The next meeting of the Annual Dinner Committee will be by conference call on September 21 at 5 pm. If you are interested in helping AABANY plan its biggest event of the year, please contact Jean Lee, Annual Dinner Committee Chair, at The Annual Dinner will take place at Cipriani Wall Street on February 29, 2012.
Support Goodwin Liu’s Nomination to CA Supreme Court
Support Goodwin Liu’s Nomination to CA Supreme Court
From CAA (Chinese for Affirmative Action) by way of Rocky Chin:
On Wednesday, August 31, the Commission on Judicial Appointments will consider California Governor Jerry Brown’s nomination of Goodwin Liu to the California Supreme Court.
Let the Commission know you support Goodwin Liu with the letter below. (Your letter will be targeted to Ms. AhMoi Kim, Secretary to the Commission.)
Click on the link in the title to see the text of the letter.