AABANY and SABANY Co-Sponsor “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 2.0” Featuring Jenny Yang

On January 30th, 2025, AABANY, together with the South Asian Bar Association of New York (SABANY), co-sponsored a CLE program entitled “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 2.0, Featuring Jenny Yang.” The event, offering 1.0 credit hours towards the Diversity, Inclusion, and Elimination of Bias requirement, discussed the current situation and potential future of DEI programs in the wake of the current administration’s Executive Orders. 

Jenny Yang, former Chair of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and previous White House Deputy Assistant to the President for Racial Justice and Equity, shared her informed perspective on the issue.

The event was hosted by Fragomen, Del Rey, Bernsen & Loewy, LLP at their midtown New York office. Attendees streamed in starting as early as 5:30 pm. Then, the program began with some opening remarks by SABANY President Ashish Bhatt, AABANY Executive Director Yang Chen, and an introduction of the keynote speaker by Glenn D. Magpantay, Co-Chair of the AABANY LGBTQ Committee and Commissioner for the US Commission on Civil Rights. 

Jenny first shed some light on current developments with the new administration and some of the Executive Orders that have been issued. She described how they do not alter the laws currently in place surrounding DEI, and how, for employers engaging in fully lawful DEI programs, these Executive Orders have no effect. She went on to talk about the current perception held within the country that DEI programs in essence are a form of affirmative action but noted that view to be incorrect because they do not “save spots” for specific marginalized groups and instead analyze already existing workforce data to identify disparities in the workforce and then address them. Additionally, she mentioned the wording in many of these Executive Orders referring to “illegal DEI programs” and how companies and industries are scared into retreating and reducing their DEI initiatives as a result.

Ultimately, Jenny asserted how important it was to recognize that the vast majority of DEI programs are legal under Federal laws such as Title VII and that companies, especially law firms, should not back down in the face of these Executive Orders.

She closed the presentation by noting that the future of DEI programs in the United States is largely uncertain, expressing the hope that they can persist and strive to be more inclusive. A vibrant question-and-answer session followed, during which attendees asked about various topics, from the validity of specific Executive Orders already in place to the potential actions of the administration to undermine previous protections granted by federal legislation, such as Title VII. 

Thank you to AABANY’s Issues and Memberships Committees for co-sponsoring this event, as well as to Fragomen, Del Rey, Bernsen & Loewy, LLP for hosting. To learn more about the Issues Committee, click here. To learn more about the Membership Committee, click here

NAPABA | Taking Action in 2025

Dear NAPABA Community,

Before the start of this new year, I wrote to you and shared not only my gratitude for an incredible 2024, but also our commitment to advance NAPABA’s mission heading into 2025. Though we are merely two months into the new year, we have already witnessed several developments that impact NAPABA’s work and the broader Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) community.

On his first day in office on January 20, 2025, President Donald J. Trump issued executive orders that jeopardized the constitutional guarantee of citizenship for all persons born in the United States, the right to seek asylum, the refugee resettlement system, and the LGBTQ+ community, among others. NAPABA swiftly condemned these actions, which ran counter to our values. Since then, the federal government has enacted a slew of policies, which have already drawn significant concern for the rule of law, in addition to attacks on lawful diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives both within the federal government and the private sector.  

When it comes to our values, our words of disagreement are not enough. NAPABA is charged to promote justice and equity for the AANHPI community. My team is closely monitoring developments from the federal government, and we are working with stakeholders, coalition partners, policymakers, and others to respond appropriately.

NAPABA is prepared to act. I have outlined below, in broad strokes, our intended course of action and how you can get involved. In the coming weeks and months, and with your partnership, we plan to meaningfully support our community and actively counter policies that detrimentally affect the AANHPI community.

I. Direct Support for NAPABA Affiliates and National Associates

NAPABA stands ready to deliver financial support to our affiliates and national associates for their work in the community. As leaders in their respective regions, affiliates and national associates can act as trusted messengers delivering pivotal information and services to their members and broader AANHPI communities. We will prioritize projects that speak to the challenges today: for example, educational seminars on the state of immigration, pro bono initiatives to support heightened immigration needs of the Asian American population, funding language translations for educational materials and resources, and local and state advocacy efforts that align with NAPABA values and positions. To apply for funding, please visit our website.

Building on the work of the NAPABA Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force, we plan to create toolkits for our affiliates and national associates. They will include resources to advance the work of diversity, equity, and inclusion, and immigration resources such as hosting naturalization clinics and the creation of attorney directories that address priority areas like immigration law.

II. NAPABA Engagement with Policymakers

The NAPABA Policy Team leads our engagement with stakeholders and policymakers at the federal and state levels. We advance our policy priorities, whether it be in our opposition to anti-Asian hate and discriminatory alien land law policies to our support for voting rights. Now, as our engagement will necessarily go deeper, we are investing in an expansion of our Policy Team.  

Plus, the planning is well underway for our upcoming Lobby Day, which is scheduled for May 20-21, 2025, in Washington, DC. As the largest AANHPI advocacy effort on Capitol Hill, NAPABA Lobby Day will bring our members from across the Nation to the halls of Congress to demonstrate not only the strength of our community, but also to advance the critical issues facing the AANHPI community. Our members will meet with Congressional offices on both sides of the aisle to highlight the causes important to us and our communities. Your voice is pivotal. For more information on Lobby Day and to register, please visit our website.

III. Narrative Change and Education
In the coming weeks and months, NAPABA will highlight how recent actions from the federal government not only impact our communities, but also the critical role that the AANHPI communities played in the development of the rights that we cherish today. Whether it be on birthright citizenship, the right to asylum and the refugee resettlement program, or the barriers that our community faces in the legal profession, NAPABA will uplift those stories and our history, which are intertwined with the fabric of American life today. Please be on the lookout through our social media channelsour website, and email for additional educational resources and programming. These efforts will be on top of the multitude of informative programs during the Nation’s largest convening of legal professionals: the NAPABA Convention in Denver, Colorado, on November 6-8, 2025.

NAPABA has an exceptionally talented and enthusiastic full-time staff, but we cannot carry out our work without you. The strength of NAPABA is comprised of passionate and energetic volunteers like you. As I mentioned above, here are some ways where you can get involved:

  1. Submit a CLE Program Proposal for the 2025 NAPABA Convention. Submission. deadline is March 14, 2025.
  2. Register and participate in NAPABA Lobby Day on May 20-21, 2025.
  3. Join a NAPABA Committee and Network to engage with professionals in your practice area or who share your affinity.
  4. Register and attend the 2025 NAPABA Convention. Registration opens in June 2025.

Lastly, we want to hear from you with any suggestions. Please don’t hesitate to email us at [email protected] with your thoughts.

Regardless of the challenges, NAPABA remains focused on the work ahead, and I hope that you will join us in the journey.

Very truly yours,

Priya Purandare
Executive Director

NAPABA Condemns President Trump’s Executive Orders Targeting Birthright Citizenship, Refugee Resettlement, Asylum Protections, the LGBTQ+ Community, and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

For Immediate Release: January 22, 2025Contact:
Rahat N. Babar, Deputy Executive Director

WASHINGTON – On his first day in office, President Donald J. Trump issued executive orders that jeopardize the constitutional guarantee of citizenship for all persons born in the United States, the right to seek asylum, the refugee resettlement system, the LGBTQ+ community, and several other critical areas impacting our community as outlined below. The National Asian Pacific American Bar Association condemns these actions unequivocally. They run counter to the core values of NAPABA, the interests of the Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) community, and the tenets of this Nation.

Birthright Citizenship for U.S.-Born Individuals

Since the end of the Civil War, the Fourteenth Amendment promised future generations that they would be treated equally under the law. It also included an equal claim to citizenship to all persons born in the United States, regardless of stature or the circumstances of their parents. The executive order upends that promise. It refuses to recognize the birthright citizenship of any child born in the United States to a moth er who is lawfully present on a temporary basis, like those on work or student visas, and a father who is neither a U.S. citizen nor a lawful permanent resident.

The Asian American community is no stranger to such unconstitutional attacks. More than 125 years ago, a young Chinese American, Wong Kim Ark, who was born in San Francisco, sought to return to the United States after a trip to visit his family in China. The government denied him entry and claimed that he was not an American citizen. The U.S. Supreme Court disagreed, holding that a child born in the United States to noncitizen parents is entitled to automatic citizenship. United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649 (1898). Congress confirmed that understanding in federal law. See 8 U.S.C. § 1401.

Wong Kim Ark is settled law. If the executive order is left to stand, countless families within the Asian American community—the majority of whom are immigrants and the children of immigrants—would be impacted, unsettling their lives. The fundamental constitutional guarantee to citizenship cannot be discarded by a stroke of the pen, and NAPABA strongly opposes any effort to weaken the right under the Fourteenth Amendment.

NAPABA commends the ACLU, the Asian Law Caucus, and the coalition of states led by New Jersey Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin for promptly challenging the executive order in court.

Asylum, Refugee Resettlement, and Trust with Immigrant Communities

NAPABA recognizes the need to address the situation at our southern border. But we must not compromise our values as a Nation that welcomes immigrants and protects refugees. The President’s executive order eliminates any avenue for individuals—including many who hail from Asian countries—to claim asylum at the southern border. The order also suspended the entry of refugees under the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program.

These executive actions are inconsistent with our country’s obligation under domestic and international law to provide refuge to those fleeing persecution and war. With nearly three million such refugees from Southeast Asia fleeing conflicts in the 1970s and new generations arriving since, the protections offered by the United States as a leading signatory to the International Refugee Convention and 1967 Protocol are critical to uphold.

The Asian American story is one of perseverance, with countless numbers throughout history fleeing persecution for a better life in the United States. We need not turn our back on history or the generations seeking refuge. NAPABA has consistently supported the refugee resettlement program and this Nation’s long history of welcoming those from Asia seeking the protections of our Constitution.

Further, our immigrant communities are better served and safer where there is trust. Coercing state and local law enforcement agencies to carry out federal civil immigration enforcement undermines that trust and damages the relationship with the communities that they serve. For the Asian American community that endured the recent wave of anti-Asian hate, the fear of immigration consequences places an unnecessary obstacle to report and address hate crimes.

In another executive order, the President sought to restrict federal funds to jurisdictions “which seek to interfere with the lawful exercise of Federal [immigration] enforcement operations.” The choice by state and local leaders to decline voluntary cooperation with federal civil immigration enforcement is not only lawful, but one that prioritizes the best interests of their communities. Jurisdictions ought not to be penalized for advancing public safety in their region.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

In a call to action several months ago, NAPABA emphasized how the majority of diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives serve to increase access and opportunity, not stifle them. President Trump’s action to eliminate those efforts in the federal government is misguided and impacts AANHPI communities. The executive order purports to advance “equal dignity and respect,” yet its actions yield the opposite.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts minimize bias and barriers while fostering unity. And contrary to the executive order, not only do such initiatives advance the promises of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, they bring greater meritocracy to our workplaces, unlocking individual potential and belonging across the board where everyone has a fair shot at success.

LGBTQ+ Dignity

Every person, regardless of how they identify their gender, deserves respect, dignity, and the equal protection of the law. Another executive order attacks and jeopardizes the transgender and broader LGBTQ+ community, potentially undermining workplace and school protections, and denying access to essential public services and health care.

NAPABA firmly believes in the rights and dignity of the LGBTQ+ community. Just recently, NAPABA opposed H.R. 28, which would exclude those in the transgender, nonbinary, and intersex community from athletic programs in schools. The policies of government ought to be guided by the inclusion of all segments of our communities, not the exclusion of the most vulnerable.

Capital Punishment

In another executive order, the President reversed the last administration’s moratorium on capital punishment and reauthorized the Attorney General to pursue the death penalty. NAPABA stands opposed to the death penalty, which is disproportionately imposed on members of minority groups, individuals suffering from mental illness, and individuals raised in poverty. It does not deter crime, and it is not necessary for the administration of justice. We reiterate our call that the death penalty be abolished.

NAPABA is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization representing the interests of well over 80,000 AANHPI legal professionals. Our community is diverse, spanning across cultures, language, and political ideologies. NAPABA has worked diligently with presidents, administrations, and congressional members of both parties to advance the interests of our community.

But as an organization of legal professionals, we bear a special responsibility to uphold the rule of law. Regardless of the presidential administration, NAPABA will continue to advance justice, with the AANHPI community at the forefront along with all communities of color, our values, and our policy positions.


The National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA) represents the interests of over 80,000 AANHPI legal professionals and nearly 90 national, state, and local APA bar associations. NAPABA is a leader in addressing civil rights issues confronting Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander communities. Through its national network, NAPABA provides a strong voice for increased diversity of the federal and state judiciaries, advocates for equal opportunity in the workplace, works to eliminate hate crimes and anti-immigrant sentiment, and promotes the professional development of people of all backgrounds in the legal profession.

AABANY Women’s Committee Hosts “Building Your Own House: Balthazar Breakfast with Jennifer Wu”

On Monday, December 16, 2024, AABANY’s Women’s Committee hosted the “Building Your Own House: Balthazar Breakfast with Jennifer Wu” at Groombridge, Wu, Baughman & Stone LLP. The event featured a delicious spread of pastries from Balthazar, along with seared tuna steak salad, fresh fruit, and both cold and hot beverages.

The conversation was moderated by Aileen Huang and Ananya Pillutla, associates at Groombridge, Wu, Baughman & Stone LLP. Jennifer shared her journey from her early years as an associate at Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP to her time at Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP, where she was elected partner. In her next chapter, Jennifer launched her own firm — creating her own “house” — where the firm’s partnership is 50% women.

One of the key moments of the discussion was when Jennifer compared Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) to a dance party: “Diversity is being invited to the party; inclusion is dancing with you; and equity is playing your music.” For Jennifer, building her own house was about playing her own music.

Jennifer also shared her personal philosophy of not overplanning and letting life unfold naturally. When asked about her favorite karaoke song, she revealed that it’s not about perfection but about enjoying the experience. From her husband, she learned that the most fun comes not from delivering the perfect performance, but from the genuine passion and enjoyment of the music, regardless of skill.

The participants left the breakfast feeling more connected, supported, and inspired by Jennifer’s insights and authenticity.

Thanks to everyone who attended, and thanks to Jennifer and Groombridge, Wu for being such gracious hosts. To learn more about the Women’s Committee and how you can get involved, please click here.

AABANY Co-Sponsors 17th Annual Caren Aronowitz Unity in Diversity Program

On September 27, 2024, AABANY co-sponsored the 17th Annual Caren Aronowitz Unity in Diversity Program, held in the Rotunda of the New York County Courthouse, celebrating the importance of diversity within the legal profession. Bar associations from all across New York were in attendance, including AABANY, the Brehon Law Society, the Filipino American Lawyers Association of New York, the Iranian American Bar Association, and the Macon B. Allen Black Bar Association. In total, 25 bar associations were represented, with each bringing their own unique food selections for the public to enjoy, ranging from pizza and pasta to empanadas and sushi.

The program began with a loud and lively musical performance by the New York State Courts’ Pipes and Drums Band. Attendees responded with enthusiastic cheers and applause.

Afterwards, Hon. Adam Silvera, Deputy Chief Judge for the New York City Courts, spoke, sharing a brief background of the event and its purpose. He explained that this was the first time the event had been held since the COVID pandemic, making it especially important. Hon Deborah A. Kaplan, Deputy Chief Administrative Judge for the New York City Courts, also spoke, describing the event’s dedication to the late Caren Aronowitz, a beloved court employee who was instrumental in organizing many of the courthouse’s events.

The main part of the event then began. Hundreds of members of the public walked around the Rotunda, visiting each bar association’s respective table, enjoying the prepared foods. AABANY brought over a hundred banh mi sandwiches, with five different variations: beef lemongrass, curry chicken, a house special, lemongrass tofu, and pate supreme. By the end, all of the sandwiches were gone!

Thanks to the following groups for organizing this event: the Gender Fairness Committee, Supreme Court, Civil Branch, New York County; the Equal Justice Diversity Equity, and Inclusion Committee; the Cultural Diversity Sub Committee; and the New York County Clerk’s Office. Thanks to everyone who attended to make this event such a great success.

Observing Justice: AABANY and KALAGNY Organize Court-Watching for the Sentencing of Christina Yuna Lee’s Killer

“An attack against one Asian-American is an attack against all of us” – Gene Kang, Immediate Past President of Korean American Lawyers Association of Greater New York

On Tuesday, July 30, 2024, the Asian American Bar Association of New York (AABANY) and the Korean American Lawyers Association of New York (KALAGNY) organized and led a court-watching event at the New York Supreme Court. The event was held to support Christina’s family at the sentencing of Assamad Nash, who pleaded guilty to one count each of Murder in the Second Degree and Burglary in the First Degree as a Sexually Motivated Felony. Nash was sentenced by Hon. Laura A. Ward to 30 years to life in prison for the brutal murder of Christina Yuna Lee.

Sungkon Lee, Christina Yuna Lee’s Father

Christina Yuna Lee’s life was tragically cut short on February 13, 2022, when Nash broke into her apartment and stabbed her more than 40 times. On June 18, 2024, Nash pleaded guilty. His sentencing on July 30, over two years since the tragedy, marks a step toward justice for her family.

On the morning of the sentencing at approximately 9:30 AM, a crowd gathered in the hallway outside the courtroom, unified in purpose and voice. Among them were members of the Asian American community, standing in solidarity to seek justice for Christina Yuna Lee. Organizations such as Stand with Asian Americans, the Korean American Family Service Center, and the Committee of 100 were among the many groups present. Reporters and journalists waited outside the courtroom for the arrival of Lee’s father, Sungkon Lee, and her aunt, Boksun Lee, who were accompanied by their attorney, Charles Yoon, and friends.

Inside the courtroom, the audience awaited the arrival of Assamad Nash. When he was brought in, Ms. Lee shed a few tears upon seeing the man who had murdered her niece. Christina’s father, Sungkon Lee, and her aunt, Boksun Lee, took the stand first with their victim impact statements. 

Sungkon Lee’s voice trembled with emotion as he spoke about his daughter’s vibrant spirit and the immense void her death had left in their lives. He painted a picture of a loving daughter whose dreams and potential were cruelly cut short, urging the court to impose the maximum sentence for the senseless act. 

Boksun Lee spoke in Korean, with her words translated for the court. Her speech was a heartfelt plea for justice, highlighting the deep familial bonds they shared and how Christina was like a daughter to her. She explained that Christina’s mother was unable to attend because it was too difficult for her to face her daughter’s murderer. Boksun shared that Christina’s mother still struggles to eat, demonstrating that even after two years, they continue to contend with the ​​trauma and pain. 

The bravery of the father and aunt in standing before the judge, sharing their thoughts, and facing Mr. Nash left the audience saddened and teary-eyed listening to the emotional details they recounted.

After their statements, Manhattan Assistant District Attorney Dafna Yorna addressed the Court to read an excerpt from a letter jointly submitted by the Korean American Lawyers Association of Greater New York (KALAGNY) and the Asian American Bar Association of New York (AABANY). She read out this part of the letter:

Ms. Lee’s violent death deeply shocked New York City’s AAPI community, which has been suffering from numerous attacks, especially since the pandemic. A sentence of 30 years to life is just and commensurate with the brutal and senseless nature of Defendant’s crime, which caused Ms. Lee to suffer while he attempted to sexually assault her and repeatedly stabbed her with a kitchen knife until she died. Additionally, the sentence is necessary to send a message that leniency will not be shown to perpetrators of these types of violent crimes against Asian Americans, which would help deter this type of conduct in the future. Sentencing the Defendant to 30 years to life would not only ensure that he remains off the streets of our city, where many Asian Americans in recent years often fear for their safety, but it would also help the healing process for Ms. Lee’s family as well as the AAPI community, which is still struggling to recover from the surge in hate crimes in New York.

Justice Ward then directed her attention to Mr. Lee and addressed the courtroom, stating, “No parent should have to bury their child.” The courtroom was silent, as everyone collectively reflected on the senselessness of the crime and the profound impact it had on the family and the community. When asked if he had any final words, Mr. Nash remained silent.

Following the sentencing, a press conference was held at Collect Pond Park, across the street from the courthouse, led by Charles Yoon, attorney for the Lee family. Sungkon Lee addressed the crowd, focusing on two systemic issues that contributed to the tragedy: New York State bail reform and inadequate police response. Mr. Lee highlighted how New York State’s bail reform laws allowed Nash to be free at the time of the murder. He argued that these laws failed to protect innocent citizens and demanded accountability from elected officials and law enforcement. Prior to the murder, Nash had been charged with the illegal sale of a subway fare, escaping from the police after being caught damaging MetroCard machines, and punching a commuter in the face. During his arraignment for those charges, Nash was freed without having to post bail. Mr. Lee also criticized the police response, which took over an hour and twenty minutes to enter the apartment, even though they had arrived on the scene within a few minutes. The family announced their lawsuit against the city and urged the Mayor to name a homeless shelter in Christina’s honor as a preventative measure and a tribute to her memory. Lee’s words were a powerful call for reform and accountability, highlighting the need for systemic change to prevent similar tragedies.

Several community leaders spoke at the press conference, expressing their support for the Lee family and their commitment to advocating for justice.

Kwang Suk Kim, president of the Korean American Association of Greater New York (KAAGNY)

Kwang Suk Kim, president of the Korean American Association of Greater New York (KAAGNY), delivered a brief yet impactful message. He emphasized the importance of commemorating Christina’s life through public facilities, ensuring her legacy would serve as a reminder of the community’s strength and resilience. He pledged KAAGNY’s support for initiatives that would honor Christina’s memory and promote community safety.

Elaine Chiu, Professor of Law at St. John’s University and past Chair of AABANY’s Anti-Asian Violence Task Force

Elaine Chiu, a Professor of Law at St. John’s University and past Chair of AABANY’s Anti-Asian Violence Task Force, spoke next, on behalf of AABANY. She highlighted the significance of Christina’s murder as a focal point in the ongoing crisis of anti-Asian hate and violence. “Even though this case was not charged as a hate crime, the truth was that yet another Asian New Yorker died a gruesome and violent death, one that she had done nothing to provoke, nothing at all,” she stated. Chiu added, “Many of our friends and family, our elderly relatives, our neighbors were afraid, deeply afraid, and for more than a year, many of us had stopped going out, stopped going out at night, stopped taking the subways and other public transportation, stopped speaking their first languages out in public, and making eye contact with strangers, out of fear.” Chiu emphasized that the community must remain vigilant, participate actively, and speak out and stand up for justice. She highlighted the importance of using the rule of law to combat hate crimes and ensure justice for victims. Chiu also cited AABANY’s court-watching initiative as a way to support victims and their families by bearing witness in the courtroom and demanding accountability.

Lawrence Han, president of KALAGNY

Following Chiu’s address, Lawrence Han, president of KALAGNY, offered prayers and thoughts to Christina Yuna Lee’s friends and family, stating that the sentencing, though a small measure of justice, served as a stark reminder of the commitment to stand against hate and advocate for safety. He urged the community to work together to overcome hate and violence, emphasizing the need for solidarity and vigilance.

Gene Kang, the immediate past president of KALAGNY

Lastly, Gene Kang, the immediate past president of KALAGNY, delivered remarks emphasizing the importance of sending a strong message that violence against the Asian community will not be tolerated. He called on prosecutors, including Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s office, and law enforcement to “remain vigilant and zealously prosecute crimes against Asian Americans.” Kang also urged elected officials to reconsider plans for additional homeless shelters in predominantly Asian areas to prevent similar tragedies. He concluded his remarks by stating, “An attack against one Asian American is an attack against all of us.”

The court-watching event also prompted personal reflections from attendees who were moved by the proceedings and the sense of community solidarity. Emily Kam, an AABANY intern, shared her thoughts: “I felt sick, without direction or purpose. It seemed as though we would never be able to fully prevent sick acts such as these from happening. But I found comfort in Mr. Lee’s words as he spoke at the press conference. To preserve her memory, Mr. Lee discussed his wishes to establish a homeless shelter in Christina Yuna Lee’s name. A spur of hope persevered within me, despite the circumstances. To watch how strong this family was in the face of such adversity, to watch how they were already thinking of the future and its promises was inspiring to watch.”

Rita Zheng, another attendee and AABANY intern, echoed a similar sentiment. She shared: “Although I could not see [the face of Christina’s father Sungkon Lee] from where I was sitting, his sobs between words were audible throughout the courtroom. Every attendee gave him their full attention as he described the anguish he felt due to his daughter’s passing, stating that his family will ‘continue to live in unbearable pain.’ [Boksun Lee, Christina’s aunt] … stated that the sentencing of this case did not matter to her, as all she wants is to have Christina back and sincerely hopes that this never happens to anybody else in the community. I agree with this sentiment – the crime had already been committed and while it is important that justice is served and leniency is not shown, what is more important is that this never happens again. As the prosecutor had stated, no parent should go through the heartbreak that is burying their own child. No one’s life should be taken abruptly from them.”

As the press conference concluded, attendees felt renewed hope and determination. The tragic loss of Christina Yuna Lee reminds us of the need for change and has inspired community leaders, legal professionals, and activists to collaborate to prevent future violence. The Asian American community in New York City is dedicated to transforming this tragedy into a catalyst for promoting safety, unity, and justice for all. The words spoken during the court hearing and press conference serve as a reminder that the fight against hate and violence goes on. The community remains vigilant in advocating for justice and ensuring that Christina’s legacy lives on through safer communities. Because an attack against one Asian American is an attack against all, the community must stand united in its commitment to justice and equity.

AABANY thanks the many organizations, leaders, and individuals who supported the Lee family during this culmination of a long ordeal. Our solidarity sends a strong message that violence and hate will not be tolerated. Through collective action, advocacy, and remembrance, we honor Christina Yuna Lee’s memory and strive for a just and equitable future.

If you need help navigating the courts and legal system as a victim of anti-Asian hate, please reach out to AABANY’s HEART (Hate Eradication Active Response Team) and the Anti-Asian Violence Task Force (AAVTF). We’re here to help, support, and advocate. These efforts are vital in preventing future tragedies. As the community moves forward, it does so with renewed determination to create a world where everyone can live without fear.

Special thanks to Elaine Chiu for organizing this court-watching event.

Written by Daphne Mei, Program Manager, AABANY Anti-Asian Violence Task Force

Bar Leaders Call to Action: Continue the Work of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Sixty Years Later, DEI Advances the Ongoing Work of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Bar Association Presidents From Across the Nation Call on Leaders to Double Down on DEI

As presidents of the nation’s largest diverse national bar associations, we invite general counsel, law firm managing partners, leaders of government and nonprofit legal services organizations, and law school deans to stand with us as we fight for justice and opportunity for all. Your support and partnership are even more critical now given the attacks on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) from some segments of our country. As lawyers, we are guardians of the rule of law and leaders in our communities and in local, state, and federal government. For these reasons and more, we ask that you continue to be strong advocates for DEI in our profession. Our work and efforts can also support the importance of DEI more broadly.

Honoring the Legacy of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
This year marks the 60th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This sweeping Act did more to bring us closer to our ideals, that we are all are created equal, than any other legislation in our history, and it set the groundwork for landmark legislation that followed it such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Although many Americans today might take for granted the significance of passing this legislation, it was a hard- fought victory. Most of us recall Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s address at the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. His reference to “the fierce urgency of now” was intended to push President Kennedy and Congress to move on the stalled legislation. When the legislation finally passed, close to thirty percent of the House of the Representatives and the Senate voted against it. It is not lost on us that many of the states now passing anti-DEI legislation also included the bulk of the Representatives and Senators who opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Progress Through Partnership
As a nation, we have made significant progress in the past 60 years because of the blood, sweat, and tears of those who have come before us. In the past and continuing to this day, there have been Americans of goodwill who believe that we are a better nation when all Americans can aspire to their highest ambitions, including becoming President of the United States.

DEI is Consistent with the Spirit of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Essential in Today’s Workplace
Although some claim that DEI initiatives are illegal or unconstitutional, the vast majority of DEI initiatives are designed to increase access and opportunity, while minimizing bias and barriers. The work is fully consistent with the spirit and intent of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It also brings greater meritocracy to our workplaces. How can there be meritocracy in workplaces if there are insufficient efforts to recruit exceptional talent from all communities, or when there is unintended bias in our processes related to hiring, work assignments, and promotions, or when some people have greater access to formal and informal networks that result in greater opportunities? These are just some examples of issues that DEI efforts are designed to address. Again, the overwhelming majority of DEI efforts are not only legal, but essential in today’s workplace. This is why it is critical to stand firm on the importance of DEI and be strong advocates in your corporations, law firms, and universities.

Progress, but Much Work to Be Done

Although we have made progress, there is still much work to do. According to the US Census Bureau and 2023 Gallup polling, communities of color presently represent about 41% and LGBTQ+ people represent about 7.6% of the US population. Individuals with disabilities currently represent more than one in five Americans. But recent studies from the American Bar Association, Minority Corporate Counsel Association, and the National Association for Law Placement (NALP) show that people of color only account for about 21% of lawyers in the US, 15% of Fortune 1000 general counsels, and 12% of law firm partners; likewise, LGBTQ+ people only account for 4.6% of lawyers in the US, and 2.6% of law firm partners. Individuals with disabilities account for only 1.4% of the legal profession and 1.1% of law firm partners. Further, according to studies from the American Bar Association and NALP, women comprised almost 50% of law school classes in 2000, yet today, women comprise less than 28% of law firm partners. Looking at these numbers, it’s impossible to conclude that we’ve achieved the type of success that would warrant pulling back on our efforts simply because there is opposition. Those who came before us faced even greater opposition and hostility. We owe it to them and those who are coming behind us to keep working to ensure a fairer workplace and more just nation.

Allying Together for Greater Equality, Access, and Opportunity for All
Finally, there is an economic argument for supporting DEI. When all our communities do well, we have more people contributing to the economic growth and prosperity of our country. A rising tide lifts all boats. Whether our ancestors were this country’s indigenous people, or pilgrims on The Mayflower, or kidnapped Africans on slave ships, or freedom-searching immigrants arriving at Ellis Island or Angel Island, or any of the many others seeking refuge and a new life in a new land, we are all in the same boat now. We are all Americans. Our country is already one of the most diverse nations in the world, and it will continue to become even more diverse. And the exceptional achievements of our country, economically, militarily, and socially, are the result of people from all over the world who have come here and made this country home. As we move forward together, we can show the world what a pluralistic democracy can accomplish. Now is the time for leaders and people of goodwill to stand together for greater equality, access, and opportunity for all. Together we can ensure that America lives up to its ideals, where all people are created equal and have the opportunity to achieve the American dream.

Anna Mercado Clark


National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA)

Wiley S. Adams


National Bar Association

Matthew Archer-Beck


National Native American Bar Association

Kristin L. Bauer


National Association of Women Lawyers

Bendita Cynthia Malakia


National LGBTQ+ Bar Association

Daniel Mateo


Hispanic National Bar Association

Ronza Othman


National Association of Blind Lawyers

Keerthi Sugumaran


South Asian Bar Association of North America

NAPABA Opposes H.R. 734 and Discrimination Against Transgender Persons

For Immediate Release: 
Date: March 9, 2023
Contact:  Priya Purandare, Executive Director

WASHINGTON – March 9. The National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA) opposes H.R. 734, recently introduced in the House of Representatives as the “Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act of 2023,” which would effectively ban transgender and intersex girls and women from participating in school sporting activities that align with their gender identities.

NAPABA is proud that last month, its Board of Directors ratified a policy resolution sponsored by its LGBTQ+ Network, that affirms the civil, constitutional, and human rights of transgender and non-binary youths, including those within the AAPI community, and recognizes their rights to participate in school sports and to receive the social, educational, developmental, and physical and mental health benefits of athletic participation. NAPABA’s policy resolution also expressly opposes discriminatory legislation that prohibits transgender students from participating in school sports as violative of their rights under Title IX.

Transgender youth experience disproportionately higher instances of bullying, harassment, isolation, family rejection and suicide, and exclusion from the benefits of athletic participation should not be yet another risk they face. H.R. 734 is inconsistent with NAPABA’s values of equality, community, advocacy, relationships, diversity, equity, inclusion, open-mindedness, and the health and wellbeing of our members and the Asian American and Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander communities, and the organization’s commitment to all underserved and underrepresented communities.

The National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA), represents the interests of over 60,000 Asian Pacific American (APA) legal professionals and nearly 90 national, state, and local APA bar associations. NAPABA is a leader in addressing civil rights issues confronting APA communities. Through its national network, NAPABA provides a strong voice for increased diversity of the federal and state judiciaries, advocates for equal opportunity in the workplace, works to eliminate hate crimes and anti-immigrant sentiment, and promotes the professional development of people of all backgrounds in the legal profession.

Lobby Day Registration Now Open
Deadline to Register is April 20

NAPABA invites you to join us on May 22-23 in Washington, DC for NAPABA’s 12th annual Lobby Day, taking place in-person for the first time in three years!

The NAPABA Annual Lobby Day is an opportunity for NAPABA members from across the country to educate members of Congress and Congressional staffers on issues of importance to the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community. Lobby Day also gives members an active role in promoting NAPABA’s mission of advocating for justice, equity, and opportunity for AAPIs.

Lobby Day activities and events include:

  • 3-Part Training Event
  • Hill Visits
  • Happy Hour Debrief
  • Asian Pacific American Heritage Month Congressional Reception (Open to the public. Pre-registration is required.)

Register Now

The deadline to register is April 20. Learn more about Lobby Day and bookmark the page for the latest information.

IP Committee Hosts First “Dumplings & Discussion” Fireside Chat with Andy Yoo

On February 1, 2023, the IP Committee hosted its inaugural “Dumplings & Discussion” fireside chat series, with Andy Yoo, SVP & General Counsel at Savvas Learning Company as the guest. 

Over a sumptuous spread of dumplings and other Chinese dishes, Andy shared his insights on intellectual property in the education industry, reflected on his career path, discussed his responsibilities as General Counsel, and offered advice to young attorneys.   Andy also discussed how he leads his team, and his views on the importance of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI).  The attendees were made up of in-house counsel attorneys in private practice and law students, and represented a wide range of experience levels. 

Andy talked about his start at a prominent law firm and his move in-house to a media company. His next in-house move was to another media company that was also prominent in producing educational materials, and his current company focuses on those products. Andy enjoys the variety of challenging work he does as an in-house counsel and noted that nearly a third of his work involves IP, because the company manages a portfolio of hundreds of trademarks and thousands of copyrighted materials.

Andy has been deeply involved with DEI as an in-house counsel and reflected on changes in DEI over the past three decades. Compared to when he started as an associate to present day, he has observed a shift from the legal profession barely talking about DEI to robust efforts driven by the corporate sector to increase DEI across the board. The change, noted Andy, “is like night and day.” Yet, Andy recognizes that much still needs to be done and laments that during times of economic downturn, corporate DEI budgets tend to shrink, leading to cycles of advancement and retreat that make lasting progress hard to maintain.

After the in-depth discussion and lively Q&A that followed, attendees continued to enjoy drinks and food in a networking reception. 

Thanks to Jeff Mok, Co-Chair of the IP Committee for moderating an insightful conversation, and to Fish & Richardson for being such gracious hosts. Thanks to Andy Yoo for sharing his time, experiences and knowledge with us.

Look out for the next IP Committee “Dumplings & Discussion” fireside chat. To learn more about the IP Committee, go to https://www.aabany.org/page/145.