NYIC and NYS Dept of State Office of New Americans Present: Immigration Law Training in Buffalo
Tuesday September 2, 2014
8:30AM – 10:20 AM: How to Obtain BIA Recognition for Your Agency and Become an Accredited Representative (No CLE)
Instructor: TBA
In this training, we will cover in detail the requirements for obtaining Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) Recognition for your non-profit agency so that it may provide immigration legal services through Accredited Representatives. We also will cover the requirements for obtaining accreditation for individual non-attorney employees of recognized agencies.
10:30AM – 12:30PM Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals – Initial and Renewal Applications (2 CLE*)
Instructor: Karen Andolina Scott, Esq., Managing Attorney of Journey’s End Refugee Services
This training will cover the basic eligibility requirements for initial and renewal applications for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) as well as walk through filling out the Form I-821D, Form I-765, and Form I-765WS. The training will also discuss the potential documentation to include with a request packet.
01:30PM – 05:30PM Hot Topics in Immigration Law (4 CLE*)
Instructor: Jamie Maddalena of Fiegel Maddalena Law.
This training provides an overview of basic concepts in immigration law, including immigrant and non-immigrant visa categories, adjustment of status, consular processing, and citizenship. It will also address current trends in interpretation and processing of the most common types of applications. No prior knowledge of immigration law is required.
Wednesday September 3, 2014
08:30AM – 10:20AM: Naturalization and Citizenship (2 CLE*)
Instructor: TBA
This training will cover basic topics relating to naturalization and citizenship. Topics will include acquisition and derivation of citizenship, eligibility for naturalization, impediments and bars to naturalization, practice and procedure authorization and practical issues when dealing with foster-care caseworkers, Administration for Children’s Services, and family-court law guardians.
10:30AM – 12:30PM Immigration Consequences of Criminal Activity (2 CLE*)
Instructor: Sophie Feal, Supervising Immigration Attorney of Erie County Bar Association Volunteer Lawyers Project, Inc.
This training will review the various immigration law issues faced by non-citizens who have been convicted or accused of criminal conduct. The training will cover the criminal bars and waivers for noncitizens seeking lawful permanent residence or other lawful status, criminal grounds of removal and waivers applicable to lawful permanent residents, and good moral character bars and deportation risks for lawful permanent residents with criminal records who are pursuing naturalization. It will also touch on detention issues and intake strategies.
03:30PM – 05:30PM USCIS Field Office Visit (No CLE)
To register, click here.
MinKwon Center’s Pro Bono DACA Renewal Clinics
Upcoming Manhattan Family Justice Center Core Trainings
Save the Dates and Register Now!
Upcoming Manhattan Family Justice Center Core Trainings
The NYC Family Justice Center in Manhattan is happy to announce our next round of core trainings. Our core training program provides professional development on the most relevant topics for service providers working with victims and survivors of intimate partner violence, sex trafficking, and elder abuse.
Ø Criminal Justice
Monday, June 23rd 9 am – 12 pm
Facilitated by Manhattan District Attorney’s Office & NYPD
Ø Immigration Law: Options and Remedies
Monday, June 23rd 1-4 pm
Facilitated by Her Justice
Ø Risk Assessment & Safety Planning
Tuesday, June 24th 9 am – 12 pm
Facilitated by MFJC Staff
Ø Shelter & Housing
Tuesday, June 24th 1-4 pm
Facilitated by New Destiny Housing & MFJC Staff
Ø Family & Matrimonial Law
Wednesday, June 25th 1-4 pm
Facilitated by NY Legal Assistance Group
Ø Domestic Violence Dialogue
Thursday, June 26nd 11 am – 1 pm
Facilitated by Urban Justice Project
Ø Self-Sufficiency & Economic Empowerment
Friday, June 27th 10 am – 1 pm
Facilitated by MFJC Staff
Ø Culture Conversations: LGBTQ Communities
Tuesday, July 29th 1-4 pm
Facilitated by NYC Anti-Violence Project and NY Legal Assistance Group
All trainings will be held in the MFJC Training Room at 80 Centre Street (cross street Worth St.), 5th Floor, New York, NY 10013. More training details will follow soon.
NYIC 40-hour Immigration Law Training
The New York Immigration Coalition in collaboration with The New York State Office for New Americans Presents
40-hour Immigration Law Training Schedule To Prepare for BIA Recognition and Accreditation
Monday, June 17, 2013 through Friday, June 21, 2013
Registration Deadline: Thursday, June 13, 2013
Pre registration opens for ONA agencies and Non-Profits April 29, 2013. General registration opens May 6, 2013
Unless otherwise noted, all trainings will be held at the Refugee Resettlement Services Catholic Charities of Onondaga County, 529 N. Salina Street; Syracuse, NY 13208
Hotel Reservations:
The ParkView Hotel has offered attendees the rate of $94 per night which includes hot breakfast! In addition, they offer complimentary transportation to/from the airport, train, bus stations and the site of the training. To make reservation call the toll free number 1-800-365-4663 and mention “NYIC Training”.
Please arrive 20 minutes before your session begins.
Attendance at NYIC-ICTI trainings is governed by our attendance policy, available on our website (Click here)
There will be a 40 hour training in September at NYC!!!