Solo and Small Law Practice Committee Hosts Second Solo Small Firm Support Group Covering Technology and Your Practice

On June 27th, 2023, AABANY’s Solo and Small Firm Practice Committee held its second Solo Small Firm Support Group, covering the topic of “Technology and Your Practice.” Kicking off this event, eight attorneys gathered to recount both positive and negative stories about technology in their practices. They proceeded to share helpful tips on cost-friendly legal databases, social media marketing strategies, and the progression of AI in the legal field.

The group discussed various legal database alternatives to Westlaw, sharing knowledge on which platforms are the most cost-effective, user-friendly, and provide useful promotional incentives. While the transition can be initially intimidating, members agreed that other platforms can be just as effective after the initial learning curve. Next, the group exchanged views on outsourcing legal research and accounting outline, and exchanged recommendations for case-management platforms.

Furthermore, the support group shared valuable recommendations regarding social media marketing. Considering the recent surge in the popularity of TikTok and video content, the members discussed their concerns regarding information privacy and the ethical concerns related to cultivating a social media presence, and distinguishing the personal from the professional online.

Lastly, members discussed the practicality of incorporating AI into their law practices, but also the threat that it may pose to job opportunities available to small firms. The group debated the threats and limitations of AI technology, sharing useful readings on the topic as well as potential avenues for usage within their own firms.

Overall, the meeting was productive, and the friendly and inclusive environment left members with smiles on their faces as they concluded the session, eagerly looking forward to next month’s discussion. For upcoming events, please check AABANY’s calendar and update your email preference in your account to receive the Committee’s emails. To learn more about the committee, please click here.

AABANY Solo and Small Law Practice Committee Holds First Support Group Event

On May 31, 2023 at noon, AABANY’s Solo and Small Firm Practice Committee held its first Support Group meeting over Zoom, where 9 committee members joined and got to know each other and their practice areas. The group also discussed how they would like to hear or learn from the Committee and exchanged ideas for upcoming events. Members shared topics such as cybersecurity concerns, new technologies like ChatGPT, Alternative Dispute Resolution, mental health issues, and best practices to run a solo or small law firm.  This provides a great chance for Committee Members to connect with each other and form a virtual support system that lawyers practicing in solo or small law firms might find hard to get within their own practice.  

The Support Group will meet monthly and the next meeting will be on June 27 to discuss how to reap the benefits of technology implementations for your practice.  On June 28, the Committee will be hosting “Using Benefits Provided by NYC Department of Small Business Services as a Solo or Small Law Firm” at 5:30 PM to help practices get the most out of services provided by the NYC Department of Small Business Services. To register by June 26 and learn more, click here. For upcoming events, please check AABANY’s calendar and update your email preference in your account to receive the Committee’s emails.