Professional Development Committee Hosts Soft-Launch Event for AABANY’s Wellness Podcast, “Hello… It’s Me!” 

Thank you to all who joined the Professional Development Committee for the soft-launch of AABANY’s Wellness Podcast, “Hello… It’s Me!,” on August 22, 2024. The podcast promotes personal and collective well-being within the legal community and will feature an AABANY member during each episode. Through storytelling, the aim is to emphasize the ABA’s multi-dimensional approach to lawyer well-being, focusing on mental health, emotional well-being, and self-care. By doing so, the Committee is working to remove the stigma around mental health and help our members embrace their true and authentic selves.

A screenshot of a video conference

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At the soft-launch, Willow Liu, Esq., a steadfast member of the Professional Development Committee and podcast team, moderated the event. The hosts and interviewers, Maggie Poon and Ona Lu, Vice-Chairs of the Professional Development Committee, shared their insights on conducting engaging and open conversations. The event’s special guest, Celina Lee, a former big law attorney turned career coach, author, and host of the “Live Your Dream” podcast, provided deep insights during her interview. A 13-minute podcast clip was presented featuring Celina Lee, who discussed how she focused her goals so that they would align with her values, and enable her to live her dreams. Celina’s advice was that “there’s no one path to create a fulfilling life,” which resonated with the audience and served as  a powerful reminder to stay curious.

The thought-provoking questions from our attendees were much appreciated, and the Professional Development Committee eagerly anticipates hearing more feedback from future participants! If you’re interested in contributing to this podcast, please get in touch with

You can listen to the podcast on the following platforms:

AABANY Blog Page:, which contains both “Hello…It’s Me” and our prior podcast series, “The Whole Lawyer Project.”

Apple iTunes: 


Coming soon on Spotify – stay tuned!

Don’t forget to save the date for our in-person official launch on September 17, 2024! For more details and to register please click here

AABANY Hosts Inaugural Wellness Retreat at Blue Cliff Monastery

On March 16, 2024, AABANY hosted a rejuvenating mindfulness wellness retreat at Blue Cliff Monastery in upstate New York, designed exclusively for AABANY. The retreat was an opportunity to create a space for relaxation, reflection, and connection, for members to step away from the stress and demands of the legal profession and nurture their mental and emotional well-being.

The event was held under this year’s theme, “Embracing Wellness and Well-Being: Strengthening the Legal Profession by Investing in Ourselves,” and co-sponsored by AABANY’s Professional Development Committee. 

Over thirty AABANY members, family, and friends attended on a beautiful Saturday, starting the day with an orientation and introduction to meditation and mindfulness practices. Members then joined in group singing outside, before going on a walking meditation led by the monastics. Attendees walked in silence, mindful of their surroundings and enjoying their surroundings, including moss-covered trails, chirping birds, and rippling streams. 

Lunch followed, where members practiced a mindful lunch in silence for the first 20 minutes, focusing on the vegetarian meal prepared by the monastery and appreciating the preparation of the meal and food offerings. After finishing their meals, everyone washed their own plates and utensils as another form of mindfulness.

Attendees then experienced a working meditation, assisting the monastics in raking leaves, weeding the garden, and sweeping indoors. While physically tiring at times, it was an opportunity to appreciate each other and help support the monastery. For some, it was their first time gardening and a welcome new experience to enjoy the outdoors.

The retreat concluded with Dharma Sharing, where meditation practices were shared, and attendees shared their thoughts and perspectives of the day. Special thanks were made to AABANY member Khanh V. Nguyen, for helping organize and coordinate the retreat with Sister Empathy and the monastery. Thanks also to AABANY member May Wong for helping make van transportation arrangements and AABANY member Gary Yeung for assisting May Wong in making sure everyone was accounted for on the van. Finally, thanks to Yang Chen for helping with the overall logistics to help make AABANY’s Wellness Retreat a success.

Attendees left the retreat refreshed and grateful for prioritizing their self-care for the day, spending time with family and friends, and meeting new friends. We hope to schedule another retreat again with Blue Cliff Monastery, and we thank Sister Empathy and the other monastics for their warmth, generosity, and guidance throughout the retreat.

If you have ideas for programs or speakers on the topic of wellness and well-being, please contact President Karen Kim at AABANY’s Wellness Resources Guide provides a variety of information, including links to free assistance programs, trainings and hotlines, which can be accessed here.

To learn more about the Professional Development Committee, go here. To learn more about the Blue Cliff Monastery, go here.

For more photos from the event, view the album here.

NAPABA Opposes H.R. 734 and Discrimination Against Transgender Persons

For Immediate Release: 
Date: March 9, 2023
Contact:  Priya Purandare, Executive Director

WASHINGTON – March 9. The National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA) opposes H.R. 734, recently introduced in the House of Representatives as the “Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act of 2023,” which would effectively ban transgender and intersex girls and women from participating in school sporting activities that align with their gender identities.

NAPABA is proud that last month, its Board of Directors ratified a policy resolution sponsored by its LGBTQ+ Network, that affirms the civil, constitutional, and human rights of transgender and non-binary youths, including those within the AAPI community, and recognizes their rights to participate in school sports and to receive the social, educational, developmental, and physical and mental health benefits of athletic participation. NAPABA’s policy resolution also expressly opposes discriminatory legislation that prohibits transgender students from participating in school sports as violative of their rights under Title IX.

Transgender youth experience disproportionately higher instances of bullying, harassment, isolation, family rejection and suicide, and exclusion from the benefits of athletic participation should not be yet another risk they face. H.R. 734 is inconsistent with NAPABA’s values of equality, community, advocacy, relationships, diversity, equity, inclusion, open-mindedness, and the health and wellbeing of our members and the Asian American and Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander communities, and the organization’s commitment to all underserved and underrepresented communities.

The National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA), represents the interests of over 60,000 Asian Pacific American (APA) legal professionals and nearly 90 national, state, and local APA bar associations. NAPABA is a leader in addressing civil rights issues confronting APA communities. Through its national network, NAPABA provides a strong voice for increased diversity of the federal and state judiciaries, advocates for equal opportunity in the workplace, works to eliminate hate crimes and anti-immigrant sentiment, and promotes the professional development of people of all backgrounds in the legal profession.