For the last few years, AABANY’s July Board meeting has taken place at Kenyon & Kenyon thanks to the graciousness of past AABANY President John Flock. John was also recently honored by AABANY’s Prosecutors’ Committee, along with Hon. Randall Eng and Hugh Mo, at the Third Anniversary Reception of the Prosecutors’ Committee held at NYCLA on June 30.
In keeping with tradition, and to enjoy the marvelous views of New York Harbor from the 11th floor terrace of Kenyon & Kenyon, AABANY held a summer reception open to all right before the Board meeting. We also took the opportunity to invite the 2011 Joint Minority Bar Judicial Internship Program (JMB JIP) participants to pick up their stipend checks for the summer. Thanks to all the JMB JIP sponsors for making the stipends possible.
To make the party even livelier, Issues Committee Chair Joe Gim hosted a meet-and-greet for all those who were interested in joining AABANY’s Issues Committee to come and hear from Joe what the Committee is about and how anyone interested in legal issues affecting the APA community could get involved. Joe collected many names and e-mail addresses from those who were in attendance. We anticipate that at least some of those people knew they were signing up for the Issues Committee. If you wish to get involved with the Issues Committee but were not able to attend the reception, you can reach Joe at [email protected]. He will surely be glad to hear from you.
The hour-long reception lasted a little over an hour, after which Board members and committee chairs who were present headed down to the third floor conference room for the Board meeting. Quite a few of the reception attendees decided to stay for the Board meeting, making for a very crowded conference room. It was great to see so many people interested in attending an AABANY Board meeting. We hope you found the experience instructive and not soporific. And for those who wish to attend AABANY Board meetings, they are usually held on the first Tuesdays of the month at various locations. The next one will take place on Tuesday, August 2, at Constantine Cannon, starting at 7 pm. Register your attendance at this link.