NAPABA Submits Comment Opposing Proposed Public Charge Rule Targeting Immigrants

On Dec. 10, 2018, NAPABA submitted a public comment to the Department of Homeland Security to oppose the Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) “Inadmissibility on Public Charge Grounds,” which expands the definition of “public charge” and targets legal immigration. The NPRM prevents the reunification of families, creates unnecessary burdens for entry, and adversely impacts the health and safety of immigrant communities. NAPABA thanks its affiliates and members who submitted comments to the Department of Homeland Security opposing the proposed regulations. 

AABANY submitted its comments opposing the proposed public charge rule. To read it go to

AABANY Comments on Public Charge Rule

On December 7, 2018, AABANY submitted comments to the US Citizenship and Immigration Services in opposition to the rulemaking on Proposed Inadmissibility on Public Charge Grounds. AABANY wrote:

The Asian American Bar Association of New York believes that this rule change will cause irreparable harm to our community. Many of AABANY’s members are immigrants, or children of immigrants, and are personally impacted by this rule. The Proposed Rule changes the rules of the system in midstream and are directly intended to prevent immigrants from becoming American citizens.

To read the full text of the comments, click here.

AABANY thanks the Community Response Task Force of the Issues Committee for leading this effort on behalf of AABANY.