On September 13, 2021, the Network of Bar Leaders held this year’s Induction & Installation Ceremony at the Museum of Korean American Heritage to welcome the new president, Eve C. Guillergan of the New York City Bar Association and all of the Network’s new board members. Honorable George B. Daniels of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York kicked off the ceremony and swore in the new board members. Honorable Diane Gujarati, distinguished guest speaker, tasked the bar leaders to extend their support, guidance, and mentorship to future attorneys who are embarking on their careers during challenging and unprecedented times. The ceremony was attended by judges, past and present bar leaders, including our very own Terry Shen, President of AABANY. Dianna Lam, co-chair of AABANY’s Student Outreach Committee and a 4L evening student from Fordham Law School and Vivian Lee, AABANY Student Leader and a 2L from Pace Law School, volunteered to assist with operational needs during the ceremony.
Please join us in congratulating the Network’s President, Eve Guillergan, and all the newly-installed Officers and Directors, including Margaret Ling as Second Vice President. We are pleased to note that both Eve and Margaret are AABANY members and that the keynote speaker Hon. Diane Gujarati is also an AABANY member. AABANY looks forward to working with the Network of Bar Leaders in the weeks and months to come. To learn more about the Network of Bar Leaders, see https://www.networkofbarleaders.org/