NAPABA Endorses the Preemption of Real Property Discrimination Act

For Immediate Release: 
Date: May 25, 2023
Contact:  Rahat N. Babar, Deputy Executive Director for Policy

WASHINGTON – In response to the troubling rise in state legislative activity attacking an individual’s right to purchase real property based on the purchaser’s citizenship, the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA) endorses the Preemption of Real Property Discrimination Act. Introduced today in the United States House of Representatives by Rep. Judy Chu of California, who chairs the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, and Rep. Al Green of Texas, the bill would nullify any state law that prohibits or otherwise restricts an individual’s right to purchase real property based merely on that individual’s citizenship.

“NAPABA will not stand idly by when our community, especially those who trace their ancestry to China, becomes the target of ill-advised efforts by state policymakers to strip them of their fundamental rights to pursue a livelihood,” said Sandra Leung, the President of NAPABA.

“These efforts eerily recall ancient alien land laws, which were enacted over a hundred years ago, that barred Asian immigrants from owning land. Such laws belong in the dustbin of history, and they have no place in our nation today. While policymakers are free to address the legitimate national security concerns of the United States, they may not enact discriminatory laws on the backs of the Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander community.”

NAPABA’s support today for the Preemption of Real Property Discrimination Act coincides with the leadership of NAPABA affiliates across the nation to combat state legislation targeting our community. This past week, the Louisiana Asian Pacific American Bar Association (LAPABA), with NAPABA’s support, opposed legislation that, if enacted, would have barred innocent parties from purchasing or leasing real estate. Similarly, the Alabama Asian Bar Association (AABA), also with NAPABA’s support, led the opposition to a bill in Alabama that would prevent “any individual who is a citizen of China” from purchasing any real estate.

The actions of LAPABA and AABA build on NAPABA’s collaboration with our Florida affiliates – the Asian Pacific American Bar Association of Tampa Bay (APABA-TB), the Asian Pacific American Bar Association of South Florida (APABA-SF), the Greater Orlando Asian American Bar Association (GOAABA), and Jacksonville Asian American Bar Association (JAABA) – and our Texas affiliates – the Asian American Bar Association of Houston (AABA Houston), the Austin Asian American Bar Association (Austin AABA), and the Dallas Asian American Bar Association (DAABA) – in combatting similar efforts in Florida and Texas. NAPABA is grateful for their leadership.

NAPABA extends its thanks and appreciation to Chairperson Chu and Rep. Green for introducing the bill.


The National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA), represents the interests of over 60,000 Asian Pacific American (APA) legal professionals and nearly 90 national, state, and local APA bar associations. NAPABA is a leader in addressing civil rights issues confronting APA communities. Through its national network, NAPABA provides a strong voice for increased diversity of the federal and state judiciaries, advocates for equal opportunity in the workplace, works to eliminate hate crimes and anti-immigrant sentiment, and promotes the professional development of people of all backgrounds in the legal profession.

NAPABA Announces 2014-2016 Annual Convention Host Cities

National Asian Pacific American Bar Association

1612 K Street NW, Suite 1400
Washington, DC 20006

July 11, 2013

Contact: Azizah Ahmad

(202) 775-9555


WASHINGTON, DC – The National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA) has selected its annual convention host cities for 2014-2016. The Annual NAPABA Convention will be held in:

  • 2014: Scottsdale, Arizona
  • 2015: New Orleans, Louisiana
  • 2016: San Diego, California

“We are pleased to announce the host cities for the 2014-2016 Annual Conventions,” said Wendy Shiba, president of NAPABA. “We look forward to expanding NAPABA’s presence, engaging membership, and working with NAPABA’s affiliates and the local communities in these host cities.”

The process for selecting host cities breaks new ground from the bidding process that NAPABA has previously used. Several factors were considered during the selection process, including the presence of emerging Asian Pacific American and legal communities; hotel and convention site capacity of potential host cities; relative cost; and a desire to include regions that have not hosted a NAPABA convention recently or ever. New Orleans and San Diego will be first-time host cities and Scottsdale hosted in 2001.

“We are excited that Arizona will be hosting the NAPABA Convention in 2014,” said Mingyi Kang, president of the Arizona Asian American Bar Association. “We are grateful that NAPABA is changing the way the Convention is being hosted and are positive that this change will enable more local chapters to host the NAPABA Convention, increasing NAPABA’s profile, and encouraging more APAs to join and be more involved in our organizations and in the community in general.”

“On behalf of LAPABA, we are absolutely thrilled to have been chosen to host Convention 2015 in New Orleans! This is an unbelievable opportunity, bringing our entire NAPABA family to our great home city for the first time, ever,” said Christine C. Bruneau, president of the Louisiana Asian Pacific American Bar Association. “We look forward to fantastic speakers and programs, seeing old friends and colleagues and meeting new ones, and some truly amazing food, culture, and history!”

Brian S. Sun, president of the Pan Asian Lawyers of San Diego, one of four NAPABA affiliates in San Diego, said, “Pan Asian Lawyers of San Diego is excited that San Diego was chosen as the host city for NAPABA’s Annual Convention in 2016. We look forward to the opportunity to help the NAPABA convention team in any way we can. I know that everyone will enjoy our wonderful city.”

The 25th Annual NAPABA Convention, Momentum, will be held in Kansas City, Missouri from November 7-10, 2013.


The National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA) is the national association of Asian Pacific American attorneys, judges, law professors, and law students. NAPABA represents the interests of over 40,000 attorneys and 66 state and local Asian Pacific American bar associations. Its members include solo practitioners, large firm lawyers, corporate counsel, legal service and non-profit attorneys, and lawyers serving at all levels of government. NAPABA continues to be a leader in addressing civil rights issues confronting Asian Pacific American communities. Through its national network of committees and affiliates, NAPABA provides a strong voice for increased diversity of the federal and state judiciaries, advocates for equal opportunity in the workplace, works to eliminate hate crimes and anti-immigrant sentiment, and promotes the professional development of people of color in the legal profession.