentless pursuit of civil rights and belief in the power of the law to create meaningful change.

Join the celebration honoring Lillian M. Moy, Esq., at the Haywood Burns Memorial Award Ceremony on April 3 at CUNY Law School. Be sure to register here by March 27 to attend.

AABANY Holds its 2025 Annual Meeting of Members at King & Spalding on February 11th

On Tuesday, February 11th, 2025, AABANY held its Annual Meeting of Members at King & Spalding. President Joseph Eng called the meeting to order and established a quorum. The main order of business was conducting the election for the 2026 Fiscal Year Board of Directors and Officers. 

Once all ballots were collected, President Eng called up President-Elect Ben Hsing and Immediate Past President Karen Kim to receive them as the Tellers. They departed to a separate room to count up the votes cast, both at the Annual Meeting and via electronic voting prior to the Annual Meeting.

While the votes were being tallied, President Eng invited the Membership Director, Alysha Naik, to present the Membership Director’s report. He then invited Treasurer Jasmine Ball to give the Treasurer’s Report, sharing information about AABANY’s financial performance during the past fiscal year.

President Eng then gave the Annual Report of the Board, summarizing AABANY’s major events for the past fiscal year, covering April 1, 2024, to date.  He thanked the Board members for their service during the past year and asked those present in the room to stand and be recognized.

Executive Director Yang Chen then gave the Annual Report of the Committees, giving thanks to the Vice Presidents of Programs and Operations Ashley Shan and Jeffrey Mok, and the Committee Chairs for their hard work. Yang also went over a few highlights from committee events over the past year. Yang then presented the Awards for Committees of the Year, Program of the Year, and Member of the Year. 

Committee of the Year: Professional Development Committee

The Committee of the Year Award was presented to the Professional Development Committee for their many years of volunteer service to the association, accreditation of numerous continuing legal education programs over the years that benefited our members and the profession, and making sure that the association complies with New York State CLE board rules, along with other programming to support professional development.

Program of the Year: Pre-Holiday Multi-Association Gathering

The Program of the Year Award was presented to the Pre-Holiday Multi-Association Gathering for bringing together numerous bar and judicial associations to promote wellness and well-being in the legal profession during a time of the year that may prove challenging for many.

Member of the Year: Gary Yeung 

The Member of the Year Award was presented to Gary Yeung for his many years of active and dedicated involvement, participation, and leadership in service to the association, to its members, and to the wider community.

After the presentation of the awards, Joseph announced the election results. The following officers were elected to serve a one-year term for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 2025, and ending March 31, 2026 (the “2026 Fiscal Year”):

Varuna Bhattacharyya


Pei Pei Cheng de Castro

Vice President, Programs and Operations

Tai Chien

Vice President, Programs and Operations

P. Bartlett Wu


David Mou


Alysha Naik

Membership Director

Beatrice Leong

Development Director

The following candidates were elected as Directors to serve two-year terms beginning on the first day of the 2026 Fiscal Year:

Glenn D. Magpantay
Katherine Loanzon
Jeffery Mok

The night concluded with a bittersweet goodbye to Deputy Executive Director, Alice Biagini. February 11 was Alice’s last day at AABANY. She accepted a position as a business development and marketing manager at a law firm. During her eight months with us, she made a great impact on our operations and activities and supported our Board members and Committee Chairs as well as our membership. Alice will be missed by everyone she has touched. Yang presented her with some parting gifts from AABANY, which included a cookbook entitled The Woks of Life as well as a personalized apron with the AABANY logo. We wish her well in her future endeavors and hope to continue seeing her at AABANY events, as a participant.  

We thank everyone who attended the Annual Meeting and everyone who voted, whether by proxy or in person. Congratulations to all the award recipients and the newly elected Officers and Directors.

Special thank you goes out to AABANY President Joseph Eng and the wonderful staff at King & Spalding for hosting AABANY’s 2025 Annual Meeting.

Congratulations and Thanks to Justice Jeffrey K. Oing

On December 17, the Jewish Lawyers Guild held their annual Chanukah Party in the Rotunda of the New York State Supreme Court on 60 Centre Street. The festivities began at 6 pm, well after the courthouse closed for regular business and judicial proceedings. The atmosphere was lively as a large crowd gathered not just to celebrate Chanukah but also to honor Justice Jeffrey K. Oing of the Appellate Division, First Department on his retirement at the end of the year. Justice Oing has served on the Board of Governors of the Jewish Lawyers Guild and was a past recipient of the Guild’s Golda Meir Award.

AABANY was a proud co-sponsor of this event and among the AABANY leaders and members in attendance were President Joseph Eng, Jr., Membership Director Alysha Naik, and Executive Director Yang Chen. Former Presidents Vince Chang and P.C. Cheng also came out for the celebration. Among the AAPI judges at the event were Hon. Lillian Wan, Hon. Margaret Chan, Hon. Shahabuddeen Ally, Hon. Christopher Chin, Hon. Austin D’Souza and Hon. Judy Kim.

Many past and current leaders of the Jewish Lawyers Guild took turns at the podium to praise and congratulate Justice Oing for his time on the bench and his service to the bar and the community. One of the speakers was Hon. Michael Katz, who served alongside Justice Oing when they were both court attorneys earlier in their careers. “When I prepared my remarks for this evening, I was going to roast Justice Oing,” he began. “But I soon realized that it would be a futile effort. Justice Oing isn’t ‘roastable.’ There is just no unkind thing that can be said of him … even in jest.” Justice Katz’s sentiments reflected what all the judges and attorneys before and after him thought about Justice Oing: He is a beloved jurist, attorney, and human being, who has earned the respect and admiration of those who have had the privilege to know him and serve with him.

AABANY thanks the Jewish Lawyers Guild for throwing a great holiday party. We are especially grateful that they honored Justice Oing on the occasion of his retirement, and they certainly did it in style, with a large crowd, copious amounts of delicious food, and a grand setting.

Please join AABANY in congratulating Justice Oing on his retirement and thanking him for his trailblazing legal and judicial career. Knowing Justice Oing, we do not expect that he will be sitting on his laurels for long and look forward to hearing about what is in store for the next chapter in his journey.

AABANY Descends on Seattle for the NAPABA Convention

From Nov. 7 through 9, NAPABA held its National Convention in Seattle at the Hyatt Regency, for three days of programming, meetings, plenary sessions and the 36th Anniversary Gala capping things off on Saturday night.

AABANY members and friends once again came out in large numbers, with nearly 150 people signed up for AABANY’s WhatsApp group. The group’s members updated each other on programs they planned to attend, made lunch and dinner plans, and connected with each other about various receptions, parties and events around Seattle.

The AABANY Trial Reenactment Team presented its latest production, “AAPIs and Education: Tape v. Hurley and Gong Lum v. Rice” on Friday afternoon, Nov. 8, to a capacity audience. The program told the stories of Mamie Tape and Martha Lum and their efforts to fight discrimination in public education, through narration, reenactment of court proceedings and historic photographs. This was the sixteenth in a series of historic reenactments presented by the Asian American Bar Association of New York. For more information about AABANY’s trial reenactments, visit

We congratulate all the awardees and honorees recognized at the Convention, with special shout-outs to the following AABANY member honorees:

We also congratulate Sapna Palla, past AABANY President, and Anushree Bagrodia, current Co-Chair of AABANY’s In-House Counsel Committee, for joining the NAPABA Board as At-Large Members!

Thanks to all the outgoing NAPABA Board members for their service, and congratulations to AABANY member and past Board officer, Anna Mercado Clark, on her highly successful year as President.

We congratulate Muhammad Faridi, AABANY Member and President of the New York City Bar Association, on receiving the Pro Bono Service Award.

Thanks and congratulations to the many AABANY members who organized a panel or spoke at one. We know that it is not easy to get a program selected for the NAPABA Convention and that much hard work goes into putting on a quality program for the many attendees who come from across the continent to learn from you all. Please send us your photos and, if possible, a short recap about your program. You can send it to [email protected].

Many bonds were made and strengthened among AABANY attendees over the course of the Convention, and many new connections were made with the approximately 3400 registered attendees from across North America. Judging by many social media posts from those who attended, a great time was had by all. We hope everyone got back to New York City safe and sound, and we are looking forward to another inspiring NAPABA Convention when it moves to Denver, Colorado, Nov. 6-9, 2025.

AABANY Holds its 2024 Annual Meeting of Members at King & Spalding on February 13

On Tuesday, February 13, 2024, AABANY held its Annual Meeting of Members at King & Spalding. President Karen Kim called the meeting to order and established quorum. The main order of business was conducting the election for the 2025 Board of Directors and Officers and voting on a proposed revision to the bylaws to set term limits for certain Committee Chairs.

Treasurer Jasmine Ball gave the Treasurer’s Report, sharing information about AABANY’s financial performance through September 30, 2023. Membership Committee Co-Chair Ashley Shan presented the Membership Director’s Report in place of Membership Director Christopher Bae, who was not able to attend.

President Karen Kim presented the Annual Report of the Board, summarizing the major activities of AABANY during the past year, and thanked the Board members for their service during the past year.

Executive Director Yang Chen presented highlights of Committee activities. Following the reports, awards were presented to honor AABANY leaders and committees for their dedication to AABANY during the 2024 fiscal year.

The following awards were presented:

Committee of the Year: Student Outreach Committee

The Committee of the Year Award was given to the Student Outreach Committee for their dedication and commitment to advancing the mission of AABANY and providing enriching programming and activities that benefits not only law students but AABANY’s membership and community as a whole.

Program of the Year: Winter Soiree 2024

The Program of the Year Award was given to the Winter Soiree. Held on January 25th, 2024, the In-House and Corporate Law Committees led the biggest and best Soiree to date for AABANY, successfully bringing together in-house counsel, law firm attorneys, AABANY Board members, Committee Chairs, and a record number of sponsors for this marquee event.

Member of the Year: William Lee

The Member of the Year Award was presented to William Lee for his commitment to serving the AABANY Student Outreach Committee, his steadfast leadership and mentorship, and his contribution to the advancement of AABANY’s mission, programs, and activities over the years.

Student of the Year: Joon Choe

The Student of the Year Award is new and was presented for the first time to Joon Choe, Fordham Law School, class of 2024, for giving his time to advancing AABANY’s mission, programs, and activities through his constant and trustworthy volunteer service.

Honorable Mentions: Pro Bono & Community Service Committee and Solo and Small Firm Practice Committee

An honorable mention was presented to the Pro Bono & Community Service Committee for their pro bono clinics in Manhattan, Queens, and Brooklyn that continue to serve an under-represented and under-resourced population, and for providing AABANY’s members with the opportunity to volunteer and support New York’s AAPI and immigrant communities.

An honorable mention was also presented to the Solo and Small Firm Committee for their unique and innovative programs and events that have benefited and enhanced the lives and experiences of AABANY members in solo and small firm practice.

Congratulations to all the honorees for the recognition of their achievements and hard work during the 2024 fiscal year.

After the presentation of awards, Karen announced the election results. The following officers were elected to serve a one-year term for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 2024 and ending March 31, 2025 (the “2025 Fiscal Year”):

Benjamin Hsing


Jeffrey Mok

Vice President, Programs and Operations

Ashley Shan

Vice President, Programs and Operations

Jasmine Ball


David Mou


Alysha Naik

Membership Director

Varuna Bhattacharyya

Development Director

The following candidates were elected as Directors to serve two-year terms beginning on the first day of the 2025 Fiscal Year:

Christopher Bae
Vishal Chander
Grace Fu
William Hao
Gigio Ninan
Lawrence Wee
Jennifer Wu
Kevin Yam
Dwight Yoo

At the meeting, the following proposal was voted on: To amend AABANY’s by-laws to establish term limits for certain Committee Chairs by setting a four (4) year term limit for Committee Chairs, excluding Chairs of any Standing Committees, taking effect on the first day of the 2025 Fiscal Year.

This amendment was passed.

We thank everyone who attended the Annual Meeting and everyone who voted, whether by proxy or in person. Congratulations to all the newly-elected Officers and Directors.

Special thank you goes out to AABANY President-Elect Joseph Eng and the wonderful staff at King & Spalding for hosting AABANY’s 2024 Annual Meeting.

NAPABA Applauds the Historic Confirmations of Micah W.J. Smith and Shanlyn A.S. Park to the U.S. District Court for the District of Hawaii

For Immediate Release:
Date: November 30, 2023 
ContactRahat N. Babar, Deputy Executive Director for Policy 

WASHINGTON – On November 29, 2023, the United States Senate confirmed Micah W.J. Smith and, on November 30, 2023, Shanlyn A.S. Park to serve on the U.S. District Court for the District of Hawaii. Mr. Smith was confirmed for a vacancy opening on January 30, 2024, and Judge Park was confirmed for opening on October 9, 2024.

“NAPABA congratulates Micah Smith and Judge Shanlyn Park on their confirmations to the U.S. District Court for the District of Hawaii,” said Anna Mercado Clark, President of NAPABA. “Judge Park becomes the first Native Hawaiian woman to serve as an Article III judge, and upon the swearing-in of Mr. Smith next year, it will be the first time in history where all the Article III judges on a U.S. District Court are AANHPI.”

“President Biden continues to extend his record of judges from the AANHPI community,” said Priya Purandare, Executive Director of NAPABA. “Today, President Biden has appointed 28 AANHPI Article III judges that the U.S. Senate has confirmed. We thank President Biden for nominating Mr. Smith and Judge Park, and Senator Hirono and Senator Schatz for recommending them.”

Micah W. J. Smith, a graduate of Kauai High School, is an Assistant United States Attorney, Deputy Chief of the Criminal Division, and Criminal Civil Rights Coordinator in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Hawaii. He has also been the office’s Chief of Appeals and Legal Strategy since 2022. Previously, Mr. Smith served as an Assistant U.S. Attorney in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York from 2012 to 2018. Earlier in his career, he was an associate and counsel at O’Melveny & Myers. Mr. Smith served as a law clerk for Justice David H. Souter on the U.S. Supreme Court and Judge Guido Calabresi on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. He received his J.D., magna cum laude, from Harvard Law School and his B.A., summa cum laude, from Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania.

Judge Shanlyn Park, a graduate of Sacred Hearts Academy, has been a state court judge on the First Circuit Court on Oʻahu, Hawaiʻi, since 2021. Previously, Judge Park worked from 2017 to 2021 at the Honolulu law firms McCorriston Miller Mukai MacKinnon, L.L.P., and Gallagher Kane Amai & Reyes. From 1997 to 2017, Judge Park served as an assistant federal public defender in the Office of the Federal Public Defender for the District of Hawaiʻi. Prior to her service in that office, Judge Park was in private practice at Hisaka Stone & Goto from 1996 to 1997. She served as a law clerk for Judge Francis I. Yamashita, U.S. Magistrate Judge for the District of Hawaiʻi from 1995 to 1996. Judge Park received her J.D. from the University of Hawaiʻi William S. Richardson School of Law in 1995 and her B.A., cum laude, from Chaminade University of Honolulu in 1991.


The National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA) represents the interests of over 60,000 Asian Pacific American (APA) legal professionals and nearly 90 national, state, and local APA bar associations. NAPABA is a leader in addressing civil rights issues confronting Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander communities. Through its national network, NAPABA provides a strong voice for increased diversity of the federal and state judiciaries, advocates for equal opportunity in the workplace, works to eliminate hate crimes and anti-immigrant sentiment, and promotes the professional development of people of all backgrounds in the legal profession.

Congratulations to the Law Firm of Hugh H. Mo, P.C. for Receiving NAPABA’s APA-Owned Law Firm of the Year Award

The Law Firm of Hugh H. Mo, P.C (Mo Law Firm). is being recognized as APA-Owned Law Firm of the Year by the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA). This award is presented annually to an acclaimed law firm that has demonstrated a strong commitment to advocating for the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community, while simultaneously upholding the highest ethical and legal standards within the field. This well-deserved recognition not only acknowledges the Firm’s outstanding legal work, but also its staunch commitment to Pro Bono representation of AAPI crime survivors and those facing race-based discrimination. The Mo Law Firm was presented with the award during the Saturday evening Gala at the NAPABA Convention in Indianapolis, on November 11.

The Mo Law Firm, headquartered in New York City, is set apart by its distinguished father-daughter team among its legal staff. As founder and partner, long-time AABANY member Hugh H. Mo, and counsel, Elizabeth L. Mo, were both former prosecutors at the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office. Their careers embody the American dream and the immigrant ethos of upholding tradition while pursuing professional success. 

The son of one of China’s first female journalists and a law professor killed by the communists for his democratic beliefs, Hugh H. Mo immigrated to America at the age of nine. Growing up in NYC’s Chinatown, Mo witnessed firsthand the discrimination and oppression that the Chinese American community faced. After receiving his J.D. from Boston University School of Law, Hugh was ready to make his mark on the legal landscape of New York. He was the first Asian American appointed as an Assistant District Attorney at the Manhattan DA’s Office, and was also the first Asian American appointed as Deputy Commissioner for the New York City Police Department.

Continuing the legacy of her family’s dedication to the law, Elizabeth L. Mo embarked on her own remarkable journey. After graduating from Boston University School of Law, she became an Assistant District Attorney at the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office and served in both the Trial and Investigations Divisions. Her unwavering commitment to justice and her passion for advocating on behalf of the marginalized mirrors her father’s dedication. Today, this dynamic father-daughter duo collaborate and combine their wealth of experience and shared values in their pursuit of legal excellence and justice.

When asked about their initial reaction to receiving this prestigious award, both Hugh and Elizabeth expressed their deep gratitude towards AABANY and NABAPA. “Essentially, this recognition stands as a lifetime achievement award, not just for our Firm, but for both Liz and me, acknowledging our unwavering commitment as Asian American lawyers,” remarked Hugh, contemplating his distinguished career. Elizabeth echoed her father’s sentiments, adding: “We are so thankful to AABANY and NAPABA for supporting our careers and our Firm. Only in America could a firm like ours exist and prosper, and this recognition also serves as tribute to all of those that have come before us and people who we hope to inspire.”

With a combined 60 plus years of trial and investigation experiences, the Mo Law Firm has achieved remarkable success for its primarily Chinese clients. However, for this unique firm, legal representation goes beyond the courtroom. The Firm’s mission is tri-fold: vigorously advocating for their clients, mentoring AAPIs and championing the AAPI community’s causes. The firm represents a variety of corporate entities, foreign entrepreneurs, emerging start-ups, and governmental organizations, and individuals, domestic and overseas, delivering innovative legal advice and strategic counsel and problem solving in a variety of practice areas, including federal and state litigation, white collar criminal defense, commercial litigation, compliance and regulatory, business and tax matters.

Beyond that, the firm engages in extensive Pro Bono work, giving back to the community. “A lot of people think of Pro Bono as volunteer work, or being part of an overall effort to do good. I think that as an attorney, Pro Bono should be very much part of an attorney’s practice, career, as well as dedication,” firmly stated Hugh, who has dedicated his life to public service. Adding onto her father’s beliefs, Elizabeth portrayed Pro Bono as an endeavor that should not be marked by ability, but by obligation. “It is not about the ‘we can’s’ or ‘we should’s,’ but rather, by the fact that we must give back to the community,” she stated fervently. 

Elizabeth expanded on the interplay between her Asian American identity and her legal work. “As Asian Americans, we have a very unique cultural and language competency that not everyone has. It’s like being a unicorn— our firm is truly a unicorn in this industry. We would like to dedicate our skills and competencies to Pro Bono resources.” The Mo Law Firm has provided legal representation to victims of Asian hate crimes, individuals targeted by scams, students and healthcare professionals facing discrimination. Additionally, they have advocated for AAPI interests in unprecedented legal challenges, exemplifying their commitment to justice and community advancement over 30 years of legal practice. 

Speaking about memorable Pro Bono cases, Hugh shared an instance where he helped an Asian American high school student suffering from school bullying because of his racial identity navigate unjust felony and misdemeanor charges for making alleged terrorist threats on social media against his tormentors. After a back and forth battle with the District Attorney’s office, Hugh was able to secure a non-criminal disposition for the young man, allowing him to continue his education unfettered by a criminal record. Years later, Hugh learned that the young man not only graduated from college and law school, but was working as an Assistant District Attorney. The young man’s life journey would not have been possible without Hugh’s zealous advocacy on his behalf. “We as lawyers, if we have the capacity to do so, we should step up and do right every day. Lawyers should use our resources— our trade, our experience, our connections— to do good,” Hugh declared. Recalling the case proudly, Hugh believes that this case truly epitomizes the Mo Law Firm’s dedication to its ethos, the pursuit of justice and unwavering commitment advocating for clients beyond the call of duty. 

The Mo Law Firm’s approach to Pro Bono work goes far beyond legal representation, encompassing a holistic perspective. “To us, Pro Bono is not just about representing victims of hate crimes, but also supporting and mentoring the clients and other attorneys. It’s really so embedded in our firm’s culture that we don’t even think of it as Pro Bono,” Elizabeth explained. During his legal career spanning over four decades, Hugh has co-founded numerous APA civil and community organizations including: the Chinatown Health Clinic (predecessor to the Charles B. Wang Community Health Center), NYPD Asian Jade Society, Asian American Bar Association of New York (AABANY) and most recently, the NYPD Asian American Police Executives Council (AAPEX). Most notably, Hugh and Elizabeth have been actively involved and supported AABANY and NAPABA throughout their legal careers, with Hugh serving as a founding member of AABANY and Elizabeth as a former Co-Chair of the Young Lawyers Committee and currently as Co-Chair of NAPABA’s Government Enforcement and Compliance Committee. 

AABANY congratulates Hugh H. Mo and Elizabeth L. Mo for their well-deserved recognition as NAPABA’s APA-Owned Law Firm of the Year. Not only have they demonstrated exceptional legal prowess, their tireless dedication to the principles of justice and equity, especially on behalf of the AAPI community, is a profound testament to their values.

Please join AABANY in congratulating The Law Firm of Hugh H. Mo, PC on this award, along with all the honorees being recognized at the 2023 NAPABA Convention.

NAPABA Applauds the Confirmation of Judge Kenly Kiya Kato to the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California

For Immediate Release: November 7, 2023
Contact: Rahat N. Babar, Deputy Executive Director for Policy
WASHINGTON – Today, the United States Senate confirmed Judge Kenly Kiya Kato’s nomination to the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California. 

“NAPABA congratulates Judge Kato on her confirmation to the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California. An experienced jurist, her service as a U.S. Magistrate Judge on that court since 2014 has been exemplary,” said Sandra Leung, President of NAPABA. “Active in the AANHPI community, her commitment to public service and access to justice was shaped by the incarceration of her parents during World War II solely because they were of Japanese descent.”

“Judge Kato is the 26th Article III judge from the AANHPI community that was nominated by President Biden and confirmed by the U.S. Senate. President Biden continues to extend his record of judges from the AANHPI community,” said Priya Purandare, Executive Director of NAPABA. “We thank President Biden for nominating Judge Kato and the late Senator Feinstein and Senator Padilla for recommending her.”

Prior to Judge Kato’s confirmation to the U.S. District Court, she served as a U.S. Magistrate Judge in the U.S. District Court, Central District of California. Earlier in her career, she maintained a private practice and was a deputy federal public defender. Judge Kato was a law clerk to the late Judge Robert M. Takasugi of the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California and is a graduate of the University of California at Los Angeles and Harvard Law School.
The National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA), represents the interests of over 60,000 Asian Pacific American (APA) legal professionals and nearly 90 national, state, and local APA bar associations. NAPABA is a leader in addressing civil rights issues confronting Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander communities. Through its national network, NAPABA provides a strong voice for increased diversity of the federal and state judiciaries, advocates for equal opportunity in the workplace, works to eliminate hate crimes and anti-immigrant sentiment, and promotes the professional development of people of all backgrounds in the legal profession.

Beatrice Leong Honored with NAPABA’s Best Under 40 Award

In recognition of her legal prowess, dedication to service, and entrepreneurial spirit, Beatrice Leong, a prominent Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) woman solo practitioner, has been honored with the Best Under 40 award from the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA). Beatrice will receive the award on November 11th at the NAPABA Convention in Indianapolis, during the Gala on Saturday evening. The Asian American Bar Association of New York (AABANY) is thrilled to celebrate this outstanding achievement and applauds Beatrice’s unwavering commitment to the legal profession and her community.

Empathy Born from Experience

Beatrice was set on becoming a prosecutor since she was in Junior High school. She was married to her high school sweetheart, she had finished law school, and she had an offer to intern with the Queens District Attorney’s office.

The discovery of her then-husband’s infidelity threw a wrench in her plans and forced Beatrice on a different path. Her consultations with divorce attorneys were disheartening. She failed the bar exam. “I felt like I was dying,” she said, looking back on that time. Nevertheless, she took matters into her own hands. The same drive and passion for justice that made her want to prosecute wrongdoers pushed her to become a divorce lawyer, the kind that she wanted for herself, and one that her future clients could safely rely on.

From personal experience, Beatrice understands the emotional and often heart-wrenching aspects of divorce and family conflicts. This has equipped her with a profound empathy that she channels into her legal practice. She is a compassionate advocate who walks alongside her clients through the tumultuous process of divorce, offering pragmatic guidance with a deep understanding of the emotions that accompany such challenges.

Redefining Success as a Solo Practitioner and Entrepreneur

Beatrice started her career in divorce and family law at matrimonial and family law firms in both Queens and Manhattan, first at Plaine & Katz LLP and later at Parmet & Zhou LLC and Kleyman Law Firm. She started her own practice, the Law Office of Beatrice Leong, in 2021. As the only solo practitioner among this year’s Best Under 40 honorees, Beatrice’s remarkable journey is an inspiration to young lawyers. Reflecting on her career, Beatrice emphasized the importance, especially for young AAPI lawyers, to recognize the value of their work and not be afraid to carve their own path.

Leadership in the Legal Community

Beyond her exceptional legal practice, Beatrice is dedicated to serving the AAPI community by playing an active role in both AABANY and NAPABA. She currently serves as a Co-Vice President of Programs and Operations at AABANY and a Co-Chair of NAPABA’s Solo & Small Firm Network.

Through AABANY, Beatrice met other AAPI lawyers, rare in her field, and people who could relate to being mistaken by court officers as an interpreter, intern or a litigant, because they do not fit the traditional image of a lawyer. She says that she found “her community” through AABANY: the pro bono clients she advised through AABANY, fellow AAPI lawyers, and AAPI law students.

Beatrice recalls being described as a “natural leader” by her peers at AABANY after she joined. More and more, she dedicated her free time to fostering connections between the organization’s members, drawing from a deeply held conviction that strength comes from unity. Later, she joined NAPABA to promote AAPI representation on a national level.

Beatrice Leong’s journey is a testament to her unyielding dedication to her clients, her community, and the legal profession. Her personal understanding, professional excellence, and commitment to service make her a beacon of hope for those navigating the difficult waters of divorce and family law. Beatrice’s passion and expertise continue to inspire and make a profound impact, both in the legal world and the lives of those she serves.

Congratulations to Beatrice Leong on this well-deserved award and recognition! You can click here to learn more about the Best Under 40 award and read about other awardees. 

Please join AABANY in congratulating all of the honorees at the 2023 NAPABA Convention.

Brian Song Honored with NAPABA’s Military and Veteran Service Award

In recognition of his unwavering dedication to his military service, his career and his community, the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA) presented the 2023 Military and Veteran Service Award to Brian Song. The Asian American Bar Association of New York (AABANY) is honored to join in celebrating this outstanding achievement and recognizing Brian’s profound commitment to the legal profession and his extraordinary service to his community. Brian will receive the award on November 11th at the NAPABA Convention in Indianapolis.

A Unique Journey of Service and Ambition

Raised by first-generation Korean immigrant parents who instilled in him a strong sense of duty and the value of service, Brian found his calling early in life. Like most immigrant parents, there were only three “acceptable” career paths in his parents’ eyes: doctor, lawyer, or engineer. From an early age, Brian wanted to be two things- a lawyer and a soldier.

After attending college on an Army ROTC scholarship, Brian faced the choice of starting his service obligation to the Army immediately upon graduating or seeking an educational delay in order to attend law school. Since a delay would allow him to realize his childhood dream of becoming a soldier and his career goal of becoming a lawyer, he chose to compete for the delay and ultimately for selection in the Judge Advocate General’s Corps (JAG). His journey was influenced by his strong desire to give back to his country. It was an unconventional path but one that has led to remarkable accomplishments.

Breaking Barriers and Building Bridges

Throughout his military career, Brian often found himself taking the road less traveled. As an Asian American officer, he was acutely aware of the scarcity of Asian American faces, especially in more senior ranks. He frequently found himself to be the only Asian American in the room during important discussions, a reality that further fueled his commitment to breaking barriers and opening doors for others.

One of the moments that resonated with Brian was the tragedy of Danny Chen, a young soldier who faced harassment and abuse in the military. Experiences like these strengthened his resolve to advocate for inclusivity and equity within the military. (You can read about AABANY’s participation in the 12th Annual Commemoration of Private Danny Chen here.) 

While he acknowledges that progress has been made, there is still much work to be done to shatter the so-called “bamboo ceiling” that restricts Asian Americans’ representation in the higher ranks of the military. The lack of representation in flag officer roles, i.e., generals and admirals, is a concern that remains. 

Service and Leadership in the Legal Profession

After law school, Brian’s legal career began in the JAG Corps, serving with distinction for four years on active duty from 2003 to 2007. At the end of his original military commitment, Brian volunteered to continue his service in the U.S. Army Reserve. Despite balancing a civilian career as an associate, and now as a partner, with several major law firms, Brian devoted the time and energy necessary for success in his military career. The Reserves are supposed to be one weekend a month and two weeks a year, but it is often more than that especially at the senior ranks. It is not possible to overstate the sacrifices that our military reservists make in order to continue to serve by balancing two careers along with family and other obligations.  

Notably, he was part of a pro bono legal team that filed a suit on behalf of Sikh American recruits who were denied religious accommodations to both practice their faith and join the United States Marine Corps. After an initial defeat in District Court, the case — Toor et al. v. Berger et al.— continues into the next phase as the plaintiffs seek meaningful religious accommodations throughout their respective careers in the Marine Corps. Brian and his co-counsels hope that the Marine Corps will conform to the policies adopted by the U.S. Army and the U.S. Air Force. 

Bar Association Work: A Calling and a Community

Brian’s involvement with NAPABA and AABANY showcases his commitment to service not only in the military but also within the legal profession. Joining bar associations was a piece of advice from mentors who emphasized its importance for career development. Although he initially felt too busy, Brian realized the tremendous value in getting involved as soon as he joined AABANY.

Brian’s contributions to the Asian American legal community have been profound. He established the Military & Veterans Affairs Committee at AABANY and later led the Military & Veterans Network at NAPABA. He hoped to bridge the gap from those transitioning from the military to civilian life, foster greater understanding among the legal community and veterans, and create a platform to discuss legal issues in which veterans have special expertise. From 2019 to 2020, Brian served as AABANY’s President. 

Brian’s service, his legal accomplishments, and his deep involvement in bar associations make him a true trailblazer and an inspiration. We extend our warmest congratulations to Brian Song for receiving the 2023 Military and Veteran Service Award from NAPABA. Brian’s dedication to both his country and the legal profession is truly remarkable, and we are proud to celebrate Brian’s achievements. Click here to learn more about the Military & Veteran Service Award.

Please join AABANY in congratulating all the honorees at the 2023 NAPABA Convention.