Hon. Doris Ling-Cohan Honored by LeGaL

LeGaL, the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Bar Association of Greater New York, held its 2012 Pride Celebration on June 22 at the Andaz Hotel.  The theme was “Honoring the Women of Marriage Equality,” to mark the one-year anniversary of the passage of landmark marriage equality legislation in New York.  Among the honorees was the Hon. Doris Ling-Cohan, Justice of the Supreme Court, New York County.  Judge Ling-Cohan authored the decision in Hernandez v. Robles (2005), making national headlines when she sided with the plaintiffs in their argument that the State of New York violated their constitutional rights by denying them marriage equality.  Although Judge Ling-Cohan was reversed on appeal, her position was ultimately vindicated when Governor Cuomo signed marriage equality into law in June 2011.  Congratulations to Judge Ling-Cohan on this distinction and honor!

LeGaL Pride Celebraton 2012

Michael Yim Appointed to ABA Standing Committee

Michael Yim, partner at Lee Anav Chung, has been appointed to the ABA’s Standing Committee on Lawyer Referral and Information Service. The Committee provides support and assistance to local public service lawyer referral programs that provide information on appropriate, quality legal services to the public. Michael was nominated by the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association where he also serves as co-chair of the solo and small firm committee.  Please join us in congratulating Michael as he undertakes this important role.

VERITEXT discounts for AABANY members

VERITEXT discounts for AABANY members

NYT Op-Ed: Why Vincent Chin Matters

NYT Op-Ed: Why Vincent Chin Matters

Election Protection Program: Volunteers Needed

We received the following request for volunteers from the Grace Meng for Congress Campaign:

My name is Michael Fleischman; I am organizing the election protection program for Grace Meng’s campaign for Congress this upcoming Tuesday, June 26. Grace would be the first Asian American elected to Congress on the east coast. We expect to have an influx of first-time voters who may face difficulties at the polls. As you know, this is a civil rights issue.

We are recruiting volunteers to serve as poll watchers on Election Day.  We have great needs generally, and the greatest needs during the times that you and other voters are likely not to be working – early morning and evening. The target locations are primarily near Bayside and Elmhurst, and we will providing more guidance to volunteers in the coming days. We want to make sure that everyone who wants to vote and is eligible to vote is indeed able to vote, and we need your help to make sure that happens. Please contact me at [email protected] or 201-993-3323 if you can be of assistance. Thank you very much in advance.

Please respond directly to Michael if you can help. Thank you!

Commission Currently Soliciting Candidates for Upcoming Vacancy on the Court of Appeals

Commission Currently Soliciting Candidates for Upcoming Vacancy on the Court of Appeals

LEAP’s Statement on Pew’s Research Study on Asian Americans

Statement from Leadership Education for Asian Pacifics, Inc. (LEAP) on Pew’s Research Study on Asian Americans

Los Angeles, California June 20, 2012 – LEAP is encouraged by the Pew Research Center’s first step to study the important and burgeoning Asian American community in their recent study The Rise of Asian Americans. While their research on the community paints a rosy picture, the Asian American community is not monolithic and many segments of the population, who were featured only as “other”, face a significantly more difficult climb.

The study clearly identifies the importance of job and career success to Asian Americans and that they do not believe that being Asian makes no difference to school admission or hiring and promotion decisions. Yet, for Asian Americans at the highest levels of leadership in corporate America, academia, government, nonprofits and foundations, the actual numbers paint a completely different picture.

LEAP’s own research studies, launched in 2009 to measure current Asian and Pacific Islander (API) representation at the highest levels of leadership positions in different sectors of U.S. society, found that although APIs are the fastest growing minority group and a vital part of the nation’s talent pipeline, APIs remain one of the least represented groups in leadership roles:

Fortune 100:
• In 2011, only 30 companies had API representation on their boards
• 29 API directors held 32 board seats out of 1,211 total seats
• 2 out of 100 CEOs were of API descent

Top 100 Nonprofits:
• In 2011, only 47 nonprofits had API representation on their boards
• 75 API directors held 78 board seats out of 3,051 total seats
• No API served as CEO

Top 100 Foundations:
• In 2010, only 24 Foundations had API representation on their boards
• 36 API directors held 37 board seats out of 748 total seats
• No API served as CEO

Further findings on executive suite representation will be shared by LEAP on June 27, 2012 when the sixth and newest leadership series report, API Executive Officers and Top Earners in the Fortune 500 is released.

We strongly encourage the Center to dive deeper in their future reports addressing Asian Americans and report on much needed disaggregated data research and analysis to paint a clearer and more complete picture of the vast diversity of issues affecting differently all subgroups that make up this community.

About LEAP:
Leadership Education for Asian Pacifics, Inc. (LEAP) is a national organization founded in 1982 with a mission to achieve full participation and equality for Asian and Pacific Islanders (API) through leadership, empowerment and policy. With original programs in leadership training, public policy research and community education, LEAP raises the impact and visibility of APIs in all sectors. LEAP is headquartered in Los Angeles and has an office in Washington, DC.

CONTACT: Rima K. Matsumoto
VP, Research & Strategic Alliances
Tel. (202) 412-4190
[email protected]

NCAPA Responds to Pew Research Center Study on Asians Americans

NCAPA Responds to Pew Research Center Study on Asians Americans

NYT: Asians surpass Hispanics as Biggest Wave of Immigrants

NYT: Asians surpass Hispanics as Biggest Wave of Immigrants