Thank You to Our Volunteers at the March 8th Pro Bono Clinic in Brooklyn!

Thank you to AABANY, AALFNY, PBCS, Chinese-American Planning Council, our incredible volunteers, and our community partners for helping out at the March 8th pro bono legal clinic in Brooklyn.  Our volunteers met with 16 clients, addressing questions related to housing, matrimonial and family law, and immigration.

We are grateful to have our special guest speakers, Vishal Chander and Karen Kithan Yau, provide a “Know Your Rights” training on immigration laws to our volunteers and clients. For the next couple of clinics, we will be inviting speakers to provide crucial information about immigrants’ interactions with law enforcement in the public and at the workplace.  

At these clinics, we not only help answer clients’ legal questions, but we also want to teach law students and young attorneys how to explain the law in layman’s terms and provide an opportunity for the clients to be heard. We had volunteers explaining the concept of jurisdiction to a litigant who wasn’t sure why her petition was denied, the process of suing in small claims court, and discussing differences between wills and trusts. So thank you all for listening to the clients’ stories!

Thank you again to our amazing volunteers:

Volunteer Attorneys
Anna Chen
Beatrice Leong
Ben Choi
Chenyi Wang
Francis Chin
Gary Yeung
Karen Kithan Yau
Kwok Kei Ng
May Wong
Peter Wei
Victoria Cheng
Vishal Chander
Interpreters & Shadowers
Albert Tong
Chia-Jung (Colette) Chang
Emily Kam
Kenny Ip
Kirin Moy
Leo Shen
Miao Wen
Nandar Win Kerr
Ruo Yang
Sam Chen
Shuyao (Sherry) Wang
Xiaocen Zhang
Zekai Lian

Please come back and join us at our upcoming clinics:

April 2, 2025 [Queens link here], from 6:00 – 8:30pm, One Flushing Community Center, 133-29 41st Ave, 2nd Floor, Flushing, NY 11355

[Please note that after April 2, 2025, all registrations for the clinics will take place through AABANY’s calendar. Please be patient with the transition.]

If you can’t make it to the clinics, please join our 10th Year Anniversary of Pro Bono Clinics on March 27th, 2025!

Thank You to Our Volunteers at the February 5th Pro Bono Clinic in Queens!

Happy Lunar New Year!  A huge thank you to AABANY, PBCS, AAFE, and all our incredible volunteers who dedicated their time and expertise at the February 5th pro bono legal clinic in Queens.  Their commitment to serving the community made a meaningful impact, providing much-needed legal assistance to those in need.  Our volunteers met with 12 clients, addressing questions related to housing, matrimonial and family law, and torts.

We extend our gratitude to our special guest speaker, Vishal Chander, for delivering an insightful “Know Your Rights” training.  His presentation provided attendees with crucial information on their rights when encountering Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) authorities.  Vishal also generously stayed to assist with complex questions regarding immigration sponsorship and divorce, further supporting our community members.

Here are some of the clients’ comments:

“Thank you for additional resources for mothers returning to the job force.”
“Thank you, Shirley [Luong].”

Thank you again to our amazing volunteers:

Volunteer Attorneys
Beatrice Leong
Gary Yeung
Johnny Thach
Kevin Hsi
Lord Chester So
May Wong
Richard In
Vishal Chander
Yan Lian Kuang-Maoga
Interpreters & Shadowers
Miao Wen
Xiaocen Zhang
Xuxia Zhao

We are deeply grateful for everyone’s contributions and look forward to continuing this important work together! Please come back and join us at our upcoming clinics:

March 8, 2025 [Brooklyn link here], from 12:00 – 3:00pm, CPC Brooklyn Community Services, 4101 8th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11232

April 2, 2025 [Queens link here], from 6:00 – 8:30pm, One Flushing Community Center, 133-29 41st Ave, 2nd Floor, Flushing, NY 11355

Thank You to Our Volunteers at the January 11th Pro Bono Clinic in Brooklyn!

On Saturday, January 11th, AABANY members had the opportunity to volunteer at AABANY’s Brooklyn Pro Bono Legal Clinic, hosted by the Chinese-American Planning Council. The Clinic was organized by AABANY’s Pro Bono and Community Service (PBCS) Committee, staffed by a dedicated team of attorney and non-attorney volunteers, offering free thirty-minute legal consultations for community members facing serious legal challenges. This was the first Clinic of the year, and volunteers met with 14 clients, who asked questions about divorce, immigration, and housing. 

The Clinic facilitated a supportive and inclusive space for all in attendance. Attorneys were paired one-on-one with clients to carefully address their legal concerns, while interpreters ensured smooth communication for non-English speakers. Shadowers had the opportunity to sit in on attorney-client conversations, taking notes and learning from these real-world interactions. Through this collaborative effort, the Clinic demonstrated its ongoing commitment to fostering community involvement and empowering individuals.

With the current change of presidential administration, many immigrants are uncertain what will come next. As concerned public interest organizations, we want to protect and prepare our vulnerable clients the best we can. We greatly appreciate that immigration attorneys and legal services are taking their time to keep us updated with the law and providing accessible resources for our clients to know their rights. Please check out the Immigration Coalition’s website at and Asian American Legal Defense Education Fund’s website at to learn more!

Thank you to our volunteer attorneys at the January 11 Brooklyn Pro Bono Clinic:

Volunteer Attorneys
Beatrice Leong
Gary Yeung
Kwok Kei Ng
May Wong
Victoria Cheng
Interpreters & Shadowers
Junjie Wang
Nandar Win Kerr
Kemy Parikh
Xiaocen Zhang
Shuyao (Sherry) Wang

If you’re interested in volunteering at future AABANY Pro Bono Clinics, please consider joining us at the following upcoming events:

  • February 5, 2024 [register here], from 6:00 – 8:30pm, One Flushing Community Center, 133-29 41st Ave, 2nd Floor, Flushing, NY 11355
  • February 19, 2025 [register here], from 6:00 – 8:30pm, AAFE Community Center, 111 Norfolk Street, NY, NY 10002

We hope to see you there and wish you a happy Lunar New Year!

To learn more about the Pro Bono & Community Service Committee, visit

Thank You to Our Volunteers at the December 4th Pro Bono Clinic in Queens!

On December 4th, volunteers had the opportunity to participate in AABANY’s Pro Bono Legal Clinic in Queens, hosted by the Asian Americans for Equality (AAFE). The clinic was organized by AABANY’s Pro Bono and Community Service (PBCS) Committee, with a dedicated team of attorney and non-attorney volunteers providing free thirty-minute legal consultations to members of the community facing various legal challenges.

The volunteers met with 11 clients, answering questions related to housing, torts, and contracts. One key issue that came up frequently was unreasonable rent increases. As New York continues to grow more expensive, attorneys volunteering at our clinics would be well-served with some basic knowledge to protect tenants’ rights.

Under the Good Cause Eviction law, tenants in covered housing are protected against unreasonable rent increases that exceed the local rent standard. The local rent standard is determined annually based on the inflation rate in the area, plus 5%, with a maximum cap of 10%. As of May 1, 2024, the local rent standard for the New York City area is 8.82%, which means any rent increase over this percentage may be considered unreasonable by the court, provided it occurred after April 20, 2024. See here:

Landlords may provide justification for higher rent increases, such as significant repairs or increased property taxes, but the final decision rests with the court. Pro Bono Clinic attorneys encourage all tenants to open their mail and file an answer in court to protect their rights.

Clients expressed gratitude for the assistance, including the following comments:

  • “Extremely grateful. Appreciative of your supported services. Helped me decide on many of my bigger problems.”
  • “Attorney Yeung’s attitude was superb – he provided translation and advice.”

Thank you again to our volunteers: 

Volunteer Attorneys
Beatrice Leong
Gary Yeung
Johnny Thach
Kevin Hsi
Lina Lee
Jack Chen
May Wong
Richard In
Interpreters & Shadowers
Eugene Seong
Xiaocen Zhang
Xuxia Zhao

Please come back and join us at our upcoming clinics:

December 18, 2024, from 6:30 – 8:30pm, AAFE Community Center, 111 Norfolk Street, NY, NY 10002, sign up here (please register by 12pm, 12/16/2024)

January 11, 2025, from 12:00 – 2:30pm, CPC Brooklyn Community Services, 4101 8th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11232, sign up here (please register by 12pm, 01/08/2025)

January 15, 2025, from 6:30 – 8:00pm, AAFE Community Center, 111 Norfolk Street, NY, NY 10002, sign up here (please register by 12pm, 01/13/2025)

Wishing everyone a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year! 

DISCLAIMER: Nothing in this blog post should be deemed to be legal advice. Do not take any action or refrain from any action in reliance on anything contained in this blog post.

Thank You to Our Volunteers at the November 9th Pro Bono Clinic in Brooklyn!

On Saturday, November 9th, AABANY members had the opportunity to volunteer at AABANY’s Brooklyn Pro Bono Legal Clinic, hosted by the Chinese-American Planning Council. The Clinic was organized by AABANY’s Pro Bono and Community Service (PBCS) Committee, staffed by a dedicated team of attorney and non-attorney volunteers, offering free thirty-minute legal consultations for community members facing pressing legal challenges. The volunteers met with 17 clients, who had questions about torts, family, matrimonial, and immigration issues.

As usual, the Clinic facilitated a positive and supportive environment; each client was paired with an attorney, who thoughtfully listened to and addressed their legal concerns. Shadowers observed the attorneys in action, taking notes and learning from these real-world interactions. Language interpreters were also available, ensuring that there were no language barriers between clients and attorneys. This collaboration reflected the Clinic’s commitment to community engagement and empowerment.

Thank you again to our volunteer attorneys: 

Volunteer Attorneys
Anna Chen
Jieman Tan
Gary Yeung
May Wong
Interpreters & Shadowers
Jaymark Hawlader
Junjie Wang
Nandar Win Kerr
Wendy Zeng

If you’re interested in making a difference in the community through future Pro Bono Clinics, we invite you to join us at the following upcoming events:

  • Wednesday, December 4, 2024 [register here], from 6:00 – 8:30pm, One Flushing Community Center, 133-29 41st Ave, 2nd Floor, Flushing, NY 11355
  • Saturday, January 11, 2025 [register here], from 12:00 – 2:30pm, Tentative Location – CPC Brooklyn Community Services, 4101 8th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11232 

We hope to see you there!

To learn more about the Pro Bono & Community Service Committee, visit

Thank You to Our Volunteers at the October 2nd Pro Bono Clinic in Flushing, Queens!

On Wednesday, October 2nd, AABANY members had the opportunity to volunteer at the AABANY Queens Pro Bono Clinic hosted by the Asian Americans for Equality (AAFE) Community Center in Flushing. The clinic brought together AABANY’s Pro Bono & Community Service (PBCS) Committee along with a team of dedicated volunteers to offer free legal consultations to community members facing pressing legal challenges. The volunteers met with 19 clients addressing a variety of issues including housing, divorce, and immigration law. These are the kinds of problems that weigh heavily on people’s lives, both financially and emotionally.

The clinic had a vibrant atmosphere of support and collaboration. Each client was paired with an attorney who took the time to provide thoughtful advice on their specific legal concerns. Shadowers observed the attorneys, eagerly taking notes and learning from real-world interactions. Interpreters fluent in Cantonese or Mandarin were also on hand, ensuring that language barriers didn’t hinder effective communication between clients and their attorneys. This collaborative effort made the clinic a true reflection of community engagement and empowerment.

These interactions went far beyond simple legal advice. Each conversation was a reminder that this clinic isn’t just about solving legal matters—it’s about giving people the power to reclaim control over situations that often feel overwhelming. For many clients, it was the first time they realized they weren’t alone, and that there were resources and options available. A consultation could shift the entire course of someone’s life, offering not just answers, but hope.

Clients expressed their gratitude with comments like, “Thank you very much to the clinic and lawyer Gary Yeung for their help,” and “I appreciate your effort.” These heartfelt messages show the impact of the clinic and the commitment of everyone involved in making it a success.

Thank you again to the following volunteers:

Volunteer attorneys

  • Beatrice Leong
  • Gary Yeung
  • Lina Lee
  • May Wong
  • Richard In
  • Shirley Luong

Interpreters & Shadowers

  • Jaymark Hawlader
  • Xuxia Zhao
  • Eugene Seong

If you’re interested in making a difference in the community through future Pro Bono clinics, we invite you to join us at the following upcoming events: 

November 9, 2024 [Brooklyn link here], from 12:00 – 3:30pm, CPC Brooklyn Community Services, 4101 8th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11232

December 4, 2024, from 6:00 – 8:30pm, One Flushing Community Center, 133-29 41st Ave, 2nd Floor, Flushing, NY 11355

Thank You to Our Volunteers at the September 7th Pro Bono Legal Clinic in Brooklyn

Thank you everyone for joining us at the Brooklyn Pro Bono Legal Clinic on September 7, 2024, co-sponsored by CPC-Brooklyn at their 4101 8th Avenue location. Thanks also to the following co-sponsors: Community Service Committee, Councilman Justice Brannan, State Senator Iwen Chu, Council Member Alexa Avilés, the Parent-Child Relationship Association, the South Brooklyn Community Coalition, Homecrest Community Services, the United Chinese Association of Brooklyn, New York Team Up, and the United Chinese Americans Organizations. We met 16 clients who had questions about real estate, consumer fraud, and immigration issues.  Hope you all had a wonderful time learning from one another and informing the community about current laws! 

During the pandemic, many people were experiencing difficulties in canceling their gym memberships. Even worse, some clubs would close with limited notice or no notice at all to their customers. Due to reports of deceptive practices in health clubs, the New York State legislature passed the New York Health Club Services Act in 2023 to protect consumers. One of our clients came in to discuss such deceptive practices and the sudden closure of a spa. Under this Act, to protect members who prepay for their memberships, health clubs must file a bond or other type of financial security with the Secretary of State in case the club closes:

  • Clubs must mention this bond in all their contracts and must post about the bond in their facilities.
  • Clubs do not have to meet this requirement if they do not offer pre-paid memberships, or if payments do not exceed $150, memberships do not exceed one year, and the contract does not contain an automatic renewal provision.

Any contract that does not comply with the New York Health Club Services Act is void and unenforceable. If the health club violated the act, the customer can sue in small claims court and seek treble damages and reasonable attorney’s fees. For information about small claims court, visit .

Thank you to the following volunteers:

Volunteer Attorneys
Anna Chen
Chenyi Wang
Francis Chin
Gary Yeung
Kwok Kei Ng
May Wong
Interpreters & Shadowers
Albert Tong
Chenyi Wang
Jaymark Hawlader
Junjie Wang
Nandar Win Kerr
Wendy Zeng
Xiang Li
Xing Yang

Thank you again and please join us at the next clinics:

Manhattan Pro Bono Clinic on September 18th, 2024 at AAFE Community Center, 111 Norfolk St, New York, NY 10002. Sign up here –

Queens Pro Bono Clinic on October 2nd, 2024 at AAFE One Flushing Community Center, 133-29 41st Ave, 2nd Floor, Flushing, NY 11355. Sign up here –

Thank You to Our Volunteers at the August 21st Pro Bono Clinic in Manhattan

Thank you to AABANY volunteers, attorneys, interpreters, and law students who came to help AABANY’s Pro Bono Clinic in Manhattan. Our volunteers spent the night meeting with 14 clients on issues ranging from housing, divorce, immigration, and criminal law. 

The clinic saw some returning clients as well as new ones. Each client was assigned to an attorney who diligently advised them on their legal issues. Law students who had the opportunity to shadow the attorneys took notes, while interpreters that spoke Cantonese and Mandarin helped overcome any language barriers between the client and attorney. Many clients left feeling satisfied and confident on what to do next with their cases. Clients also took away additional AABANY information and resources they could use if needed.

Thank you again to everyone, including volunteer attorneys: 

  • Beatrice Leong
  • Chenyi Wang
  • Collin Li
  • Jieman Tan
  • Justin Lee
  • Kwok Kei Ng
  • Meghan Liu
  • Nicholas Loh

Thank you also to our non-attorney volunteers:

  • Alexandra Lao
  • Alice Biagini
  • Chia-Jung (Colette) Chang
  • Emily Kam
  • Junjie Wang
  • Willis Huynh
  • Xing Yang
  • Yi Liu

If you would like to participate in future Pro Bono clinics to help serve the community, please join us at these upcoming events:

Manhattan Pro Bono Clinic on September 18, 2024 at AAFE Community Center, 111 Norfolk St New York, New York 10002. Sign up here –

Queens Pro Bono Clinic on October 2, 2024 at AAFE One Flushing Community Center, 133-29 41st Ave, 2nd Floor, Flushing, NY 11355. Sign up here –

Thank you to the Pro Bono & Community Service Committee for organizing the Pro Bono Clinics. To learn more about the Committee and to find out how you can get involved, visit

Thank You to Our Volunteers at the August Pro Bono Clinic in Queens

Thank you AABANY, PBCS, AAFE, and our volunteers who assisted with the August 7th pro bono legal clinic in Queens! Our volunteers spent the rainy night meeting 13 clients and answered questions involving housing, divorce, and immigration law.

The clinic saw some returning clients at the pro bono clinic, and attorneys were able to connect them to more resources to help them resolve their cases. New clients were satisfied with the legal advice given, with a clear understanding of what actions to take next. Volunteer attorneys and interpreters collaborated with one another to address concerns with clients that spoke Spanish and Chinese. AABANY Interns had the opportunity to shadow attorneys and watch them work to address client problems and provide referrals. Interns helped to collect the intake forms and surveys, delivering them to organizers for data collection.

Thank you again to everyone, including volunteer attorneys:

  • Anthony Wong
  • Beatrice Leong
  • Gary Yeung
  • Kevin Hsi
  • Lina Lee
  • May Wong
  • Richard In
  • Shirley Luong
  • Willow Liu

Thanks also to the non-attorney volunteers:

  • Rita Zheng
  • Emily Kam
  • Ruo Yang

Overall, the event was a success as clients took the attorneys’ advice to take the next step in their cases. If you would like to participate in future Pro Bono clinics to help serve the community, please join us at these upcoming events:

Manhattan Pro Bono Clinic on August 21, 2024 at AAFE Community Center, 111 Norfolk St, New York, NY 10002. Sign up here –

Queens Pro Bono Clinic on October 2, 2024 at AAFE One Flushing Community Center, 133-29 41st Ave, 2nd Floor, Flushing, NY 11355. Sign up here –

AABANY Marches in the Third Annual AAPI Cultural and Heritage Month Parade in Midtown Manhattan

Photo credit: AABANY

On Sunday, May 19th, 2024, AABANY members and friends marched together in the Third Annual AAPI Cultural and Heritage Parade in Midtown Manhattan.

Around noon, our group gathered on West 44th Street and Sixth Ave at a designated meeting spot to line up for the parade. As everyone was arriving, the street filled with people anticipating the start of the procession, many practicing their dances, taking pictures with their groups, and enjoying conversation with the organizations around them.

Photo credit: Nandar Win Kerr

As we did in last year’s parade, we wore matching red t-shirts, the front showcasing the AABANY logo and the back printed with a large QR-code that directs onlookers to the AABANY Pro Bono website. To attract more attention, AABANY President Joseph Eng, along with his son Max and friend Alfred Kurtz, brought a Chinese lion head and a drum to perform a traditional Chinese Lion Dance during the parade. While waiting for the parade to begin, other marchers took pictures with the lion and enjoyed the music and dance as Joe, Max, and Alfred practiced for their performance. They also taught any willing members of our group how to do a lion dance and play the drums.

Photo credit: AABANY

Around 1:00 pm, we saw the floats in the front begin to move, excitement rising as our time to take the street drew near. Once we reached the entry point on Sixth Avenue, the drum was beating and the sun was shining, making it the perfect time to walk along the avenue with pride. Those who were shown how to perform the lion dance took turns with Joe and Alfred to operate the lion costume. Others helped Max keep the drum beat as our group marched. Everyone was enjoying the 10-block march, especially as we got to see the performances of other groups and the costumes they dressed up in, including an eye-catching panda suit.

After the parade, several of the participants enjoyed a family-style lunch at Tang Pavilion. The wait for the parade to start, followed by the march, especially for the lion dancers, took more energy out of us than expected, and the delicious meal at Tang Pavilion hit the spot.

Photo credit: AABANY

Thank you to the AABANY members and friends who celebrated AAPI Heritage Month by marching with us in this parade! For more photos and videos of our  group at the event, check out the album here.