On Thursday, March 31, 2022, AABANY’s Membership Committee hosted their last event of the fiscal year, supporting Asian-owned restaurant, Nowon. The #RestaurantSeries was created to support Asian-owned restaurants recovering from the impact of the pandemic. Twelve members were in attendance enjoying Korean-fusion cuisine. We ordered the “Mixtape” menu, Classic – Vol. 1, which included Korean Fried Chicken, their Legendary Burger, Crispy Tater Tots, and Yuja Donut Holes for dessert. Chef-owner Jae Lee came out during dessert to say ‘hello’ to our group. Everyone was excited to be back in-person, dining comfortably with others and learning about the diverse membership body. Thank you to those who came out and stay tuned for future AABANY Membership Committee events!
Restaurant Revitalization Fund Application is Opening!
Register in the SBA application portal this Friday, April 30 (Portal opens 9 AM)
Applications will open on Monday, May 3 (12 PM EST)
The US Small Business Administration (SBA) is launching the Restaurant Revitalization Fund (RRF) to provide funding to help restaurants keep their doors open. Qualifying businesses may receive funding equal to their pandemic-related revenue loss, up to $5 million ($10 million per business entity with multiple locations). Received funds spent on eligible uses until March 11, 2023 do not have to be repaid.
Eligible entities who have experienced pandemic-related revenue loss:
- Restaurants
- Food stands, food trucks, food carts
- Caterers
- Bars, saloons, lounges, taverns
- Snack and non-alcoholic beverage bars
- Licensed facilities or premises of a beverage alcohol producer where the public may taste, sample, or purchase products
Eligible with onsite sales to the public comprise at least 33% of gross receipts:
- Bakeries
- Brewpubs, tasting rooms, taprooms
- Breweries and/or microbreweries
- Wineries and distilleries
- Inns
Is your business majority-owned by Asian owners? Businesses owned more than 51% by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals will be given priority for review in the first 21 days of applications. Make sure to check the box self-certifying you are a socially disadvantaged individual!
For detailed information: Restaurant Revitalization Fund (sba.gov)
RRF Program Guide in Asian languages are available here: Restaurant Revitalization Funding Program Guide (sba.gov)
Application will be available only in English and Spanish. Prepare required documents and fill out the application practice form included in the in-language guide beforehand to ensure you are prepared to apply when the program launches!
Simplified Chinese:
请于4月30日,本周五(系统将于早上9点开放)在美国小商业管理局 (SBA) 的系统进行意向登记
美国小商业管理局(SBA) 正在启动餐饮复兴基金(RRF)计划,该计划将为餐饮企业提供资助帮助他们继续日常经营。符合资格的企业可获得与其受疫情影响损失营收额等额的资助,最高可达500万美元(若企业同时有多家店面运营,最高额可达1000万美元)。只要受领人在 2023 年 3 月 11 日之前将补助金用于合规的用途,其无需偿还该补助金。
- 餐馆
- 餐车和路边摊档、
- 饮食承办商、
- 酒吧、酒庄、小旅馆
- 零食店或非酒精类饮品店
- 其它持牌经营的酒类生产或销售企业
- 面包店
- 酒馆、品酒室、生啤酒吧
- 啤酒厂和/或微型酿酒厂
- 葡萄酒庄和蒸馏酒厂
- 小旅馆
更多信息请参考: 餐饮振兴基金SBA
亚洲语种项目介绍: 餐饮振兴基金项目指南
레스토랑 재부양 기금 프로그램 접수가 곧 시작됩니다!
오는 금요일 (4월 30일) 오전 9시 부터 SBA 포털에 사전 등록해 계정를 만드세요
기금 프로그램 접수 5월 3일 낮 12시 시작
내달 3일 (월요일) 부터 미국 중소기업청(SBA)이 식당들을 지원하는 레스토랑 활성화 펀드(RRF)를 출범합니다. 자격을 갖춘 업체는 팬더믹 관련 매출 손실 금액에 해당하는 자금 (업체당 최대 500만 달러, 다중 소재지 사업체당 1,000만 달러)에 해당하는 자금을 지원받을 수 있으며, 2023년 3월 11일까지 적격 용도에 사용한 수령 자금은 상환할 필요가 없습니다.
기금 신청 자격 대상
코로나바이러스 팬더믹으로 수익 감소를 겪었으며 현재 영구 폐점상태가 아닌:
- 레스토랑
- 푸드 스탠드, 푸드 트럭, 푸드 카트
- 케이터링 업체
- 바, 술집, 라운지, 선술집
- 스낵 및 무알콜 음료 바
- 제품 시음/샘플링/구매 가능한 알코올 음료 제조 업체의 시설 혹은 부지로 허가를 받은 곳
2019년 총수입액의 최소 33%가 현장 판매였음을 증명할 수 있는 경우:
- 베이커리
- 브루펍, 테이스팅 룸, 탭룸
- 맥주 양조장, 소규모 맥주 양조장
- 와인 양조장 혹은 증류주 공장
- 여관
혹시 사업체의 소유주가 과반수 이상 아시안이십니까? 사회적·경제적 약자가 51% 이상 소유한 사업체는 신청 후 21일 이내에 심사를 우선적으로 받게 됩니다. 기금 신청시 자신이 사회적 약자인 것을 스스로 증명하는 박스를 반드시 체크하세요!
자세한 사항은: Restaurant Revitalization Fund (sba.gov)
한국어 가이드 보기 : http://bit.ly/hangulrrf
RRF 기금 지원은 영어와 스페인어로만 가능합니다. 필수 문서를 미리 준비해두고 한국어 가이드에 지원서류 샘플에 따라 미리 양식을 작성해 두시면 당일 지원에 도움이 됩니다.
रेस्टुरेन्ट पुनरुद्धार कोषकोलागि निवेदन खुल्दै छ!
एस.बी.ए आवेदन पोर्टलमा यो शुक्रवार, अप्रिल 30 तारिक मा दर्ता गर्नुहोस् (पोर्टल 9 बिहान खुल्नेछ)।
आवेदन सोमबार, मे ३ तारिक (१२ बजे ) खुल्नेछ।
अमेरिकाको सानो व्यवसाय प्रशासन (एस.बि.ए.) ले रेस्टुरेन्टहरुलाई पूर्ण ब्यवसाय संचालन गर्नकालागि मद्दत पुर्याउन रेस्टुरेन्ट पुनरुद्धार कोष (आर. आर. एफ) शुरू गर्दैछ। योग्य व्यवसायहरूले उनीहरूको कोभिड-१९महामारीले गर्दा भएको राजस्व घाटा बराबर कोष प्राप्त गर्न सक्दछ। एस कोषद्वारा व्यवसायहरुले ५ मिलियन डलर (बहुविध स्थानहरूभएकाले १० मिलियन) सम्मको कोष प्राप्त गर्न सक्नेछन्। मार्च ११, २०२३ सम्म योग्य प्रयोगहरूमा खर्च गरिएको रकम फिर्ता तिर्नु पर्दैन।
महामारीका कारणले राजस्व घाटा अनुभव गरेका छन् निम्न संस्थाले एस कोषकालागि निवेदन दिन सक्नेछन्:
- रेस्टुराँ
- खाना स्ट्यान्ड, फूड ट्रक, फूड कार्ट (खानाको ठेला-गाडीहरु)
- क्याटररहरू
- बार, सैलुन, लाउन्ज, टाभर्नहरु
- खाजा र मदिराबाहेक अन्य पेय सामग्री बार
- लाइसन्सकासाथ पेय मदिरा उत्पादक/ उत्पादन गर्ने केन्द्र अथवा परिसर जहाँ सार्वजनिक रुपले ति पदार्थ चाख्न, नमुना लिन अथवा खरिद गर्न सकिन्छ
सार्वजनिक रुपले तेही इस्थाल्मा बिक्रि गर्ने र कम्तिमा पनि अनसाइट बिक्री सार्वजनिक गर्न योग्य कम्तिमा कूल रसिद को 33 33% समावेश:
- बेकरीहरू
- कुनै बनाइने ठाउँहरु
Is your business majority-owned by Asian owners? Businesses owned more than 51% by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals will be given priority for review in the first 21 days of applications. Make sure to check the box self-certifying you are a socially disadvantaged individual!
For detailed information: Restaurant Revitalization Fund (sba.gov)
RRF Program Guide in Asian languages are available here: Restaurant Revitalization Funding Program Guide (sba.gov)
निवेदन इस्पेनिश र अंग्रेजी भाषाहरुमा मात्र उपलब्ध हुनेछ। आवश्यक कागजातहरू तयार गर्नुहोस् र निवेदन फारमज ब तपाई प्रोग्राम सुरू हुन्छन् आवेदन गर्नको लागि तयार हुनुहुन्छ भनेर निश्चित गर्न इन–भाषा गाईडमा समावेश गरिएको आवेदन अभ्यास फारम भर्नुहोस्।