On June 3, 2022, The Flushing Times published an article on the various leaders who expressed their support and endorsement of AABANY member Karen Lin for Queens Civil Court Judge. Karen Lin would make history as the first East Asian female judge elected in Queens.
Karen was endorsed by State Senator Jessica Ramos, Assembly Member Catalina Cruz, Assembly Member Alicia Hyndman, Assembly Member Stacey Pheffer Amato, State Senator Toby Ann Stavisky, and Assembly Members Vivian Cook, Nily Rozic and Jenifer Rajkumar. In response, Karen said, “I am amazed by these extraordinary women who, by their presence and purpose in the New York State Legislature, impact our daily lives…Their collective talent, intellect and determination to get things done underscore why their representation matters.”
To read the full article, click here and go to page 18.
For more information about Karen Lin’s campaign, including how you can volunteer or support her candidacy, please visit https://www.karenlin2022.com/.