The Legal Aid Society congratulates the attorneys recognized by the New York Law Journal as the 2014 Lawyers Who Lead by Example

The Legal Aid Society congratulates the attorneys recognized by the New York Law Journal as the 2014 Lawyers Who Lead by Example

NYLJ: Meet the Affinity Bar Group Presidents

NYLJ: Meet the Affinity Bar Group Presidents

2014 Rising Stars: Congrats to Vinoo Varghese

2014 Rising Stars: Congrats to Vinoo Varghese

New York Law Journal: Call for Minority & Women-Owned Law Firms

The New York Law Journal is once again pulling together a chart of minority-owned law firms in New York, with 50% or more minority ownership. Last year’s chart can be viewed here for reference.  There is no fee involved.  If you would like to be included, please send the following information to Angela Turturro ([email protected]):

  • firm name
  • address/telephone #
  • the name of managing partner(s)
  • the number of permanent, full-time attorneys as of Dec. 31, 2013

Please note: NYLJ also has a women-owned law firms chart (50% or more female ownership), so if your firm also qualifies for that, please reach out.   

Please respond by May 1, 2014 for inclusion.

NACDL Strike Force Represents Vinoo Varghese

The National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL) is now representing Vinoo Varghese pro bono in supporting his opposition to the Manhattan DA’s attempt to subpoena him to testify against his client’s interests.

The NACDL has a “Lawyers Assistance Strike Force [which] has a clear mission of representing and counseling criminal defense lawyers who are members of NACDL when they are imperiled with the risks of contempt, disqualification or subpoena for privileged information.”

Here is the link to NYLJ article of 11/12/13 and here is a link to NYLJ article of 11/4/13.

NYLJ: Meet the Affinity Bar Group Presidents

NYLJ: Meet the Affinity Bar Group Presidents

Exploring the White Collar Crime Landscape

Board Member Vinoo Varghese is a member of this distinguished panel, now available for viewing online at your convenience.

An Webinar

White collar Crime

New York Law Journal Presents:

Exploring the White Collar Crime Landscape


Few topics are on the minds of the New York legal community more than White Collar Crime. The implications of white collar crime investigations and convictions are keeping business executives and their legal departments up at night as they wrestle with issues of compliance, sanctions and more. With this in mind the New York Law Journal is proud to present a one hour video roundtable covering some topics of interest within the White Collar Crime landscape.

The cases below are but a few that are attracting interest and conversation. Please join us and a panel of experts as they discuss the implications of the following:

United States v. Prosperi

  • A look at sentencing issues–again–but this time as it pertains to sentencing guidelines being non-binding.
  • How flexible will appeals courts be now with sentences emanating from the District Courts? Does a reasonableness standard allow courts too much flexibility in sentencing?

United States v. Agrawal

  • How much will the Aleynikov decision affect the Second Circuit’s decision in this case?
  • If the Second Circuit sides with Agrawal how will that affect the ability to prosecute future cases?



Mark E. Coyne

Chief of Appeals Division
Office of United States Attorney

Vinoo Varghese

Varghese & Associates, P.C.

Marc Mukasey

Bracewell & Giuliani LLP



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NYLJ: Mayor’s Advisory Committee on the Judiciary

NYLJ: Mayor’s Advisory Committee on the Judiciary