NJLJ Names First Annual Diverse Attorneys of the Year

NJLJ Names First Annual Diverse Attorneys of the Year Earlier this year, the Law Journal began seeking suggestions for its first annual Diverse Attorneys of the Year honors. The response from the legal community was immediate and enthusiastic, and it provided us with a list of extremely accomplished and worthy attorneys from which to choose. …

On Sept. 9, AABANY held a “How to Pitch Panel” in advance of the Fall Conference’s Pitch Sessions. One of the most candid discussions in AABANY’s recent memory, panelists shared their opinions that 90% of the time, a person has made their mind before the pitch, and 100% of the time you spend with a person …

//photos.gstatic.com/media/slideshow.swf On June 24, AABANY held its 8th Annual Winetasting & Networking Reception for Law Firm Partners and Senior In-House Counsel. Thanks to Sonia Low, Board Director and General Counsel of the ONE Group Hospitality, we were able to hold the Winetasting at STK Downtown, formerly known as Tenjune. There were approximately 125 people present …

Congratulations Austin So on The Legal Intelligencer 2015 Diverse Attorney of the Year award! On June 18, The Legal Intelligencer celebrated its Diversity Attorneys of the Year Dinner, selecting AABANY In-House Counsel Committee Co-Chair Austin So among their honorees. Austin So received the award at the Crystal Tea Room in Philadelphia. Joseph West, the President and CEO …

The Legal Names 2015 Diverse Attorneys of the Year

The Legal Names 2015 Diverse Attorneys of the Year Every two years, we at The Legal recognize a group of outstanding minority attorneys from across Pennsylvania. This year, we solicited nominations from our c… Congratulations to AABANY In-House Counsel Committee Chair, Austin So, for being recognized as one of 2015′s Diverse Attorneys of the Year …

On Friday, September 19, 2014, the Asian American Bar Association of New York (AABANY) and the Asian American Law Fund of New York (AALFNY) hosted an exclusive In-House Counsel/Partners dinner at Vermillion to raise funds for the Don H. Liu Scholarship, named after the General Counsel and Secretary of Xerox. The Don H. Liu Scholarship …

On Tuesday, July 22, The Korean American League for Civic Action (KALCA) held a Law Career Panel, as part of their Public Interest Panel Series, at Kobre & Kim, LLP, followed by a short networking session. Karen Kim, Esq. (Menaker & Herrmann, LLP), former Recording Secretary of AABANY, moderated the panel consisting of the Honorable …

From our friends at KALCA: The panel discussion topics will include the panelists’ reasons for choosing the legal field, day-to-day tasks and activities, likes/challenges of the job, and advice on how to succeed and network in the field. Date: Tuesday, July 22, 2014Time: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pmVenue: Kobre & Kim LLP (800 3rd Avenue) …

//photos.gstatic.com/media/slideshow.swf On Tuesday, June 17, the In-House Counsel Committee and Corporate Law Committee held their 7th Annual Winetasting and Networking Reception at La Fonda Del Sol in Midtown Manhattan. Blossom Kan and Austin So, Co-Chairs of the In-House Counsel Committee, kicked off the event by welcoming all the attendees and introducing Dwight Yoo, Larry Wee, …