AABANY’s Labor & Employment Law Committee Hosts Summer Sichuan Night at CHILI

On Tuesday, June 25, 2024, AABANY’s Labor & Employment Law Committee hosted their Summer Sichuan Night at the restaurant CHILI in Midtown Manhattan.

The dinner at CHILI proved to be a cozy and inviting experience and brought new and old members together to mingle over a spicy family-style Sichuan meal. Attendees networked and mingled throughout the evening, learning about each other’s backgrounds, careers, and professional experiences. The Labor & Employment Law Committee collected a group of individuals from far and wide, a reflection of AABANY’s diverse membership, with attendees hailing from as close as Brooklyn, to as far as Shenzhen, China.

Thank you to the Labor & Employment Law Committee for planning and hosting Sichuan Night as well as everyone who attended and enjoyed conversing over delicious Sichuan cuisine on a hot summer day. The Labor and Employment Law Committee continues to welcome new members and hopes to see many old and new faces at future events!

To find out more about the Labor & Employment Law Committee, please click here

AABANY’s Bowling Night Hosted by Intellectual Property and the Labor & Employment Committee

On October 17, 2023, the IP Committee and the Labor & Employment Committee together hosted a bowling event at Frames Bowling Lounge in Midtown Manhattan. New and familiar faces gathered to mingle and bowl, alongside classic plates including angus beef sliders, buffalo wings, and perfectly crispy fries. With 4-5 players per lane across three lanes, attendees brought on the competition and the game was on! The spacious two-floor bowling lounge had a liveliness and energy that certainly made the Tuesday evening feel like a Friday, and the food was so good that it had everyone taking the leftovers home in smaller boxes.

We would like to thank all of our attendees for a fun night and Jane Hong (IP Committee vice-chair) and Jennifer Kim (Labor & Employment Committee vice-chair) who took the lead in making this event come to life. We are always looking forward to seeing more faces and welcoming newcomers and members alike. To learn more about the Labor & Employment and IP Committees, please visit this page and this page.

AABANY IP Committee and Labor & Employment Law Committee Host Dinner at Nonono

On November 30, 2022, the Labor & Employment Law Committee and the IP Committee partnered up to host a dinner event at Nonono.  Twenty-five attendees filled the upper level of this Japanese restaurant to enjoy dinner family-style, starting with Nonono’s signature skewer pieces like short rib and chicken oyster, and moving on to a variety of scrumptious rice and noodle dishes.

Registration for this dinner event reached maximum capacity in just a few days, due to high interest. The two Committees welcomed a wide range of attendees, including members, non-members and first-time comers who gathered to make connections with and learn about the various experiences of the attendees representing practitioners in both IP and Labor & Employment Law.

To learn more about the two host Committees and to sign up for their listservs, go to:

IP Committee

Labor & Employment Law Committee

Thanks to the Co-Chairs and Vice Chairs of both Committees for organizing this enjoyable event and to everyone who came. We look forward to future events from these Committees and hope you can join them!

AABANY Labor & Employment Committee Hosts: First Fall Dinner at Top Thai Vintage 

On October 5, for their first event in the fall, the L&E Committee hosted committee members, AABANY colleagues, and beyond for a night of authentic Thai food and delicious cocktails at Top Thai Vintage in the West Village.  

It was a night of mixing and mingling where conversations hit topics from committee developments/events, law firm practices, litigation trends, and more. It was a wonderful night out and perfect event to kick off our event calendar for the fall. 

Interested in joining L&E Committee for their next event? You may subscribe to their mailing list by contacting [email protected], and keep an eye out for the Committee’s events on AABANY’s Calendar. To learn more about the AABANY L&E Committee, please visit the Committee’s subpage here.   

AABANY Co-Hosts Webinar on Employment, Labor, and Safety Issues Related to Returning to Work During COVID-19

On May 27, 2020, the Labor & Employment Law Committee of the Asian American Bar Association of New York (AABANY) co-sponsored an event with Littler and Alston & Bird–Silver-level sponsors of AABANY–addressing safety guidelines for returning to work during the pandemic. The presentation highlighted a variety of topics including re-opening guidelines for different industries, Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans, and various sick leave laws.

The webinar featured panelists Yoojin Deniro, Co-Chair of the Labor & Employment Committee of AABANY and Counsel at Advance Publications Inc., and William Ng, a Shareholder at Littler and founding Co-Chair of the Labor & Employment Law Committee. The event was moderated by William Lee, an Associate at Alston & Bird and AABANY member.

To begin, Yoojin Deniro explained that prior to re-opening, businesses must submit a Business Affirmation online and develop and post a Business Safety Plan, which must be retained on the premises and made available to the New York State Department of Health in the event of an inspection. The Business Safety Plan requires guidelines for physical distancing, protective measures (e.g.. providing face coverings to employees at no cost), hygiene and cleaning, communication, and health screenings. 

Next, William Ng discussed how individuals and businesses can make the most of PPP loans. The Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act, which is still pending before the Senate, is a bipartisan effort to fix problems with the PPP. If passed, the Act will allow forgiveness for expenses beyond the eight-week covered period; eliminate restrictions limiting non-payroll expenses to 25% of loan proceeds; remove limitations that constrain loan terms to two years; ensure full access to payroll tax deferment for businesses that take PPP loans; and extend the rehiring deadline to offset the effect of enhanced unemployment insurance.

In order to maintain a safe place to work, the panelists recommended that employers safely conduct temperature checks, which are permitted under the Americans with Disabilities Act’s (ADA) “direct threat” exemption. Temperature checks should be conducted by a trained and authorized individual with proper PPE, and symptomatic employees should be sent home in accordance with ADA confidentiality requirements. Employers are also urged to adopt other health screening protocols, including COVID-19 testing and creating health questionnaires. Moreover, employers must provide employees PPE at no cost, and offer necessary accommodations for employees with disabilities. Finally, individuals must continue to practice social distancing in the workplace and develop a comprehensive exposure control plan. Under the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) of 1970, any confirmed cases of COVID-19 or other illnesses and injuries must be recorded.

The panelists also reviewed various sick leave laws, including the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), which provides Emergency Paid Sick Leave (EPSL) and Emergency Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) benefits for employees unable to work due to quarantine or isolation orders related to COVID-19. The FFCRA also offers exemptions for small businesses with fewer than 50 employees. New York State has also instituted Paid Family Leave, which grants paid leave for employees who must provide care for a minor dependent subject to a quarantine order. New York City offers Paid Safe and Sick Leave for employers whose business closed due to a public health emergency or who must care for a child whose school or child care provider closed due to a public health emergency. Lawmakers are also in the process of passing statewide New York Paid Sick Leave, which will apply to all employers and vary depending on the size and net income of the employer. Furthermore, in accordance with the ADA, employees can leave or request remote work if they engage in “cooperative dialogue” with their healthcare provider. Employer-specific policies also include Paid Time Off (PTO), sick leave, and personal or unpaid leave. 

We thank our colleagues at Alston & Bird and Littler for co-sponsoring and organizing this informative event with the Labor & Employment Law Committee of AABANY. We also thank the presenters, Yoojin Deniro and William Ng, and the moderator, William Lee, for their time. For more information on the Labor & Employment Law Committee, see https://www.aabany.org/page/398. If you are interested in volunteering with AABANY to assist with small businesses that have been adversely affected by COVID-19, please contact [email protected].

To watch a recording of the presentation, see the video above.

Congratulations to William Ng

AABANY congratulates William Ng on being elevated to Shareholder at Littler Mendelson. Will served on the AABANY Board in multiple capacities, most recently as Vice President of Finance and Development. He was one of the founding co-chairs of the Labor & Employment Law Committee. For the official press release from Littler see:


Littler was featured as the Sponsor Spotlight in the Winter Issue of The Advocate. To read more about the firm click here.

Please join us in congratulating Will on his achievement and in wishing him continued success in his future endeavors.