MBBA Election Viewing Party

Please do not forget to RSVP for the Metropolitan Black Bar Association’s 2012 Presidential Election Viewing Party at Katra Lounge. After you vote, please join us for drinks, food and GREAT conversation as we come together to watch the results of this historical Presidential Election! Details set forth below:

Date: Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Time: 6:00pm to 12:00am
Location: Katra Lounge, 217 Bowery Street, New York, N
RSVP: http://2012presidentialelectionwatch.eventbrite.com/#

*2-4-1drink specials; complimentary appetizers; multiple flat screens Cost: $10.00 in advance and $20.00 at the door Registration link will close on TOMORROW, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2012 AT 3:00pm (EST) We need to provide a final headcount to the event space ASAP.