AABANY and SABANY Co-Sponsor “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 2.0” Featuring Jenny Yang

On January 30th, 2025, AABANY, together with the South Asian Bar Association of New York (SABANY), co-sponsored a CLE program entitled “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 2.0, Featuring Jenny Yang.” The event, offering 1.0 credit hours towards the Diversity, Inclusion, and Elimination of Bias requirement, discussed the current situation and potential future of DEI programs in the wake of the current administration’s Executive Orders. 

Jenny Yang, former Chair of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and previous White House Deputy Assistant to the President for Racial Justice and Equity, shared her informed perspective on the issue.

The event was hosted by Fragomen, Del Rey, Bernsen & Loewy, LLP at their midtown New York office. Attendees streamed in starting as early as 5:30 pm. Then, the program began with some opening remarks by SABANY President Ashish Bhatt, AABANY Executive Director Yang Chen, and an introduction of the keynote speaker by Glenn D. Magpantay, Co-Chair of the AABANY LGBTQ Committee and Commissioner for the US Commission on Civil Rights. 

Jenny first shed some light on current developments with the new administration and some of the Executive Orders that have been issued. She described how they do not alter the laws currently in place surrounding DEI, and how, for employers engaging in fully lawful DEI programs, these Executive Orders have no effect. She went on to talk about the current perception held within the country that DEI programs in essence are a form of affirmative action but noted that view to be incorrect because they do not “save spots” for specific marginalized groups and instead analyze already existing workforce data to identify disparities in the workforce and then address them. Additionally, she mentioned the wording in many of these Executive Orders referring to “illegal DEI programs” and how companies and industries are scared into retreating and reducing their DEI initiatives as a result.

Ultimately, Jenny asserted how important it was to recognize that the vast majority of DEI programs are legal under Federal laws such as Title VII and that companies, especially law firms, should not back down in the face of these Executive Orders.

She closed the presentation by noting that the future of DEI programs in the United States is largely uncertain, expressing the hope that they can persist and strive to be more inclusive. A vibrant question-and-answer session followed, during which attendees asked about various topics, from the validity of specific Executive Orders already in place to the potential actions of the administration to undermine previous protections granted by federal legislation, such as Title VII. 

Thank you to AABANY’s Issues and Memberships Committees for co-sponsoring this event, as well as to Fragomen, Del Rey, Bernsen & Loewy, LLP for hosting. To learn more about the Issues Committee, click here. To learn more about the Membership Committee, click here

AABANY Hosts Second Annual Wellness Day on July 20th, 2024

On July 20, 2024, AABANY successfully hosted its second annual Wellness Day at Brooklyn Law School during Minority Mental Health Awareness Month. This event was made possible through the generous support of our dedicated speakers and sponsors, enabling us to address crucial topics including how to be resilient and open to change, depression and finding a support group and resources, imposter syndrome, and more, all of which were in line with AABANY’s wellness and well-being initiatives begun by Immediate Past President Karen Kim during the 2024 fiscal year.

Mental health and well-being, particularly within the Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) community and in the context of the legal profession, have often been overlooked and under-discussed. With the culture of the legal profession tending to glorify working long hours, AABANY seeks to break down barriers and shed light on these critical issues, providing a non-judgmental and supportive platform for necessary conversations to take place.

Doors opened for Wellness Day at 9 am with the first 25 attendees to sign-in receiving a complimentary AABANY yoga stretch band. Attendees were encouraged to come in casual attire, and the program was also offered via Zoom, to accommodate those who were unable to attend in-person. The full-day event kicked off with breakfast from Paris Baguette, allowing participants to network and connect with one another over pastries and coffee for an enjoyable hour. At 10 am, AABANY’s Immediate Past President, Karen Kim delivered welcoming remarks. She expressed her gratitude to all the attendees who joined this impactful event and the pivotal role of the speakers and sponsors, recognizing their significant contribution to wellness and mental health advocacy.

Joseph Milowic III, the Founder of the Lawyers Depression Project, kicked off the event with a touching presentation. He started off his program, titled “A Journey of Healing and Forgiveness Practice,” by talking about his battle with depression, forgiveness, and how he learned to prioritize his own wellbeing, peace and self-care. 

Joseph shared how he changed his life’s path trajectory by recounting his story and opening up about his struggles. Joseph emphasized the significance of forgiveness – forgiving others but most importantly, oneself.  He shared how once you’ve released the lingering negative energy from your mind, it makes you lighter with more space for more important problems. Joseph and the audience took a moment of silence, letting those who participated finally release the grudges they had been harboring for much too long. 

Joseph founded the Lawyers Depression Project in order to help those who have been in a similar situation as him, quickly realizing that by sharing his story he was helping others see that they are not alone. Towards the end of his presentation Joseph listed ways to help a struggling loved one, which consisted of recommending books or therapy, sending prayers, and simply letting them know you care. Thank you, Joseph Milowic, for setting a conciliatory tone for the day and reinforcing the importance of prioritizing wellness and forgiveness for personal and professional growth.

For more information about the Lawyers Depression project and Joseph Milowic, please visit his website here

Next to speak was Precious L. Williams, a charismatic business owner, international professional speaker, and serial entrepreneur, who shared her inspiring story of triumph in her program titled “Making the Right Moves.” Precious recounted that her father was a drug addict, that she grew up in poverty and also experienced homelessness, but none of these setbacks stopped her from being driven to succeed. 

Precious emphasized in her presentation that she was a plus-sized woman of color who was abusing alcohol, and that she had to work twice as hard as everyone else to get by. She expressed her belief that it doesn’t just take hard work to make it to the top, it takes courage. She attended law school feeling embarrassed and out of place, and instead of approaching life day by day, she had to live moment by moment. A significant component to Precious’s wellness journey was forgiving and embracing her family once again, with them showing up to support her at her graduation. She soon began making more efforts to improve her health by attending counseling sessions, starting medication, becoming sober, and learning new cleaning and cooking techniques. Following up, she worked on how to present herself and found a trusted network that supported her completely. We are grateful to Precious L. Williams for sharing her motivating story and for showing everyone that their mental health journey will be worth the hardships. 

For more information about Precious L. Williams, please click here

When the morning session concluded, attendees were treated to lunch sponsored by Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP. The lunch break provided an informal and relaxed opportunity for everyone to chat, mingle, and network over delicious and comforting Korean cuisine. Sarah B. Wong, a Partner at Willkie Farr, gave remarks on the importance of wellness in the workplace. She encouraged attendees to prioritize their own health and balance in their daily lives. Thank you to Willkie Farr for their support of wellness and well-being in the legal community.

The afternoon session started off with a fireside chat titled, “The Eras Tour: Coping Mechanisms for Stress throughout Our Careers,” featuring Sonia Low, VP, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary at Jacob K. Javits Convention Center and Dr. Elaine F. Kung, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor at Weill-Cornell Medical College, Founder and President, Future Bright Dermatology. . They began with going through the different “eras” of their own lives, and how they coped with stress in each, describing how their coping mechanisms had evolved from jetting off to a concert when they were younger, to becoming running buddies as working mothers. They continued their presentation by involving the audience with a brief interactive “self care assessment,” going over seven different aspects of self care. Sonia and Elaine stressed the importance of all areas of self care in order to have a satisfying life as well as going over coping mechanisms and tactics to employ when you’re feeling the stress of life again. Participants were encouraged to embrace intense learning, reconnect and become a part of a community that means something to each one of them, and to live life to the fullest. 

Sonia and Elaine introduced a mindful breathing exercise, with the prompt: “Think of an object you love.” Audience members then shared what object they were thinking about, reminding participants of what they are grateful for, even the little things. Attendees joined in an interactive discussion, sharing what they were grateful for and how to have a grateful mindset. They emphasized the importance of human connection, finding a healthy outlet and building relationships in order to become the best version of yourself and assess what will help you to ensure a healthier, more balanced legal journey.

Next, in her session titled, “Do What You LOVE: Creating a Thriving and Fulfilling Career,“ Celina Lee, Executive and Career Coach as well as the podcast host for Celina Lee Coaching, focused on career purpose and happiness. She described how, in her earlier professional life, she would often only do something if it contributed to her resume. However, this approach ended up not being a good source of joy for her as she wasn’t paying attention to her emotions and interests. Now, she is living her dream life, traveling the world and speaking at various events as a life coach. Celina encouraged attendees to spend time learning about themselves using their feelings, passions, and more, to help answer the question “What defines a happy life for you?” The internal struggle about your identity and passions can be overwhelming to many, which is why Celina emphasized “co-existing” with your thoughts and goals, as well as taking action. Rejection is an “experience of action,” and is not to be dwelled upon as it is only the first step to success. 

As her session came to a close, she circled back to the various concepts she discussed:

  • to follow your passions (as well as not give up on those passions) 
  • to take action without overthinking things 
  • how courage is more important than confidence 
  • how attendees shouldn’t be “a fake friend to [themselves].” 

During her program, Celina showed us that “L.O.V.E.” is what you need to live a happy life:

  • The first step to a happy life is to “Learn about yourself,” know what makes you the happiest you can be. 
  • The second step is to “Overcome internal obstacles,” as our own insecurities and self-doubts prevent us from taking action and moving forward. If your issue is understanding which are your goals and dreams, nothing is bound to happen. 
  • The third step is to “Visualize your success” and switch your thoughts, start thinking about the best case scenario instead of the worst. 
  • The last and final step to living a happy life is to “Explore and take action,” by asking yourself how your feelings and actions, even the negative ones, help you learn more about yourself. Treat and support yourself just as you would a dear friend along their journey. 

Celina ended her session with an encouragement to attendees not to overthink and under act, stating, “20 minutes of doing something is more important than 20 hours of thinking about doing something.” 

For more information about Celina Lee, please click here.

To conclude Wellness Day, Yang Chen, Executive director of AABANY, moderated a panel titled, “Prioritizing Wellness While Advancing Your Career” to discuss how important mental health is in your career as well as how to balance work and well-being. On the panel were: Sapna Palla, Partner at A&O Shearman and past President of AABANY; Glenn D. Magpantay, Commissioner to the U.S Commission on Civil Rights and Co-Chair of AABANY’s LGBTQ Committee; and Domenick Napoletano, President of the New York State Bar Association. 

The speakers shared that mental health days were more foreign concepts to older generations. It wasn’t common to speak out about your mental health, let alone dedicate days to mental wellness. But over time, they have learned to manage their stress by focusing on their wellness, learning to disconnect before burning out, reserving days for wellness and exercising. Domenick Napoletano was asked how being a part of a bar association contributed to his mental health. He answered that although it is a lot of extra work to be active in many bar associations, it has served as “unofficial therapy,” with there being many individuals he has been able to share the same experiences with, instead of feeling isolated, especially as a solo practitioner. Domenick highlighted the importance of humility and finding happiness in the little things in order to achieve a fulfilling life. Having a supportive community and being able to give back to it has helped many in the legal profession progress. 

The speakers went over ways that they maintain a healthy work/life balance as it is crucial to implement strategies that promote both professional success and personal well-being. Some ways they keep a healthy work/life balance include setting boundaries, spending time and calling loved ones, finding a community, carving out time for yourself, finding a healthy outlet and not shortchanging oneself when it comes to hobbies and outside interests. 

In the field of law, imposter syndrome can be an overwhelming obstacle, particularly for women who are continuously reminded that their profession is one that is dominated by men. Sapna Palla talked about her experience with imposter syndrome. Despite her capabilities, accomplishments and achievements, she sometimes felt like she didn’t belong, hindering her professional career. Some strategies Sapna used to overcome her struggles were reframing her mindset, embracing imperfection, and developing a support network. Overcoming imposter syndrome and burnout is a journey that requires self-awareness, resilience and support. 

Glenn Magpantay shared ways that he overcomes burnout despite being a self-proclaimed  workaholic. The first step Glenn takes is setting boundaries and establishing clear barriers between his professional and personal life. Secondly, he reclaims his time and invests in activities that rejuvenate and recharge him when he has the time to do so. Over the years, Glenn has developed healthy coping mechanisms and sought professional help in order to improve his overall wellbeing. 

Finally moderator Yang Chen highlighted the importance of finding time for yourself and your interests, to avoid shortchanging yourself on your hobbies. Yang is able to find satisfaction in pursuing personal interests and hobbies outside of law, as well as being able to give back to causes that are important to him, which assists him in protecting his sense of personal peace and relishing in his accomplishments and achievements. 

Wellness Day has been a celebration of self-care, health, and the importance of nurturing both our minds and bodies. AABANY compiled a Wellness Resources guide and encouraged attendees to reach out to AABANY and the available resources for themselves, their colleagues, friends and family. AABANY’s Wellness Resources can be found here. 

AABANY thanks the following Wellness Day speakers for sharing their expertise and personal journeys: 

● Joseph Milowic III, Founder, Lawyers Depression Project 

● Precious L. Williams, CEO, The Perfect Pitch Group 

● Sonia Low, VP, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary at Jacob K. Javits Convention Center 

● Dr. Elaine F. Kung, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor at Weill-Cornell Medical College, Founder and President, Future Bright Dermatology 

● Celina Lee, Executive and Career coach, Podcast host, Celina Lee Coaching 

● Glenn D. Magpantay, Commissioner to the U.S Commission on Civil Rights 

● Domenick Napoletano, President, New York State Bar Association

● Sapna Palla, Partner, A&O Shearman

● Yang Chen, Executive Director, Asian American Bar Association of New York 

AABANY thanks the following sponsors for their generous support: 

Brooklyn Law School 

Future Bright Dermatology 

Lawyers Depression Project 

Live Your Dream Podcast with Celina Lee 

Perfect Pitch Group 

Thank you to Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP for being the Lunch Sponsor. 

Thank you to all our co-sponsoring bar associations: 

Filipino American Lawyers Association of New York (FALA New York) 

Judges & Lawyers Breast Cancer Alert (JALBCA) 

Korean American Lawyers Association of Greater New York (KALAGNY) 

LGBT Bar Association of New York (LeGaL)  

Metropolitan Black Bar Association (MBBA) 

New York County Lawyers Association (NYCLA) 

New York State Bar Association (NYSBA) 

Puerto Rican Bar Association (PRBA) 

South Asian Bar Association of New York (SABANY) 

Photos from Wellness Day can be found here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/q1Q98gDrBVRUvsZ39

Young Lawyers Committee Hosts 2024 Annual Picnic in Central Park

On August 10, 2024, AABANY’s Young Lawyers Committee (YLC) hosted the AABANY Annual Picnic in the Heckscher Playground picnic area in Central Park. The event, which began at 11:00 am and ended at 4:00 pm, enjoyed bright, warm, and sunny weather. It connected various members of different positions and backgrounds, from various committees. Members chatted and relaxed in the sunshine, some with pets, others with their young children, all sharing food provided by the Saigon Vietnamese Sandwich Deli. (Additionally, Saigon Vietnamese Sandwich Deli has been touted on the internet as a contender for New York’s best Bahn Mi spot, and has largely remained in business during and after the struggles of the pandemic due to community patronage, so AABANY encourages everyone to go support them.) Among the many attendees were Yang Chen, AABANY Executive Director, Alice Biagini, AABANY Deputy Executive Director, Terrence Shen, AABANY President in 2021, and various other Committee Chairs and members. YLC’s Co-Chairs Justin Lee and Jameson Xu organized the event and were in attendance as well. 

The Young Lawyers Committee has taken up responsibility for this annual picnic, to the delight and appreciation of the many AABANY members who attend.. The significance of this event is broad and cannot be overstated: it allows a brief but much-appreciated respite from the trials of daily life and connects the diverse aspects of AABANY’s large and far-reaching community.

Thank you to everyone who spent their Saturday with AABANY and contributing to our vibrant association. AABANY thrives on participation and passion, and AABANY would not be as robust without you all. Thank you to the Young Lawyers Committee, and to Co-Chairs Justin and Jameson, for their dedication and hard work in planning, organizing, and executing this perennial favorite.

To see photos from the picnic, view the album here.
To learn more about the Young Lawyers Committee please click here.

AABANY Pro Bono & Community Service Committee Hosts Inaugural Rooftop Fundraiser for Pro Bono Clinic

On Wednesday July 24th, 2024 AABANYs Pro Bono & Community Service (PBCS) Committee hosted their inaugural rooftop fundraiser, holding a silent auction and collecting donations to contribute towards the committee’s Pro Bono Clinics. AABANY’s Pro Bono Clinic provides free legal services and information for low- to middle-income members of the community, including New York’s Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community. Skilled legal practitioners as well as non-legal volunteers all contribute their time and effort in support of the clinics. 

The event was hosted at the Lookup, a rooftop bar atop the Kixby Hotel with a spectacular view of the Empire State Building. Complimentary food and beverages were served featuring exotic cocktails and mocktails, as well as elevated American Classics like grilled cheese and lobster rolls.

The guests in attendance ranged from AABANY Co-Founder Rocky Chin, law school students, practicing attorneys, AABANY Executive Director Yang Chen, current and former Co-Chairs of the PBCS Committee, numerous AABANY members, as well as high school and college students. Everyone mixed and mingled, exchanging colorful anecdotes and reuniting with old friends, while bidding on the silent auction items.

The following bidding items, were all donated by prominent members of the legal and AABANY community for the silent auction to raise funds for the Pro Bono Clinic:

  • Pre-nuptial or postnuptial agreement, from consultation, negotiations, to execution was generously donated by Beatrice Leong 
  • Two admission tickets to Summit Vanderbilt were generously donated by Dianna Lam 
  • One day golf experience for 2 people, including admission to golf course, cart and equipment rentals, and dinner, was donated by Hardy Zhou
  • One hour virtual private chess training was donated by Hassan Minhas
  • Two hour private kung fu/defense class was donated by Joseph Eng, President of AABANY
  • Thirty minute resume review by professional headhunter/legal recruiter was donated by Katherine Loanzon
  • $100 Skyfoods Supermarket Giftcard was donated by Kevin Yam
  • One handcrafted and customized artwork was donated by May Wong
  • A private yoga class was donated by Tsui Yee
  • A bottle of Ron Barcelo Blanco Rum was donated by Yan Sin

In total the event, through ticket sales, donations, and bids, raised $8,800 in contributions to the clinic. The winning bidders will be contacted separately by the PBCS Committee on how to claim their auction prizes. 

Throughout the night members of the PBCS Committee leadership gave speeches. Co-Chair Lina Lee began by applauding every volunteer, thanking them for their time and effort but especially their drive to go above and beyond for each client. Every lawyer that volunteered their time and expertise expressed a desire to do good for the community. Lina continued discussing the life-changing services the clinic provided, sharing anecdotes of young mothers, asylum seekers, new Americans, and recent immigrants who had desperately needed the legal services provided.

Next to speak was Co-Chair May Wong, who regaled the crowd with anecdotes on the portrait of Yang at the event and encouraged everyone present to bid on the auction item she had donated, which was a handcrafted and customizable piece of artwork created by her.

After May, Executive Director Yang Chen spoke on how the Pro Bono Clinic had grown from humble beginnings into an award- and grant-winning community project that helped hundreds upon hundreds of people yearly, growing from one clinic in Manhattan to three, covering Manhattan, Queens, and Brooklyn. He mentioned that while free legal services were provided, it cost money to provide these services, and the generous donations of the many in-person and online attendees would help cover the costs of providing free legal services that the community sorely needs. 

Co-Chair Gary Yeung spoke next, discussing his personal experience with the clinic, how he grew as a legal professional as the legal clinic grew in prominence. Co-Chair Kwok Kei Ng closed for his fellow Co-Chairs by reiterating the praise for the volunteers and thanking all the guests for their support and attendance. 

The event continued into the onset of evening as the sun dipped below the rooftop’s view of the Manhattan skyline, bathing the sky in neon purples and oranges. Drinks, stories, and laughs continued to flow as the night slowly came to an end. 

AABANY gives a big thanks to AALFNY and Schulte. Roth & Zabel for co-sponsoring this event, everyone who donated items for the silent auction, those who attended the event and everyone who donated in person or online.

You can continue your support by donating here: https://probono.aabany.org/donate

Or, if easier but with fees-attached option, here: 


Please join the PBCS Committee at the following upcoming events:

Queens Pro Bono Clinic on August 7th, 2024 at AAFE One Flushing Community Center, 133-29 41st Ave, 2nd Floor, Flushing, NY 11355. Sign up here – https://forms.gle/5PjG8A73EE1XENyV9

Manhattan Pro Bono Clinic on August 21st, 2024 at AAFE Community Center, 111 Norfolk St, New York, NY 10002. Sign up here – https://forms.gle/SD2VMY8X6yE4vsxW9  
To learn more about AABANY Pro Bono & Community Service Committee contact [email protected] or click here.

AABANY Attends NYS Attorney General Symposium at Cornell Tech on the Next Decade of Generative AI

On April 12, as representatives of the Asian American Bar Association of New York, President-Elect Benjamin Hsing and Executive Director Yang Chen attended an AI Symposium at Cornell Tech on Roosevelt Island hosted by New York State Attorney General Letitia James. The symposium covered a range of timely topics, including opportunities presented by generative AI, the risks and concerns posed by this transformative technology, and how generative AI might be used to enhance the lives of people in New York State.

The symposium was convened to explore the role of law in dealing with the challenges posed by generative AI even as its potential continues to develop. Many of the panelists came from the academic sector, and a future symposium is planned to include voices and thoughts from the business sector.

We thank the Attorney General for inviting AABANY to participate in shaping this discussion.

In The News: Margaret Fung, Co-Founder of AALDEF, is Retiring after 50 Years of Service as a Pioneer in the Struggle for AAPI Civil Rights

On April 1, 2024, AsAm News published an article by Ti-Hua Chang reporting on the retirement of  Margaret Fung, co-founder of the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF). After serving as Executive Director of AALDEF for most of the fifty years she’s been with the organization, she is now retiring from her position in October.

AALDEF, based in New York, is a national organization known for spearheading advocacy efforts in support AAPI workers’ rights, voting rights, and anti-Asian hate initiatives, among others. Margaret Fung, who pioneered many such civil rights activities, has been praised by community leaders, especially in Chinatown, for her continuous fight to improve the lives of the working people and immigrant communities. After hearing about her retirement, many wondered what the future of AALDEF will look like without her prominent contributions. 

Executive Director of the Asian American Bar Association of New York (AABANY) Yang Chen stated, “AALDEF is the NAACP of the Asian American community and has done a lot of great work in the last 50 years. Now that Margaret is stepping down, the big question is: will they be able to perpetuate that, continue that.”

The full article can be found at:

Whatever the future holds for AALDEF in the years to come, Margaret’s legacy as an AAPI civil rights advocate and trailblazer in the male-dominated legal field will continue to live on. AABANY honors Margaret for all that she has accomplished in a storied career. 

AABANY’s Litigation and Judiciary Committees Host Luncheon and Courtroom Tour with EDNY Magistrate Judge James Cho

On Friday, December 1, AABANY’s Litigation Committee and Judiciary Committee hosted an exclusive luncheon with EDNY Magistrate Judge James Cho at the EDNY courthouse in Brooklyn. The event was popular with AABANY members – it reached capacity within hours of the registration link being sent out! Eighteen attendees from AABANY’s membership and AABANY Executive Director were presented with an amazing opportunity to socialize with Judge Cho and each other. It was also a unique educational opportunity for the litigators in the group. It included a tour of Judge Cho’s courtroom and an exclusive Q&A with Judge Cho regarding practicing in his court. Thanks to Judge Cho and to all the AABANY members who attended.

To learn more about the Litigation Committee go to this page and the Judiciary Committee go to this page.

D.A. Bragg, Senator Hoylman-Sigal and Assemblymember Lee Announce New Legislation to Combat Hate Crimes 

On November 6, at a press conference held at the New York County District Attorney’s Office, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin L. Bragg, Jr., New York State Senator Brad Hoylman-Sigal, and New York State Assemblymember Grace Lee announced the introduction of new state legislation called the Hate Crimes Modernization Act (S7737). This legislation aims to close existing loopholes in state law related to hate crimes. It expands the list of charges eligible for hate crime designation from 66 to 97, allowing for enhanced charges and sentences in cases involving hate crimes.

The legislation is a response to the rising number of hate crimes in New York City and New York State, with a record high of 650 reported hate crimes in New York City last year. The types of incidents have become more diverse, and the existing penal code has not kept up with these changes. Some significant charges were not previously included in the hate crimes law, such as Gang Assault, Making Graffiti, Sex Trafficking, Labor Trafficking, False Reporting, Criminal Possession of a Weapon, and certain sex crimes. The Hate Crimes Modernization Act is designed to address these issues and ensure greater accountability for individuals who commit offenses motivated by bias and prejudice.

AABANY’s contribution to fact-finding, statistical research and policy development is mentioned in the press release:

“Over the last few years, through its Anti-Asian Violence Task Force (AAVTF), AABANY has been closely monitoring and studying the sharp rise in hatred and violence against the New York AAPI community,” said Yang Chen, Executive Director, Asian American Bar Association of New York (AABANY). “We have worked closely with the Manhattan D.A.’s office and have shared several proposals for reform, including legislative reform. D.A. Bragg’s office has been open and receptive to our suggestions, and we commend the time and effort the office has put into drafting proposed changes to the hate crimes laws. We believe the current proposed statutory reforms to the New York hate crimes law represent a step in the right direction, and we look forward to continuing our collaboration with the Manhattan D.A.’s office to bring about effective hate crimes prosecution and enforcement.”

The legislation has garnered support from various community leaders, organizations, and government officials, including Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine, New York City Councilmember Keith Powers, the New York Police Department’s Hate Crimes Task Force, the NYC Office for the Prevention of Hate Crimes (OPHC), and multiple advocacy groups representing diverse communities. The bill is seen as a necessary step to combat hate crimes, protect marginalized communities, and hold perpetrators accountable for their actions.

To read the full press release, click here.

In the News: AABANY Executive Director Yang Chen Weighs In on the New York Hate Crimes Modernization Act

In its November 7 article “NY Proposes stiffer hate crime laws,” AsAmNews reporter Ti-Hua Chang examined the challenges surrounding the prosecution of hate crimes in New York State and underscored current efforts to reform the legal framework to enable better reporting and prosecution.

Importantly, the article highlighted the loopholes that currently exist in the state’s legal framework for hate crimes. While on the rise, hate crimes are often underreported and under-prosecuted due to the lack of a comprehensive system to address them effectively. The newly-proposed Hate Crimes Modernization Act would close loopholes by increasing the number of categories legally considered hate crimes from 66 to 97. Some of the added possible hate crimes include forcible sexual touching, false reporting, and criminal possession of a weapon.

AABANY Executive Director Yang Chen’s take on the bill is quoted in the article:

Yang Chen, a lawyer and Executive Director of the Asian American Bar Association of New York, echoed Mr. Lee’s assessment of the bill being, “A good start. D.A. Bragg, he’s paying attention.  We actually talked to him about this issue when he was running for office and he’s following up… He’s done something. That’s good.” 

The article also highlights concerns that AABANY had shared with District Attorney Bragg. According to the article, out of 200 hate crimes reported in the news during the pandemic in New York City, only 3% had resulted in indictments. 

To read the full article, click here.

In the News: AABANY Cited in Article on Ongoing Anti-Asian Hate

On August 21, 2023, AsAm News published a piece written by Rachel Phua titled “The Pandemic Emergency May Be Over, But Anti-Asian Hate Is Not.” AABANY was featured in this article, which details the alarming ongoing hate crimes against Asians in America and its effects on Asian-Americans.

The research of Dr. Elaine Chiu, law professor at St. John’s University and past chair of AABANY’s Anti-Asian Violence Task Force, was cited to describe the discrepancy between official statistics and AABANY’s statistics regarding anti-Asian hate crimes. The article notes “although official statistics show that anti-Asian hate crime rates have fallen, AABANY found 233 anti-Asian incidents in New York City over the first three quarters of 2021, compared to 118 hate crimes the NYPD reported.”

In response to these persisting crime rates, AABANY has been pushing for hate crime prosecution reforms. The article noted that “AABANY wants the state and city to lower the standards needed to prove a hate crime, partly by changing the phrase ‘in substantial part’ to ‘in part,’ and including all offenses — unless explicitly excluded from the law — as possible acts of hate.” Chris Kwok, co-chair of AABANY’s Anti-Asian Violence Task Force, said they are working with state lawmakers to introduce a bill to update the law.

Yang Chen, AABANY’s Executive Director, was quoted in the article stating that “before Covid came, Trump had already reoriented the US-China relationship. Covid set Trump on fire,” and noted lingering concerns over foreign policy rhetoric at the federal level.

To read the full article, click here.