AABANY Members:
In a few weeks the African American Policy Forum (led by Kimberlé Crenshaw and Luke Harris) presents the Critical Race Theory Summer School, which continues the tradition of everyday people coming together to envision and build a truly multiracial democracy. For example, the first CRT Summer School (pictured above) sowed seeds of scholarship and inclusion that many Americans have since found enlightening and transformative.
CLE credits are currently pending for this program, which features professors at Columbia Law School, UCLA law school, and other illustrious institutions. Summer School participants will gain knowledge, inspiration, and tools that can enhance their work advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion in the legal profession.
Who should apply: The 2021 CRT Summer School is designed for lawyers and DEI practitioners. After five days of enlightening lectures and engaging breakout sessions, participants will have a firm grasp of CRT’s foundational concepts as well as toolkits, messaging guides, and a network of allies to sustain one another as we progress toward racial equity.
This year’s dedicated faculty include:
Core faculty – Kimberlé Crenshaw, Luke Charles Harris, Devon Carbado, Sumi Cho, Daniel Martinez HoSang, and Gary Peller.
Associate faculty: Barbara Arnwine, David Blight, Bennett Capers, Jennifer Chacón, Anthony Cook, Jesse Hagopian, Justin Hansford, Cheryl Harris, Tanya Hernández, Emily Houh, CJ Hunt, Gloria Ladson-Billings, Chris Lehmann, Bradley Mason, Melissa Murray, Viet Thanh Nguyen, Priscilla Ocen, Russell Robinson, Jason Stanley, Alvin Starks, Courtney Symone Staton, David Stovall, Kirsten West Savali, Robert A. Williams, and Ezra Young
Apply to the 2021 CRT Summer School now to gain access to the “forbidden knowledge” of critical race theory and learn more about how you can be part of the solution in the legal profession. Since we expect seats to fill up quickly, we encourage you to apply now at https://www.aapf.org/crtsummerschool.