爐邊談話-普通話節目- 3月4日星期四晚间6:30 / Fireside Chat – Mandarin Program – March 4 at 6:30 PM


我们很荣幸推出下一期的炉边谈话,作为与纽约州 COVID-19 疫苗公平工作组 (New York State COVID-19 Vaccine Equity Taskforce) 合作开展的一系列讨论活动的一部分。这将是一次向全纽约州讲普通话的社区提供教育的难得机会,意义非凡,所以我们希望这次活动的参与者越多越好。

我们鼓励您提前向讲者提交问题,请将您的问题通过电子邮件发 至 COVID19VaccineEquity@health.ny.gov,我们也将接受出席者的提问。我们将竭力向小组成员提出尽可能多的问题。您还可以选择注册该活动(非强制),以将该活动添加到您的日程表并适时收到提醒,请点击以下链接完成这项操作:https://covid-19-vaccine-mobilizing-chinese-communities.eventbrite.com.

English Translation

We are proud to present the next Fireside Chat as part of a series of discussions produced in partnership with the New York State COVID-19 Vaccine Equity Taskforce. This will be a meaningful opportunity to provide education to Mandarin-speaking communities across New York State, and we want to encourage as much attendance as possible.

We encourage you to submit questions for the speakers in advance by emailing COVID19VaccineEquity@health.ny.govhttps://covid-19-vaccine-mobilizing-chinese-communities.eventbrite.com.