On Friday Aug. 9th, 2024, a group including both AABANY members and non-members interested in meeting other Asian attorney parents, met at Dons Bogam BBQ & Wine Bar. Our goal was to gauge interest in possibly creating AABANYs 29th committee, a Parents Committee. The group included a diverse mix of attorneys, including those in public and private practice, with children ranging from babies to late teenagers, and active AABANY participants as well as new attorneys who were looking to get involved.
Every attendee held a similar passion for their careers and parenting, as well as a deep appreciation for the fact that this meeting took place during a weekday lunch rather than an evening or weekend because otherwise who would look after the kids? As we shared a meal of Korean soul food, we shared many ideas on events and resources for the proposed Parents Committee. This group plans to take the next steps to form a Committee and will continue to meet regularly for weekday lunches. This new committee looks forward to continuing to explore new cuisines around the city, building and strengthening our social and professional networks, while reducing stress and improving mental health.
Please be on the lookout for announcements about this group and reach out to [email protected] if you are interested in joining!
Please click here to fill out the Parents Committee Google Form to answer a few survey questions to help us chart a direction for this emerging committee. Thanks in advance for your input and ideas.