AABANY Board: Call for Nominations – Deadline March 13, 2014

The amendment to AABANY’s By-Laws approved at our 2014 Annual Meeting increased the number of Directors by two thereby creating two new Director vacancies that the Board intends to fill at its March 18, 2014 Board Meeting. The Nominations Committee welcomes and will accept applications to fill these vacancies immediately, and will select a slate of candidates to be recommended for the Board’s consideration at its March 18, 2014 meeting.

If you wish to run for any of the above vacancies, you must be a current, paid member of AABANY. If you are unsure of your membership status, contact Irene Tan, Membership Secretary, at [email protected]. Please also submit (i) a statement of interest declaring your intent to run; and (ii) a current resume, biography or CV listing your experience and accomplishments and any honors received to date. As part of item (i) please indicate your experience with AABANY if you have been an active member, describing any activities that you have participated in or helped to organize. If you have not been an active member in AABANY, explain what capabilities, resources, talents, skills, expertise, experience or any other contributions you would be able to make as a Board member. Please also identify any activities indicating a dedication and commitment to issues of importance to the Asian Pacific American community.

For a description of the qualifications, duties and obligations of Directors please see Articles IV of AABANY’s By-laws which can be found at:


Deadlines for submissions: March 13, 2014

You can e-mail your submissions in Word or PDF to [email protected]. You can also fax them to (718) 228-7206 if you prefer to use fax. If you have any questions about any of the above, please contact Mike Huang, Chair of the Nominations Committee, at [email protected].

CUP Fellows Program: Deadline Nov. 22


Dear CUP Members & Friends,   

The Council of Urban Professionals (CUP) is seeking dynamic emerging leaders from the business, consulting, digital and technology, finance, legal, media and entertainment, and non-profit and public sectors for its CUP Fellows Program.  Powered by American Express, the CUP Fellows Program is entering into its seventh year.

CUP Fellows are talented and visionary, multicultural and women professionals, aged 25 to 45, with the passion to become powerful leaders in their community. Through the CUP Fellows program, participants complete a rigorous ten month leadership development experience that includes skills-based training, networking events, and board placement services that prepare them for impactful civic involvement.   

There is no greater experience than being a CUP Fellow!  

In addition to equipping professionals with the skills needed to lead with impact, the CUP Fellows Program provides participants with a lifelong springboard for prestigious opportunities such as appointments to nonprofit and public sector boards. By exposing CUP Fellows to public sector opportunities and an influential network of professionals, the program is designed to equip participants with the skills, information, and resources needed to manage their careers effectively and position themselves for leadership opportunities. 


  • Capstone Experience: The Capstone Project is a significant part of the CUP Fellows experience. The purpose of the project is to give the Fellows the opportunity to apply the leadership and professional skills learned throughout the program to a real-life organizational challenge in the non-profit sector.
  • CUP Board Matching Program: Through CUP’s “A Seat at the Table” initiative, we secure strategic board and career matches for CUP Fellows, fulfilling our vision of increasing the diversity of boardrooms and enhancing the capacity of organizations to better serve our communities. 
  • CUP Executive Level Membership: At the conclusion of the program, CUP Fellows receive a one-year CUP Executive Level membership. This membership gives access to members-only receptions, networking opportunities, leadership development forums and more.


To apply, please click here to carefully read the application process details, including information about the eligibility requirements and supplemental application materials.

All CUP Fellows Program applicants must complete the application form and submit the following supplemental materials:

  • Resume
  • Statement of Intent
  • Essay
  • Letter of Recommendation
The application deadline for the 2014 CUP Fellows Program is November 22, 2013. Select candidates will be invited to interview on December 6, 7, 13 or 14. All candidates must be available to interview on one of the scheduled dates. 

Please let us know if you have any questions and we look forward to receiving your application materials.

Best regards,

Avital Tamir, Director of Programs, CUP Leadership Institute  

NAPABA Seeks At-Large Board Member Candidates Submission Deadline Extended to September 15th

This year, the NAPABA Board of Governors will appoint two At-Large Board Members to serve a two-year term that will begin in the 2013-2014 bar year.

The NAPABA Nominating and Elections Committee invites all members in good standing to submit their names and statements as candidates for At-Large Board Member to Pia Rivera at [email protected] on or before September 15, 2013.

For additional information, click here to review the complete At-Large Members Guidelines.


This year, the NAPABA Board of Governors will appoint two At-Large Board Members to serve a two-year term that will begin in the 2013-2014 bar year.

The NAPABA Nominating and Elections Committee invites all members in good standing to submit their names and statements as candidates for At-Large Board Member to Pia Rivera at [email protected] on or before August 30, 2013.

For additional information, click here to review the complete At-Large Members Guidelines.


On Tuesday, January 24, 2012, the Asian American Bar Association of New York held its Annual Meeting at the offices of First American Title at 633 Third Avenue in midtown Manhattan.  Outgoing President Linda Lin welcomed the attendees and introduced the Committee Chairs as they each gave reports on their respective committee’s activities for 2011 and plans for 2012.  While the committee reports were being presented, the ballots cast for electing the 2012 Board members and officers were counted.

After the committee reports were presented, the recipient of the first-ever Outstanding Committee of the Year Award was announced.  Although many committees were deserving of the recognition, the honor ultimately went to the Intellectual Property Committee for the wide array and high quality of their programs and events.

Next, Alex Lee, NAPABA’s VP of Communications, gave an update on the upcoming Super-Regional taking place at the end of May in Atlantic City and encouraged everyone to take part.

President Lin then announced the results of the elections:


  • President-elect – Mike Huang
  • Treasurer – Clara Ohr
  • Membership Secretary – Judy Kim
  • Recording Secretary – Jane Chuang


  • Robert Leung
  • Karen Lim
  • William Ng
  • Dev Sen
  • Vinoo Varghese
  • James Yu

Congratulations to the incoming Officers and Directors of AABANY.

Incoming President Jean Lee, whose term officially starts on Feb. 1, gave the closing remarks, and thanked Linda for her leadership and the committee chairs for all their hard work.  Jean looks forward to working with the the Board and committee chairs in the year ahead.