Special education in Asian American communities

Special education in Asian American communities

What’s Keeping Asian-American Lawyers From Ascending The Legal Ranks?

What’s Keeping Asian-American Lawyers From Ascending The Legal Ranks?

NAPABA Voter Eligibility | Affiliate Membership Deadline to Activate is July 1

To be eligible to vote in this year’s elections, you must be a direct NAPABA member OR activate your NAPABA affiliate membership online by July 1.

You should have received information from your affiliate president about how to activate your NAPABA affiliate membership. Being an active affiliate member is not sufficient for voting purposes. You must activate your NAPABA membership. For more information about these membership changes, click here. To review our Membership FAQs Sheet, click here.

If you have already received a code from your affiliate organization, please proceed to activation with the following instructions.

  1. Visit: http://www.napaba.org/login.aspx
  2. Enter your email address and password. If you forgot your password, click on the reset your password link at the bottom of the member login page.
  3. Click manage profile to renew your membership.
  4. Follow the steps to update your profile.
  5. On the last and final page enter the code from your affiliate in the promotional code box. Click “apply code.”

Congratulations! You have successfully renewed your membership through Dec. 31, 2017

!If you receive a message that says username and password combination not found, please click here to register and proceed with the following instructions:

  1. Select the following options from the bottom of the page: Affiliate, Affiliate with Partners Directory ($250), Affiliate Associate, or Affiliate Law Student.
  2. Follow the registration prompts to create a new profile. Please note that you can waive the $100 fee on the last page of the registration form if you have an affiliate code.
  3. On the last and final page enter the code from your affiliate in the promotional code box. Click “apply code”.
  4. Congratulations, you have successfully renewed your membership through Dec. 31, 2017!

NAPABA Concerned about Impact of Supreme Court Trademark Ruling

News Release

For Immediate Release
June 19, 2017

 For More Information, Contact:

 Brett Schuster, Communications Manager
 [email protected].

, 202-775-9555

WASHINGTON — The National Asian Pacific American Bar
Association (NAPABA) is concerned about the impact to diverse communities from
today’s ruling by the United States Supreme Court that the provision of federal
trademark law that prevents “disparaging” terms from being trademarked is
unconstitutional. The decision in Matal v. Tam (formerly Lee v. Tam) allows The
Slants, the Asian American rock band that challenged the provision, and other
groups — including the Washington football team — to register exclusive federal
trademarks using racial slurs.

“The ability of any business or individual to have the
exclusive ability to profit from racial slurs using a federal trademark, no
matter their intent, has harmful consequences,” said NAPABA President Cyndie M.
Chang. “As current events remind us, Asian Pacific Americans and other
communities are all too familiar with the damage caused by racial slurs and
epithets. While communities must have the ability to reclaim historically
disparaging terms used against them and exercise free speech, today’s decision
does not advance those objectives by granting exclusive ownership of a term in
commercial settings.”

In Lee v. Tam, the Court considered whether Simon Shiao
Tam’s application to trademark the name of his band, The Slants, was properly
rejected by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office under Section 2(a) of the
Lanham Act, which permits the denial of trademark registration of “disparaging”
marks. Tam, who asserts the band’s name is an effort to reappropriate the slur,
challenged the validity of the statute, not only as applicable to his case but
for all trademarks. The Federal Circuit below ruled for Tam, finding Section
2(a) unconstitutional. The Supreme Court upheld that decision. In an opinion
written by Justice Samuel Alito, the Court concluded that the disparagement
provision violates the Free Speech Clause of the First Amendment and
constitutes discrimination based on viewpoint.

NAPABA joined the Hispanic National Bar Association, the
National Bar Association, the National Native American Bar Association, the
National LGBT Bar Association and the Fred T. Korematsu Center for Law and
Equality in filing an amicus brief in the U.S. Supreme Court supporting the
constitutionality of the rules prohibiting the registration of disparaging

The national affinity bar brief addressed the facial
challenge brought against Section 2(a), arguing that Congress has the ability
to regulate commercial speech, including trademarks. Section 2(a) is not a ban
on either reclamation of terms or use under the common law, but rather is a
mechanism for dealing with the harmful effects of racial, national origin and
religious discrimination on interstate commerce.

Finally, the brief discussed the impact of the Court’s
ruling on the ability of applicants to trademark slurs offensive to diverse
communities, including “Redskins,” whose name as the Washington football team
is pending a legal challenge by Native American plaintiffs that will likely be
impaired by today’s decision.

NAPABA previously filed an amicus brief in this case when it
was before the Federal Circuit. NAPABA also joined the National Native American
Bar Association and the Korematsu Center in an earlier-filed amicus brief in
the related case involving the Washington football team, Blackhorse v.
Pro-Football Inc., before the Fourth Circuit.

For more information, the media may contact Brett Schuster,
NAPABA communications manager, at

202-775-9555 or [email protected].

The National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA)
is the national association of Asian Pacific American attorneys, judges, law
professors, and law students. NAPABA represents the interests of almost 50,000
attorneys and more than 80 national, state, and local Asian Pacific American
bar associations. Its members include solo practitioners, large firm lawyers,
corporate counsel, legal services and non-profit attorneys, and lawyers serving
at all levels of government.

NAPABA continues to be a leader in addressing civil rights
issues confronting Asian Pacific American communities. Through its national
network of committees and affiliates, NAPABA provides a strong voice for
increased diversity of the federal and state judiciaries, advocates for equal
opportunity in the workplace, works to eliminate hate crimes and anti-immigrant
sentiment, and promotes the professional development of people of color in the
legal profession.

To learn more about NAPABA, visit www.napaba.org, like us on
Facebook, and follow us on Twitter (@NAPABA).

Judge Denny Chin Honored at Portrait Dedication Ceremony

On June 14, Brooklyn
Technical High School held a Portrait Dedication Ceremony for the Honorable Judge Denny Chin. Among those present were AABANY President-Elect James Cho and Past
President Vincent Chang for this special occasion.

Judge Chin was the first Asian American appointed to
the Second Circuit. He was born in Hong Kong and graduated from Stuyvesant
High School. Judge Chin also teaches legal writing at Fordham Law School.

Judge Chin’s portrait will be placed in Brooklyn
Tech’s Moot Court Room where it will join the portraits of Justice Thurgood Marshall and Justice
Ruth Bader Ginsburg.


Join the Japanese American Association of New York and Hoshuko Alumni Association Young Professional Mixer!


a great blend of summertime fun and business, please consider joining a
networking mixer for Young
Professionals on Tuesday, June 25th, organized by JAA, the Japanese American Association
of New York
, and HAA, the
Hoshuko Alumni Association.

meet other Young Professionals and mentors in the JAA and HAA community who are
established in the fields of media, PR, communications, arts & fashion, and
cuisine.  Representatives from Thomson Reuters, the Japanese Consulate’s
Japan Information Center, Japanese corporations, T.I.C. Group and Sun Noodles,
among others will be present to mingle with at the Flora Bar of the in Met Breuer.

look forward to seeing you there!

Please send RSVPs to [email protected].

Live Chat with the New York Times: Confronting Racism Against Asian-Americans

Live Chat with the New York Times: Confronting Racism Against Asian-Americans