On August 4, 2023, AABANY members gathered on the lawn of Madison Square Park for the second annual Ice Cream Social, presented by AABANY’s Women’s Committee. Organized by Co-Chairs Renee Yao, Wen Zhang, and Jennifer Wu, the event was a massive success. Twenty-nine members attended the event, enjoying ice cream from Chinatown Ice Cream Factory. Special thanks goes out to Christina Seid, AABANY member and owner of Chinatown Ice Cream Factory, for providing the delicious ice cream.
On this particular Thursday in August, the city welcomed uncharacteristically beautiful weather, sunlight beaming down on attendees with not a cloud in the sky. Cool breezes throughout the evening helped maintain a pleasant temperature, perfect for an outdoor summer gathering. Attendees snacked on varied selections from the Chinatown Ice Cream Factory, sampling flavors ranging from chocolate chip to pandan and taro. Jennifer supplemented the ice cream with lemonades from Shake Shack, refreshing and sweet.
While enjoying their ice cream, members struck up conversations with one another, gathering in little clusters all across the bright green lawn. Smiles could be seen on everyone’s faces as they got to know each other, both personally and professionally. Jennifer’s two dogs, Katsu and Mochi, joined in on the fun, playing with each other and the attendees, receiving lots of pats and kisses. The event ended at 7 PM, with attendees regretfully waving their goodbyes as they headed home, hearts warm and stomachs full with delectable ice cream.
We are grateful to the Women’s Committee for hosting this lovely event. In addition, we thank the Chinatown Ice Cream Factory for providing us with the tasty ice cream that made this event a success. Lastly, thank you to all of the AABANY members who showed up, sharing your time with us on a busy weekday evening. To learn more about AABANY’s Women’s Committee, click here. To learn more about the Chinatown Ice Cream Factory, click here.