In this Issue:
- Jimmy Yan: Working in the Public Interest
- Sponsor Spotlight: BakerHostetler
- Incoming President’s Letter
- New Military and Veterans Affairs Committee
- New Tax Committee
- Successful March to 1,000 Membership Campaign
- First Quarter Rundown and 25th Annual Dinner
The printed version of this issue included the following errors: On page 6, in the “March to 1,000” article, Simone Nguyen and Christina Nguyen’s last names were misspelled. On page 7, in the article about the 25th anniversary Annual Dinner, Margaret Fung was misidentified as an honoree. She was a past honoree but in 2014, the honoree was the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund, and she accepted the award as Executive Director. These errors have been corrected in the online edition.