The Bamboo Closet: To Stay In Or Not?

The Bamboo Closet: To Stay In Or Not?

KALCA Law Career Panel, 6/25, at Kobre & Kim LLP!

Date: June 25th, Thursday.  

Time: 6:30 to 8:30 PM

Location: Kobre & Kim LLP. (800 Third Avenue). 

Light refreshments will be served.

Our panelists include:

1. Judge Gilbert Hong , Judge, NYC Criminal Court of Kings County
2. Judy Kim, Associate Counsel, Bureau & Estates Litigation at the New York Liquidation Bureau
3. Jane Kim, Assistant District Attorney, Kings County (Brooklyn), New York
4. Yi Foo, Deputy Attorney General,  New Jersey Attorney General’s Office.

RSVP to [email protected] if you wish to attend. Click HERE for more information.


CONTACT: Karen Van Outryve 212-417-8741


The United States District Court for the Southern District of New York is seeking applicants for the SDNY Criminal Justice Act (CJA) Panel.  Applications are available on the court’s website at Completed applications must be addressed to David Patton, Executive Director of the Federal Defenders of New York, and submitted electronically by May 31, 2014 to [email protected]; no paper applications will be accepted.

The CJA Panel is comprised of private attorneys who are authorized to serve as appointed defense counsel pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 3006A. To qualify for a position on the CJA Panel, attorneys must be members in good standing of the Southern District and have proven experience and competency in the field of federal criminal defense work. Applications will be reviewed by a committee of attorneys that will forward its recommendations to the Southern District Board of Judges’ Defender Services Committee. The Court is committed to increasing the diversity of the applicant pool and encourages qualified female and minority lawyers to apply for positions.

Candidates can apply to be a member of either the Foley Square or the White Plains CJA Panels, or to both panels. CJA Panel attorneys commit to being “on duty” one day every four to six months if a member of the Foley Square panel and approximately one day every month if on the White Plains panel. On that “duty day,” CJA attorneys represent clients when the Federal Defender has a conflict; the hours of duty are from 9:00 a.m. until the closing of the Magistrate Judges Office, which is sometimes after 5:00 p.m. CJA Panel members serve a three-year term and are reimbursed at the rate of $126/hour for in-court and out-of-court time.

“Our justice system owes a great debt to the efforts of CJA attorneys,” said United States District Judge Cathy Seibel, who leads the Southern District’s Defender Services Committee. “They are instrumental to fulfilling the Constitutional mandate that every defendant has a right to

Southern District Chief Judge Loretta A. Preska said, “The Southern District’s CJA Panel is the best in the nation, and we are fortunate that so many capable attorneys take part in this program.”

Attorneys can also apply for membership on panels that represent defendants in capital cases and in non-trial work, primarily habeas corpus proceedings. In addition, the Southern District also sponsors a mentoring program that helps identify and prepare experienced state court
practitioners for appointment to the Panel. While the mentorship program is aimed at increasing the diversity of the Panel, the program is open to all.

Contact Peter Quijano at 212-686-0666 or Anthony Ricco at 212-791-3919 for more information on the mentorship program.

From FALANY: Panel on Minority Attorneys’ Perspectives on Friday, March 28, 2014

There will be a panel on March 28 hosted by Sedgwick LLP and Fordham University School of Law to address different career paths from a minority attorney’s perspective.  Anna Mercado, one of FALANY’s Steering Committee members, will be a panelist.  The program will begin at 6:00 p.m. at Two Brookfield Place (formerly Two World Financial) at 225 Liberty Street in Battery Park City (Sedgwick’s offices).  After the presentation, light refreshments will be served and an opportunity to network.

Please RSVP to Dirk Haarhoff ([email protected]) and cc: Anna Mercado ([email protected]).  If you are an attorney, please note that on your RSVP.