AABANY’s Labor & Employment Law Committee Hosts Summer Sichuan Night at CHILI

On Tuesday, June 25, 2024, AABANY’s Labor & Employment Law Committee hosted their Summer Sichuan Night at the restaurant CHILI in Midtown Manhattan.

The dinner at CHILI proved to be a cozy and inviting experience and brought new and old members together to mingle over a spicy family-style Sichuan meal. Attendees networked and mingled throughout the evening, learning about each other’s backgrounds, careers, and professional experiences. The Labor & Employment Law Committee collected a group of individuals from far and wide, a reflection of AABANY’s diverse membership, with attendees hailing from as close as Brooklyn, to as far as Shenzhen, China.

Thank you to the Labor & Employment Law Committee for planning and hosting Sichuan Night as well as everyone who attended and enjoyed conversing over delicious Sichuan cuisine on a hot summer day. The Labor and Employment Law Committee continues to welcome new members and hopes to see many old and new faces at future events!

To find out more about the Labor & Employment Law Committee, please click here

APALA AFL-CIO Community & Labor Reception

Monday, May 16
5:30-7:30 PM

Unite Here Local 6
New York Hotel Trades Council
305 West 44th Street
New York, NY 10036

Confirmed Speakers include:

  • Fahd Ahmed, Executive Director, DRUM – South Asian Organizing Center
  • Cathy Dang, Executive Director, CAAAV: Organizing Asian Communities
  • Michael Mulgrew, President, United Federation of Teachers (Invited)

RSVP at http://bit.ly/APALA-CLRNY

AAARI.info – Asian/Asian American Research Institute

AAARI.info – Asian/Asian American Research Institute

The 103rd Official Commemoration of the 1911 Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire

Tuesday, March 25, 2014 

12:00pm The 103rd Official Commemoration of the 1911 Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire

At the site of the fire, the corner of Washington Place and Greene Street (23-29 Washington Place, New York, NY 10003)

The theme of this year’s anniversary commemoration is We Are All Workers, in recognition of the struggle of workers everywhere to find safety and dignity. The legacy of outrage following the tragic deaths of 146 workers at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory urges us to demand lasting change now.  We hope you can join us and please spread the word on facebook!     

5:30pm From Triangle Shirtwaist to Bangladesh: The Garment Industry, Tragedy, and Workplace Safety Reform

Roosevelt House at Hunter College, 47-49 East 65th Street (btwn. Park and Madison Avenues), New York, NY 10065

Please join us for a panel discussion of the 1911 Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire and its effect on labor laws and workplace safety in the US, and of recent factory fires and collapses in Bangladesh and how these tragedies might help drive similar reforms in Bangladesh and elsewhere in the developing world. The event is organized by Hunter College Human Rights Program and will feature:

  • Judy Gearhart, Executive Director, International Labor Rights Forum, Washington, D.C.
  • Dan Katz, Provost, National Labor College, Washington, D.C.
  • Alice Kessler-Harris, R. Gordon Hoxie Professor of American History at Columbia University
  • Dina Siddiqi, Professor of Anthropology, BRAC University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • Moderated by: Donna Haverty-Stacke, Associate Professor of History, Hunter College.

All are welcome for this free event, but please RSVP

PRESS RELEASE: Accepting Applications for Second Circuit’s Pro Bono Panel


Thurgood Marshall United States Courthouse
40 Centre Street
New York, New York 10007



March 3, 2014


The Criminal Justice Act/Pro Bono Committee is accepting applications for the Second Circuit’s Pro Bono Panel. The deadline is Friday, May 2, 2014.

Pro Bono Panel members will, at the Court’s invitation or on an appellant’s motion for appointment of counsel, represent pro se litigants in civil appeals that present issues of first impression, complex issues of law or fact, or raise potentially meritorious claims warranting further briefing and oral argument. Pro bono representation will be provided to litigants who would otherwise be unable to pay for counsel and are ineligible for the appointment of counsel pursuant to the Criminal Justice Act.

Cases in which pro bono counsel will be appointed cover a broad range of legal issues. A significant percentage of the cases are prisoner civil rights appeals; others may involve labor and employment, discrimination, social security, immigration and tax law.

Applicants must be admitted to and members in good standing of the Bar of the Second Circuit, or have an application pending before this Court, and have at least three years of appellate experience. Pro Bono Panel members will serve for a term not to exceed three years.

Pro Bono Panel Members who were appointed by the Court in 2011 for a three-year term must submit a new application if they wish to remain on the Panel. A completed application package contains a resume, a written application (available on the Court’s website at http://www.ca2.uscourts.gov) and three writing samples, preferably appellate briefs on which the applicant was the primary author. These materials must be submitted to Sally Pritchard, Director of Legal Affairs, United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, 40 Foley Square, New York, NY 10007, by Friday, May 2, 2014.

Read the 25th Anniversary Dinner Issue of the AABANY Advocate


In this Issue:

  • Margaret Fung: Activist to Executive Director
  • Outgoing President’s Letter
  • Incoming President’s Letter
  • Enhance Your Practice by “Word-of-Mouse” Referral
  • Long, Winding Road to Immigration Reform in 2013
  • Labor and Employment Law Committee Planning Active Inaugural Year
  • Real Estate Committee: Fall & Winter Update

From Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman’s Office: Labor Rights Forum


On behalf of the Office of the Attorney General we would like to invite you to a Labor Rights Forum on Thursday, March 6, 2014 at 6:30PM. The Attorney General and his Labor Bureau Chief Terri Gerstein will be joined by a panel of Labor Rights experts to discuss important issues impacting our community including: Minimum Wage, Overtime, Laws Related To Tipped Workers, New Laws, and Immigrant Workers. The event will take place at Gregorio Luperón High School—501 W. 165th Street and Amsterdam Avenue in Upper Manhattan.

To confirm your attendance or for more information, please email [email protected] or call 212-416-8754

We need your help to ensure the community forum’s success so please circulate the attached flyers and encourage your friends, family and anyone interested to attend.

English Flyer