Thank You to Our Volunteers at the Manhattan Pro Bono Clinic in November

On November 15th, 2023, AABANY held its Manhattan Pro Bono Clinic at the AAFE (Asian Americans for Equality) Community Center, at 111 Norfolk Street. Our devoted volunteers gave up their Wednesday evening to give back to our community, providing free legal services and language assistance to all who came into the clinic. Volunteer interpreters and attorneys helped clients resolve a variety of issues, in the areas of housing, immigration, and civil practice.

Special thanks to the Student Outreach Committee for their postering campaign and passing out the lovely flyers which Mayer Brown printed for us! The majority of the 18 clients seen indicated in their intake forms that they came because of the flyers posted in stores, local libraries, and streets.  

Though AABANY attorneys assisted with a range of interesting cases, one notable situation involved a client who sought advice on how to deal with an unresponsive attorney representing his case for unpaid wages. The litigant was represented by counsel, and AABANY attorneys couldn’t provide a second opinion about the case. Nonetheless, the volunteers provided a listening ear, carefully evaluating the client’s situation before responding with helpful advice. The attorneys advised the client to consider reaching out to the NYS Dept of Labor to file a claim and seek assistance. Moreover, they suggested the client explore the Attorney Fee Dispute Resolution Program, which provides low-cost arbitration hearings as an alternative to protracted court battles. Ultimately, this case demonstrates AABANY attorneys’ commitment to empowering clients with accessible avenues for justice. The client departed the clinic content, having obtained valuable and satisfactory advice. 

As always, AABANY thanks our Pro Bono & Community Service (PBCS) Committee, AAFE, our community partners, and our dedicated team of volunteers for their continued efforts and support. We would like to recognize the following individuals, for supporting AABANY at Wednesday’s clinic:

Volunteer Attorneys:

  • Casey M. Lee
  • Francis Chin
  • May Wong
  • Yan Sin
  • Yen-Yi Anderson

Interpreters and Shadowers:

  • Angela Zhao
  • Daniel Kang
  • I-Kai Lee
  • Jieman Tan
  • Wendy Xia
  • Wei Huang
  • Yiming (Roselyn) Chen
  • Yuchen Zheng


  • Jiwon Youn
  • Elton Ye
  • Ling Ren

For any volunteers that were unable to make it on Nov. 18th, we hope that you will be able to join us at the next Brooklyn Pro Bono Clinic, taking place on December 2, 2023 at CPC Brooklyn Community Services. For more information, please click here.

Student Outreach Committee (SOC) Reaches Out to the Community with its Fall 2023 Postering Campaign

On Saturday, November 4, 2023, the Asian American Bar Association of New York’s (AABANY) Student Outreach Committee (SOC) held its Fall 2023 Postering Campaign in Manhattan’s Chinatown. The event was co-sponsored by Mayer Brown LLP and AABANY’s Pro Bono and Community Service Committee.

Volunteers and law students from the Greater New York area donated their valuable time on a Saturday morning to distribute flyers and promote AABANY’s pro bono legal resources to local businesses and residents in Manhattan’s Chinatown. Our volunteers covered areas from East Broadway to Kenmare Street. Some volunteers reported that small business owners and residents were ecstatic to learn about our Pro Bono Clinics and are “grateful such a service exists for the Asian American community.”

After the postering campaign, our Executive Director, Yang Chen, invited the volunteers and law students to a complimentary group lunch at Deluxe Green Bo, a small Shanghainese restaurant in the heart of Chinatown. Our volunteers and law students enjoyed some tasty soup dumplings, seafood casseroles, pan-fried noodles, and yellow fish with dry seaweed.

AABANY would like to thank Mayer Brown for their support with the printed flyers and supplies. 

We also express our sincere gratitude to the volunteers and law students below for their time, leadership, and overall commitment to giving back to the community.


Charlene Hong 
Emily Kong, Esq. (Mayer Brown)
Justin Lee
Vivian Lee
William Lee, Esq. (Mayer Brown)
Jameson Xu
Sharon Yang
Kelly Yao

Law Student Volunteers

Brooklyn Law

Kyle Hogan
Michael Qian

Cardozo Law

Gabrielle Capulong
Kimberly Cheung
Justina Chen
Isaac Kim
Edwin Liu
Angela Zhao

Columbia Law

Woohyeong Cho
Melodie Han

Cornell Law

Sage Park

Fordham Law

Amanda Dai
Yuanyuan Li
Stephen Park


Dai An Jiang
Zachery Lee
Gina Tan
Chris Wong
Haixin Xie
Jinge (Evelyne) Yang
Hanyi Yu

Pace Law

Alexandra Lao

Touro Law

Damian Jhagroo