AABANY Membership and Women’s Committees Co-Host Kiki Yeung “Cantonese Mom” & Friends at Rodney’s Comedy Club

On Sunday, March 9, 2025, the AABANY Membership and Women’s Committee with KALAGNY co-hosted a comedy show, Kiki Yeung’s “The Cantonese Mom and Friends” featuring Asian comedians at Rodney’s Comedy Club in Manhattan.

Attendees were able to Celebrate Women’s History Month with laughter as headliner Kiki Yeung performed, alongside a line-up featuring comics Kaneez Surka, Macy Kwok, Vickie Wang, and Miss Lissa performed.

Members were treated to discounted tickets and were seated together to ensure that our group could enjoy the show all together for a fun-filled night.

As the performances concluded, AABANY and their sister bar KALAGNY were invited to make remarks about the organizations on the stage. Beatrice Leong spoke on AABANY’s behalf, encouraging people to join AABANY for great community service opportunities and fun events.

Thank you to everyone who attended the event and to KALAGNY for celebrating Women’s History Month with us. Thank you especially to the Membership and Women’s Committees for organizing the event. To learn more about the Membership and Women’s Committees, visit their community pages.

AABANY and SABANY Co-Sponsor “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 2.0” Featuring Jenny Yang

On January 30th, 2025, AABANY, together with the South Asian Bar Association of New York (SABANY), co-sponsored a CLE program entitled “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 2.0, Featuring Jenny Yang.” The event, offering 1.0 credit hours towards the Diversity, Inclusion, and Elimination of Bias requirement, discussed the current situation and potential future of DEI programs in the wake of the current administration’s Executive Orders. 

Jenny Yang, former Chair of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and previous White House Deputy Assistant to the President for Racial Justice and Equity, shared her informed perspective on the issue.

The event was hosted by Fragomen, Del Rey, Bernsen & Loewy, LLP at their midtown New York office. Attendees streamed in starting as early as 5:30 pm. Then, the program began with some opening remarks by SABANY President Ashish Bhatt, AABANY Executive Director Yang Chen, and an introduction of the keynote speaker by Glenn D. Magpantay, Co-Chair of the AABANY LGBTQ Committee and Commissioner for the US Commission on Civil Rights. 

Jenny first shed some light on current developments with the new administration and some of the Executive Orders that have been issued. She described how they do not alter the laws currently in place surrounding DEI, and how, for employers engaging in fully lawful DEI programs, these Executive Orders have no effect. She went on to talk about the current perception held within the country that DEI programs in essence are a form of affirmative action but noted that view to be incorrect because they do not “save spots” for specific marginalized groups and instead analyze already existing workforce data to identify disparities in the workforce and then address them. Additionally, she mentioned the wording in many of these Executive Orders referring to “illegal DEI programs” and how companies and industries are scared into retreating and reducing their DEI initiatives as a result.

Ultimately, Jenny asserted how important it was to recognize that the vast majority of DEI programs are legal under Federal laws such as Title VII and that companies, especially law firms, should not back down in the face of these Executive Orders.

She closed the presentation by noting that the future of DEI programs in the United States is largely uncertain, expressing the hope that they can persist and strive to be more inclusive. A vibrant question-and-answer session followed, during which attendees asked about various topics, from the validity of specific Executive Orders already in place to the potential actions of the administration to undermine previous protections granted by federal legislation, such as Title VII. 

Thank you to AABANY’s Issues and Memberships Committees for co-sponsoring this event, as well as to Fragomen, Del Rey, Bernsen & Loewy, LLP for hosting. To learn more about the Issues Committee, click here. To learn more about the Membership Committee, click here

AABANY Membership and Litigation Committees Host a Yoga Class “Up, Up and Away” at One World Observatory

On Saturday, August 24th, the Asian American Bar Association of New York’s Membership and Litigation Committees hosted a yoga class at One World Observatory located 102 floors up in the One World Trade Center.

Attendees donned athletic wear and took a 42-second elevator ride up to the 102 floor ready to stretch, twist and relax during a one-hour yoga class with the New Jersey and Brooklyn skyline visible from the room.

After the class ended attendees shared stories and networked over coffee and pastries while taking pictures of the different iconic buildings or neighborhoods they recognized.

Thanks to the Membership Committee and Litigation Committee for organizing this unique event. We thank everyone who attended and hope they found it to be a rejuvenating experience. 

To find out more about the Membership Committee, please click here. To find out more about the Litigation Committee, please click here.

AABANY Membership Committee Leads Group Outing to See NY Liberty at Barclays Center

On July 16, 2024, through a collaboration between AABANY, the LGBT Bar NY (LeGal), the Metropolitan Black Bar Association, and the Puerto Rican Bar Association of New York, we had over 40 collective members and friends who signed up to watch the NY Liberty vs. CT Sun game at the Barclays Center. The crowd was ecstatic and vibrant! We congratulate our home team for winning the game (82-74) and wish them great success at the upcoming 2024 Paris Olympics. We were fortunate to see them in action, since they won’t be playing another organized WNBA matchup until Aug. 15. 

We hope to convene at another joint collaborative bar association event to support minority bar associations and their causes, such as hosting pro bono legal clinics, awarding scholarships, and providing mentorship and training programs to attorneys and judges. 

If you would like to learn more about the participating bar associations, please visit them at: 

Please come and support AABANY’s Pro Bono Clinic Rooftop Summer Fundraiser on July 24. More details here

AABANY’s Membership Committee Hosts a Lobster Boat Cruise at Sunset

On Thursday, June 27th, the Asian American Bar Association of New York’s Membership Committee hosted a Lobster Boat Night.

Attendees exchanged their legal briefs for lobster bibs as the cruise set sail with a perfect blend of cool breezes and clear skies. As the Manhattan skyline stretched out before everyone, the Statue of Liberty came into view and provided a majestic scene for the attendees to snap tons of photos.

With the sun setting and the city lights twinkling in the distance, everyone enjoyed cool summer drinks and indulged in delicious lobster rolls. Attendees shared stories, cracked jokes, had a blast, and made memories that will outlast the lobster season!

To find out more about the Membership Committee, please click here.

AABANY Co-Sponsors Trivia Night at Goldie’s Tavern in Koreatown

On May 15, 2024, AABANY enjoyed participating in trivia night at Goldie’s Tavern with LGBT Bar NY and New York State Academy of Trial Lawyers (NYSTLA). Members bonded over shared history including attending the same law schools or growing up or working in the same geographic locations outside of NYC. The teams weren’t the most successful at trivia, but many lawyers were able to discuss possible client referrals. We look forward to more networking together soon. 

This event was led by Alysha Naik, AABANY Membership Director for FY25. To learn more about the Membership Committee, go here. Thanks to Alysha for helping to put the event together and the LGBT Bar NY and NYSTLA for joining us in this fun event.

AABANY Members Participate in Multi-Bar Association Trivia Night at Jack Rabbit in Buffalo on May 14

On May 14, 2024, as part of AABANY’s efforts to expand its presence across the state, over a dozen current and prospective AABANY members participated in a trivia night against other bar associations in Western New York.

Although the three AABANY teams were not the most successful at trivia, they enjoyed networking and meeting new lawyers in the area at an event with approximately 50 new colleagues. Other participating organizations included NYS Academy of Trial Lawyers, WBASNY, Desmond Inn of Court, Mura Law, M&T Bank, and Hamberger & Weiss.

The event was so successful that AABANY is planning another one to take place later this year that will be open to more organizations. This event was led by Alysha Naik, AABANY Membership Director for FY25. To learn more about the Membership Committee, go here. Thanks to Alysha for helping to put the event together and for all the organizations that participated in this fun event.

Celebrate 2024 AAPI Heritage Month with AABANY!

In celebration of AAPI Heritage Month this year, AABANY is presenting or co-sponsoring several events this month. We hope to see you all there! Follow the links for more details, and please note the registration deadlines.

May 4, 2024

AABANY Presents: Bi-Monthly Pro Bono Clinic in Brooklyn

12:00 pm – 3:30 pm, Chinese-American Planning Council, Inc. 4101 8th Avenue 4th Floor Brooklyn, New York 11232.

Registration is closed for this event.

May 7, 2024

AABANY Presents: Asian Americans and the Law: The Constitution in Action

4:30 pm – 6:30 pm, King & Spalding 1185 6th Ave New York, New York 10036.

Registration is closed for this event.

May 8, 2024

AABANY Co-Sponsors: The Asian American/ Pacific Islander LGBTQ Struggle for Justice

12:30 – 2:00 PM, QUEENS SUPREME COURT 88-11 Sutphin Boulevard, 2nd Floor Courtroom 25 Jamaica, New York 11435

Registration is closed for this event.

May 8, 2024

Crowell & Moring Hosts: Asian American Pacific Islanders (AAPI) and the Fight for Marriage Equality

5:30pm – 8:30pm, Crowell & Moring

Two Manhattan West 375 Ninth Avenue New York, New York 10001

This event is the New York premier of the latest AABANY Trial Reenactment.

Registration is closed for this event.

May 9, 2024

AABANY Solo & Small Firm Practice Committee Presents: How to Start Your Solo and Small Firm Part II

6:30 PM to 8:00 PM

33 Whitehall St. Floor 8 New York, New York 10004

Registration is closed for this event.

May 10, 2024

AABANY’s Membership Committee Presents: Movie Night: Monkey Man

05/10/2024, New York

Registration is closed for this event.

May 14, 2024

AABANY Presents: May General Counsel Breakfast (Invitation Only)

9:00 am – 10:00 am

Registration is closed for this event.

May 14, 2024

AABANY Presents: Roots to Success for Asian Small Business Ventures

6:30 – 8:30 PM, Littler Mendelson P.C. 900 Third Avenue, Fl. 8 New York, New York 10022
Registration is closed for this event.

May 14, 2024

AABANY Military & Veterans Affairs Committee Presents: Group Outing to See An American Soldier
7:00 pm, Perelman Performing Arts Center

New York, New York 10006

Registration is closed for this event.

May 14, 2024

AABANY Co-Sponsors: Multi-Bar Association Trivia Night at Jack Rabbit

6:00 pm Jack Rabbit

1010 Elmwood Ave Buffalo, New York 14222
Registration is closed for this event.

May 15, 2024

AABANY Co-Sponsors: Trivia Night at Goldie’s Tavern
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm, Goldie’s Tavern

135 W 30th St New York, New York 10001

Registration is closed for this event.

May 16, 2024

AABANY Real Estate Committee Presents: “Fighting Real Estate and Deed Fraud in the Big Apple”

11:00 am – 12:00 pm, Virtual Click here to register by May 14 and find event details

Registration is closed for this event.

May 16, 2024

AABANY’s Membership Committee & Phi Lambda Fraternity Present: Networking Reception & Meet & Greet

When: May 16 2024
6 :00 – 9:00 PM
Where: Museum of Chinese in America
215 Centre St, New York, NY 10013

Registration is closed for this event.

May 19, 2024

March with AABANY – Third Annual NYC AAPI Heritage Parade

6th Avenue and 44th Street
New York, New York

Registration is closed for this event.

May 22, 2024

Annual Dinner 2024
Cipriani Wall Street
55 Wall Street New York, NY 10005

Registration is closed for this event.
If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].

May 29, 2024

AABANY Co-Sponsors: Hon. Randall T. Eng Award
12:45 – 2:15 PM

Appellate Division, Second Department

45 Monroe Place Brooklyn, NY 11201

Click here to register and find event details.

May 29, 2024

AABANY Co-sponsors: Franklin H. Williams Commissions AAPI Heritage Month Program

5:30 – 8:00 PM

Brooklyn Law School

Subotnick Conference Center, 205 State Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201

Click here to register and find event details.

May 29, 2024

AABANY Litigation Committee’s Quarterly Dinner

6:30 PM

Buddha Bodai

5 Mott St, New York, NY  10013

Click here to register and find event details.

May 30, 2024

AABANY Litigation Committee’s Quarterly Meeting

12:00 – 1:00 PM

Via Zoom

Click here to register and find event details.

May 30, 2024

AABANY Co-Sponsors: AAPI Event with the Honorable Goodwin Liu

5:00 – 8:00 pm

BakerHostetler New York Office

45 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY  10111

Click here to register and find event details.

May 30, 2024

AABANY Co-Sponsors: Trial Reenactment: From ‘Tokyo Rose’: to the China Initiative”

6:00 – 9:00 PM

A&O Shearman

599 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY 10022

Click here to register and find event details.

May 30, 2024

AABANY IP Committee Co-Sponsors: Fireside Chat with In-House Counsel

5:30 PM

Desmarais LLP

230 Park Ave, 25th Floor, New York, NY  10169

Click here to register and find event details.

May 31, 2024

AABANY Trusts & Estates Committee Presents: Monthly Meetings

5:30 – 7:30 PM

Via Zoom
Click here to register by May 29 and find event details.

AABANY Asia Practice Committee Presents: An Autumn Adventure to Remember – Cold Spring Foliage Hiking Trip

On October 28, 2023, AABANY’s Asia Practice Committee hosted a foliage hiking trip in Cold Spring, New York.  The Membership Committee was a co-sponsor of the hiking trip. This event was a perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of city life, offering all participants a refreshing break and the opportunity to connect with fellow nature enthusiasts.

Our chosen path for the day was the Bull Hill Trail, a delightful 3- to 4-hour hike that was accessible to both seasoned hikers and newcomers. The trail was well-marked and easy to follow, and its scenic views of the Hudson River and the surrounding area were nothing short of breathtaking. As we meandered through the woods, we found ourselves immersed in a stunning display of fall foliage, with trees cloaked in vibrant shades of red, orange, and gold.  

One of the highlights of our journey was the discovery of ruins from a burned-down mansion, adding a touch of history and intrigue to the hike. It prompted us to ponder the stories and events that had once unfolded in this now-abandoned place. After the hike, a group of 10 participants gathered for dinner at the Riverview restaurant.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to all the participants who made this journey memorable.  The Asia Practice Committee looks forward to organizing more enriching events that promote the beauty of nature, the spirit of adventure, and the bonds of community. To learn more about the Asia Practice Committee and how you can get more involved, click here.

AABANY Celebrates its 34th Anniversary with Founders’ Day, Featuring Past AABANY President Glenn Lau-Kee 

On October 19, 2023, the Asian American Bar Association of New York (AABANY) celebrated its 34th Anniversary with its Third Annual Founders’ Day, held at FTI Consulting, at their Midtown West Manhattan office. This annual event celebrates the establishment of AABANY as a bar association in 1989. AABANY pays tribute to its visionary Founders who played a critical role in laying the groundwork for AABANY’s emergence as the nation’s largest affinity bar association, currently with more than 1700 paid members.

The night opened with a light reception, as members trickled into the venue. Conversation flowed freely as attendees shared fond memories and anecdotes about AABANY. AABANY’s Membership Director, Christopher Bae gave welcoming remarks, introducing the lineup of speakers. He then passed the floor to Karen Kim, AABANY’s President, who provided an overview of the organization and shared her perspective on AABANY’s development in recent years Her speech underscored the organization’s remarkable growth, emerging as a vibrant and inclusive community of legal practitioners. 

Following her, past AABANY President (2014-2015), Glenn Lau-Kee, delivered a moving speech as the event’s keynote speaker. With great depth and insight, Glenn delved into the origins of our organization, offering a captivating narrative of its founding journey and the challenges its first members faced. Glenn’s words struck a chord with the legal professionals in attendance, serving as a poignant reminder of AABANY’s remarkable journey. As Glenn concluded his speech, he was faced with a wave of resounding applause. His words had a profound impact on the attendees, leaving a sense of gravity in the air as they continued to mingle, network, and enjoy food and drinks. 

Executive Director Yang Chen also spoke, reminding attendees of AABANY’s many milestones over the years. He highlighted Chris Kwok’s work on the Anti-Asian Violence Task Force, speaking at length regarding the two vital reports that the Task Force released. Furthermore, he talked about the short film recently released by the Task Force, “ Voices against Anti-Asian Hate.” Attendees were invited to screen the short film at the event. Yang Chen explained that the video was slightly updated from the version first screened at the Fall Conference, and he invited attendees who watched it at Founders’ Day to share their feedback before the film is finalized and released to the general public. Those who saw the video offered positive feedback with some useful suggestions for the Task Force to consider.

Many notable AABANY leaders and members were present at this year’s Founders’ Day, including Hon. Marilyn Go (Ret.), founding AABANY member Hugh Mo, Anti-Asian Task Force Chair Chris Kwok, and many Board members and Committee Chairs. “[I am] thrilled to have been able to spend time with AABANY’s range of members, in particular some of its founders,” exclaimed Jason Sabot, Senior Managing Director  at FTI consulting. “The organization is so central to supporting and furthering Asian American interests in New York. Thank you for all you do, AABANY.” 

As the event drew to a close, Beatrice Leong, AABANY’s Vice President of Programs and Operations, aptly captured the sentiment of the evening, stating: “Tonight is proof that AABANY will last through the centuries— we began with just a handful of founders, and now we’ve grown into a thriving and expansive community. The legal professionals in the audience tonight exemplify the unity of the AAPI legal community, solidifying AABANY’s lasting presence as both an organization and an institution.”

Our gratitude goes out to Christopher S. Bae, AABANY’s Membership Director, and the dedicated Membership Committee for their outstanding efforts in organizing this wonderful event. AABANY also thanks FTI Consulting for generously providing the venue, food, and drinks for Founders’ Day, as well as their enduring support and partnership. AABANY is delighted to mark its 34th anniversary with the esteemed guests in attendance. We look forward to celebrating AABANY’s 35th anniversary in 2024!