Volunteer opportunities (you do not have to participate in all events)
They say turnout will be low again in September, but we know that New Yorkers can do better!
Alex Lee, past president of APALA/NJ, friend of AABANY and active member of NAPABA, is a candidate for NAPABA VP-Communications and send this message to everyone at AABANY:
Dear AABANY member:
This email is a reminder to vote in this year’s NAPABA elections – you have until 11:59PM PDT, this coming Friday, September 23rd to cast your votes. By now, you should have received an electronic ballot and/or a paper ballot via The NAPABA Lawyer newsletter. If you haven’t, this may because NAPABA has an out of date email or snail mail address on file – please check with your home affilliate to ensure the correct information was sent to NAPABA when annual dues were paid in June/July but in any case, please also contact Andre Harrison in the NAPABA DC office at [email protected].
I know usually NAPABA elections generate limited interest for most people as often candidates run uncontested. This year is no different – of the seven races, just one – Vice President of Communications – is contested. However, that contested race happens to be mine – – I’m running against Bijal Vikal of White & Case in Palo Alto, California – and coming from your sister affiliate across the Hudson, I would greatly appreciate your vote and support. Attached are my candidacy statement and CV so you can take a look at my qualifications.
I’m very proud (some would say to the point of obnoxiousness, LOL!) of my roots in the NY/NJ area. I was born in New Jersey, went to grad school in Manhattan, and have lived on and off for many years in the city. My first mentorship during law school was through AABANY and I’ve always tried to attend AABANY events when I can.
I consider myself good friends with many of AABANY’s past presidents and officers. So when people ask why I’m running for NAPABA Board, a big reason is to continue and maintain NY/NJ representation at the national level. Of the current slate of candidates, none (other than myself) are from the Northeast. This fall, when Andy Hahn and Joe Centeno step down from their Board positions, the Northeast representation on the Board could be reduced to just our two regional governors. That’s about 10%. Considering the Northeast is 25-30% of the total NAPABA membership, we will be grossly under-represented.
We deserve better than that and if elected, I pledge to ensure that the Northeast will be heard at the Board level.
If you have any suggestions or comments or just want to chat, have a beer, etc., please feel free to contact me. Meeting fellow attorneys from around the country and the tri-state area has been one of the most rewarding aspects of NAPABA for me and I hope to continue to expand my friendships with all of you in the coming years. Thanks for your time and support and if you haven’t already, please try to make plans to attend the National Convention in Atlanta this November.
Alex Lee
Law Offices of Alexander M. Lee
354 Bloomfield Avenue, Suite 201
P.O. Box 205
Caldwell, New Jersey 07006
Tel: 973/364-1688
Fax: 973/364-1689
E-Mail: [email protected]
The attachments are: